You no longer oversleep

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to save an overslept day 😴 *THIS WILL MOTIVATE YOU* | getting my life together literally
Video: how to save an overslept day 😴 *THIS WILL MOTIVATE YOU* | getting my life together literally


Is it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, and almost impossible for you to get up in the morning? Oversleep is often caused by a lack of sleep or a restless nighttime routine. This can lead to problems such as arriving late for work or class, falling asleep during the day, and frequently not being able to get a full night's sleep.

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Method 1 of 4: Change up your morning routine

  1. Do not touch the snooze button. While you may be tempted to get some extra sleep in the morning, even if it's only for five minutes, the snooze button will actually only make you more tired. When you use the sleep button, your brain goes even deeper into your sleep cycle. By the time you hit "snooze" several times and finally wake up, you will feel groggy and even more tired than after the first alarm.
    • Try to find an alarm clock without a snooze button. Or turn off the snooze function of your current alarm.
  2. Set your alarm on the other side of the room. Instead of placing your alarm clock next to your bed, where you can simply hit the snooze button or turn the alarm off, place the alarm somewhere that will force you to get out of bed. That way you will be forced to get out of bed in the morning to turn off the alarm.
    • For example, you can place the alarm clock on a dresser on the other side of your room. Or, if you think your alarm is making enough noise, you can place the alarm in an adjacent room, such as in the bathroom.
  3. Invest in an alarm clock that will slowly give more light. These alarm clocks gradually brighten as the time to wake up approaches. This light will help you wake up slowly, and hopefully, easily without giving your body the shock of a sudden alarm. Daylight alarms are also good in winter, when the mornings are dark and it is difficult to get out of bed.
    • You can purchase daylight alarm clocks at your local drugstore or online.
  4. Create a positive and consistent morning routine. Do some stretching and get up, open the curtains of your room and let the morning light in. See the morning as a positive experience and look forward to the day ahead.
    • You can also start a routine to get dressed and have breakfast within a set amount of time. When you are ready, make a schedule for your schedule and tasks or obligations for the day.
  5. Try to wake up without an alarm. If you stick to a consistent sleep schedule, as well as a regular sleep pattern, you will likely be able to get up without an alarm and without oversleeping.
    • Going to bed every night and waking up at the same time every morning will get your body used to a regular sleep schedule. Over time, your body will act as an alarm clock itself, and you can wake up yourself, at the same time, every day.

