Feeling full without eating

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Feel Full Without Eating
Video: Feel Full Without Eating


There are several reasons why people should fast or not eat for a period of time. Just think of medical procedures, in many cases the patient must fast before the operation. You may even want to learn how to control hunger between meals so that you can suppress the urge to snack or avoid overeating during the day. Even if you just want to lose some weight, anyone who fasts will feel hungry every once in a while and there are many different ways you can make your stomach feel full without actually having eaten. With some dietary adjustments and some tricks during fasting or not eating, you can help cope with and control hunger pangs.

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Method 1 of 3: Make your stomach feel full

  1. Chew a piece of gum. Chewing a piece of gum gives both your brain and stomach the idea that you are about to eat or full. This not only stimulates your mind that you are full, but also causes your mouth to be too busy to eat.
    • Just make sure to chew sugar-free gum so you don't consume unnecessary calories. Chewing a piece of gum could burn 11 calories per hour.
  2. Suck on ice cubes. Sucking on ice cubes has the same effect as chewing gum, as it evokes a feeling of satiety. Ice cubes have an additional advantage that they are converted into water by melting, which will also make you feel full.
    • If you don't like the taste of regular ice cubes, try adding sugar-free flavors to the ice cubes.
    • Be careful with ice cubes if you have sensitive teeth or wear braces as it could cause pain.
    • You could also buy low-calorie, sugar-free popsicles as a substitute for sucking on ice cubes.
  3. Drink more water. One of the most effective ways to feel full without eating is to drink more during the day. Drinking water fills your stomach and you will also ensure that your moisture balance is maintained.
    • Dehydration symptoms may send signals to your brain that are similar to those of hunger. If your fluid balance is not up to standard, you may feel hungry when in reality you are thirsty.
    • Carbonated water may also be a good option as the bubbles will fill your stomach.
    • If you don't like plain water, it could be flavored by adding lemon, lime, cucumber, or even fruits like raspberries, for example. Just make sure you don't eat the fruit you add to the water!
  4. Drink herbal or flavored tea. Drinking flavored fluids can help soothe your stomach and reduce hunger.
    • You could also use other herbs such as licorice root, burdock, nettle and fennel to suppress your appetite. Soaking these herbs in boiling water will result in a delicious tea with the added benefit of making you feel full.
    • Also try herbal or flavored teas with no added sugar.
    • Drinking tea and coffee is also a good option, as the caffeine will help suppress your appetite (in the short term) while filling your stomach with fluid.
  5. Brush your teeth. If your stomach starts to growl but you don't want to eat anything, brush your teeth to create a feeling of fullness. Not only will the food taste bad after you brush your teeth, but the mint smell in the toothpaste will also stimulate your brain, making your body feel full.
    • Use mint or cinnamon toothpaste. Research has shown that not only mint, but also the taste of spices such as cinnamon can suppress your appetite.
    • This also helps curb sugar cravings, as the sweetness of the toothpaste may be enough to temporarily satisfy the sweet tooth in you.
  6. Suck on mints or other sugar-free candies. It has been established that the smell of peppermint can suppress the urge to eat. Sucking on mints will not only suppress your appetite, but it will also keep your mouth occupied, making eating other foods not an option.
    • Just make sure you only eat sugar-free mints, such as Fortune, so that you don't consume unnecessary calories.
    • Even smelling peppermint oil will stimulate your brain so that it feels like your stomach is full.

Method 2 of 3: Distract yourself from hunger

  1. Ask yourself if you are actually hungry. When we experience stress, boredom, depression, or anger from time to time, we may feel hungry. But in reality, these are just strong emotions that can trigger hunger-like signals. To determine if you are actually dealing with real physical hunger, ask yourself the following:
    • When was the last time I had dinner? If this has been more than four to five hours, you will probably be really hungry.
    • Is it near regular dinner time?
    • Did I skip a meal today?
    • Am I experiencing the typical signs related to hunger? Such signals include an empty feeling, a grunting stomach or shooting pains in the stomach.
  2. Try to meditate. Setting aside some time to feel completely zen again is another effective way to control nutritional cravings. Taking deep breaths of air from your stomach will fill your stomach with air, which will calm you down.
    • A recent study states that meditation makes you a "more conscious" eater, because you are more in tune with the hunger signals and therefore less likely to eat out of boredom.
    • If your stomach hurts because of hunger, close your eyes and focus on your breathing until the hunger is gone.
    • You could also try meditating while walking. This is an active form of meditation that helps you focus, calm and distance you from the urge to nourish.
  3. Exercise intensively. A good sweat session will not only burn calories and reduce your intake, but it can also suppress your appetite for up to two hours. By increasing the intensity of the exercises and adding interval exercises, you can activate the hormones that make you feel fuller and stop cravings for nutrition.
    • Aerobics lowers levels of a chemical called ghrelin and increases the amount of another hormone in your body that suppresses appetite.
    • Adding intervals or small bursts of speed to your cardio workouts will allow you to minimize the hunger pangs.
    • If you are hungry after exercise, have a glass of water. Usually the shooting pains you experience are a sign of thirst.
  4. Make a list of things to do. When you crave food or have a tendency to eat, it can be difficult to dissuade yourself from that idea. Preparing a list of things to do can be a helpful way to distract yourself. You could also try one of the following:
    • Listen to music
    • Read a book or magazine
    • Do your household chores
    • Take a warm bath or shower
    • To watch a movie
    • To play a game

Method 3 of 3: Changing lifestyle factors to control hunger

  1. Get plenty of sleep. The recommended amount of sleep for adults is between seven and nine hours a night. When you lack sleep, your body will produce more ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite. Higher levels of ghrelin will make you feel more hungry throughout the day. Studies have shown that a body craves more carbohydrates when it is short of sleep.
    • Go to bed earlier or wake up later if possible so that you can get the recommended amount of sleep per night.
    • Turn off all lights, electronic devices, and other devices that emit light or make noise. Even minor distractions can make falling asleep difficult or cause you to wake up from sleep.
  2. Don't skip meals. If you want to feel full without actually eating with the goal of weight loss, it's still important to make sure you eat regular, consistent meals. Not only is this a more effective way to lose weight, but it also ensures that you get the much-needed nutrients you need to stay healthy.
    • Studies have shown that skipping a meal may increase your hunger during the day and also cause you to overeat.
    • Plan to eat at least three meals a day. If the time between meals is more than four to five hours, you may need a snack to complement your meals.
  3. Eat whole grain and satiating foods. The nutritional choices you make affect how full you feel. Choosing healthy foods (such as fruits, vegetables, or whole grains) that stabilize your blood sugar and won't digest quickly will help you feel full longer after meals.
    • Water- and fiber-rich foods such as fruits and vegetables will also keep you feeling full for longer as they add bulk to your meal. For example, you could eat a cup of raspberries or one cup of cooked whole grain spaghetti for extra fiber.
    • Hearty soups and stews are a good option as such foods are rich in water, protein and fiber. Add ingredients such as vegetables, beans and herbs to keep yourself feeling full for longer. With beans you can think of lentils, they are packed with fiber. Vegetables such as split peas are also a fiber-rich option. Add lean meats such as chicken or beef to the soup for extra protein.
    • Try hummus and sliced ​​vegetables such as water-rich cucumber or fiber-rich broccoli to keep yourself feeling fuller between meals.


  • Always consult a doctor if you plan to change your eating habits. If a doctor directs you to fast or temporarily stop eating, you need to understand when to stop eating and when to start eating again.
  • Do not stop eating completely with the goal of weight loss. This will cause your body to switch to its natural starvation mode with the result that every calorie you consume is stored.