Method 2 of 4: Adjusting your sleeping habits

  1. Have a regular sleep schedule. Make a sleep schedule where you wake up and go to sleep at the same time, every day, even on weekends and days off. Sleep requirements vary from person to person, but on average, you need between seven to nine hours of sleep to function at your best during your awake hours. However, some people need 10 hours of sleep.
    • Teens generally need more sleep than older adults. Young bodies need a lot of rest because of their growth during adolescence.
    • Some people need more sleep than others. Few people thrive on less than six hours a night, while others need ten hours to really rest. Respect these differences; a person who needs more sleep is not lazy or bad.
    • Some people think that getting just one hour less sleep doesn't have a significant impact on their daily functioning. Another belief is that sleep can be caught up on weekends or on a day off. And once in a while that's probably fine. But if this happens often, your regular sleep schedule will suffer, leading to oversleeping or being overly tired when you wake up.
    • It is a myth that the human body can quickly adapt to a different sleep schedule. While most people can readjust their biological clock, this can only be done through timed signals, and even then only in increments of one to two hours a day. It may take more than a week for your body's internal clock to adjust to travel across time zones or to switch to the night shift. And even then, some people adapt more easily than others.
    • Sleeping extra at night will not reduce your daytime fatigue. It's important how much you sleep each night, but the quality of your sleep is more important. You may get eight or nine hours of sleep every night, but still you will not feel well rested if your sleep quality was poor.
  2. Turn off all electronics and distractions a few hours before going to bed. Switch off your television, smartphone, iPad and computer or completely remove all electronics from your bedroom. The kind of light from these screens can activate your brain, suppress the production of melatonin (the substance that allows you to sleep), and disrupt your body's internal clock.
    • Another option is to shut down your computer on a certain schedule. This will automatically turn off your machine and prevent you from working too long at the computer or too close to your bedtime. There are sleep functions on both PCs and Macs that you can activate. In addition, you can also schedule a start-up time, if you want your computer to be ready for you the next morning as soon as you wake up.
  3. Set an alarm to remind you when it is time to go to bed. If you tend to get into evening activities or conversations and forget to stick to your sleep schedule, you can also set an alarm on your phone or computer to alert you an hour or 30 minutes before bedtime.
    • If you prefer to turn off all electronics a few hours before going to sleep, you can set an alarm on your watch or ask roommates to remind you of your bedtime one hour before the time you've agreed with yourself.
  4. Do a relaxing activity before going to sleep. This could be a warm bath, a good book to read, or a quiet conversation with your partner. Relaxing hobbies or activities are also an excellent choice.A calming activity will help your brain to relax and shut down.
    • Gaming is not a good activity - your body is calm, but your mind can be over-stimulated and the light from the screen tells the mind to wake up.
    • This also applies to television: this device triggers "awakening" signals in the brain.
    • If you find yourself tossing and turning in bed in the dark, avoid lying awake for extended periods of time. Instead, get up and do something calming to take your mind off your inability to sleep. Becoming anxious about not being able to sleep and dwelling on that for a long time actually makes it less likely that you will be able to fall asleep.
    • Again, don't turn on the television, your game console, computer, or other electronic device.
    • Try to read, do the dishes, go knitting, folding laundry, origami, etc.
  5. Keep your bedroom dark, cool, and quiet. Use heavy curtains or shades that block outside light. Cover any electronic displays, such as those on televisions and computers, so that the light does not create a glow in the room. You can also use a sleep mask on your eyes to help you sleep.
    • A cool temperature in your room while sleeping will help you get a better night's sleep. A drop in your body temperature due to a cold sleeping environment can trigger your body's tendency to "get under the blanket" and help you fall asleep immediately.
    • If you are having trouble sleeping due to loud outside noise or a partner sleeping loudly, consider investing in good earplugs or a noise machine.
  6. Get up with the sun. You can also set a timer so that bright sunlight enters your room at around the same time every morning. Sunlight also helps reset your internal clock. This will prevent you from oversleeping because the sun wakes you up.
    • Sleep experts recommend an hour of morning sun for people who have trouble falling asleep.

Method 3 of 4: Adjusting your daily habits

  1. Avoid drinking caffeine four to six hours before going to bed. About half of the caffeine you consume at 7:00 PM is still in your body at 11:00 PM. Caffeine is a stimulant and can be found in coffee, chocolate, soft drinks, black tea, diet pills and some pain killers. Limit the number of cups of coffee a few hours before bed, or try to eliminate caffeine from your diet altogether.
    • Alcohol also hinders deep sleep and REM sleep. It keeps you in the lighter stages of sleep, which may cause you to wake up more quickly and make it difficult for you to fall back to sleep. Avoid consuming alcohol one to two hours before bed to get a good night's sleep and avoid oversleeping in the morning.
  2. Do not take a nap after 3 hours. The best time for a nap is usually in the early afternoon, before 3 a.m. This is the time of day when you are likely to experience midday sleepiness or be less alert. Naps before 3:00 PM shouldn't disturb your nighttime sleep.
    • Keep your naps short, 10 to 30 minutes. This prevents sleep slowness, that tired feeling after a nap that has lasted longer than 30 minutes. This will also help you avoid oversleeping the next morning, as naps of less than 30 minutes shouldn't interfere with your sleep schedule.
  3. Keep a sleep diary. A sleep diary or calendar can be a useful tool to help you identify habits that keep you awake at night and oversleep the next morning. You may also be able to recognize symptoms of a sleep disorder. Update your sleep diary with notes on:
    • The approximate time you went to bed and got up again.
    • The total number of sleeping hours and the quality of your sleep.
    • The amount of time you spent awake and what you did. For example, "stayed in bed with eyes closed," "counted sheep" or "read a book."
    • The type of food and drink you consumed before going to bed and how much.
    • Your bedtime feelings and moods, such as "happy", "depressed" or "anxious".
    • How long it took you to get out of bed in the morning, and how many times you pressed the snooze button.
    • Any drugs or medication you have taken, such as sleeping pills, including the dose and time.
    • Pay attention to any triggers that repeat themselves in your sleep diary and try to think of ways to prevent or limit them. For example, you may often have a bad night's sleep on a Friday after drinking two beers. The following Friday, try not to drink beer at all and see if this improves your sleep.
  4. Only use sleeping pills when necessary. When you take sleeping pills for a short period of time and with a prescription from your doctor, they can help you fall asleep. But they are only a temporary fix. In fact, sleeping pills can often make insomnia and other sleep problems worse in the long run.
    • Use sleeping pills and medications sparingly for short-term situations, such as traveling in different time zones or recovering from a medical procedure.
    • Use sleeping pills only when needed, rather than daily, to avoid depending on them to help you sleep every night.
  5. Be aware of over-the-counter medications that can cause insomnia and sleep problems. Many of the side effects of these drugs can adversely affect your sleep patterns and daytime alertness. Some commonly used medications that can disrupt your sleep include:
    • Nasal decongestants.
    • Aspirin and other headache medications.
    • Painkillers containing caffeine.
    • Medicines with an antihistamine for colds and allergies.
    • If you are taking any of these medications, try to reduce your dose or stop it altogether. These medications are not intended to be taken on a permanent basis. Talk to your doctor about alternative methods of treating these symptoms so you can stop taking over-the-counter medications.

Method 4 of 4: Talk to your doctor

  1. Discuss the sleeping problems with your doctor. Your doctor needs to know if you have any chronic problems sleeping. It's a serious problem. If you constantly oversleep during the week, you may develop a headache or back pain. Oversleeping affects neurotransmitters in the brain and can lead to headaches. Back pain can be caused by sleeping on a regular mattress for extended periods of time.
    • There are also psychological side effects of oversleeping, such as depression, anxiety and drowsiness. Your doctor can treat these side effects by suggesting adjustments to your sleep and daily habits, or by prescribing certain medications.
  2. Get tested for sleep disorders. There are many medical conditions and disorders that can interfere with sleep. Let your doctor know about any specific symptoms or patterns in your sleep problems. If you can't get up in the morning due to oversleeping, find it hard to stay awake when you sit, fall asleep while driving, and need caffeine every day to stay awake, you may have a sleep disorder . There are four main types of sleep disorders:
    • Insomnia: the most common sleep complaints and an important cause of oversleeping. Insomnia is often a symptom of another problem, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or some other health condition. It can also be caused by lifestyle choices, such as medications you take, lack of exercise, jet lag, or caffeine.
    • Sleep apnea: This occurs when your breathing stops temporarily during sleep due to a blockage in the upper airways. These pauses in breathing interrupt your sleep, leading to frequent awakenings during the night. Sleep apnea is a serious and potentially life-threatening sleep disorder. If you have this condition, it is important to talk to your doctor and purchase a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. This device creates a flow of air through your airways while you sleep and can successfully treat the disorder.
    • Restless Legs Syndrome: (RLS) is a sleep disorder caused by an irresistible urge to move your arms and legs. This urge usually occurs when you are lying down and is due to unpleasant tingling sensations in your arms and legs.
    • Narcolepsy: This sleep disorder often causes excessive, uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. It is caused by a malfunction of the mechanism in your brain that controls sleeping and waking. If you suffer from narcolepsy, you may have "sleep attacks" where you fall asleep in the middle of a conversation, at work, or even while driving.
  3. Talk to your doctor about the potential benefit of a sleep center. If your doctor refers you to a sleep center, a specialist will observe your sleep patterns, brain waves, heart rate, and rapid eye movement with contact points connected to your body. The sleep specialist will analyze the results of the study of your sleep and develop an appropriate treatment program.
    • A sleep center can also provide you with equipment to monitor your activities at home while you are awake and asleep.