To persuade your mother to agree to something

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Get Your Parents to Say Yes To Anything
Video: How To Get Your Parents to Say Yes To Anything


Do you really want to go to a party or do you feel like going out with friends, but you don't get permission from your mother? Don't give up hope just yet! If you keep your cool and follow these steps, your mom will agree to your plans before you know it.

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Method 1 of 3: Show your mom that you can be trusted

  1. Be honest about your plans. Your mother's biggest fear is that something will happen to you and this is the main reason mothers tend to say "no" when you have certain plans. If you want to change your mom's mind, just tell her about your plans and convince her not to worry. Explain to her how safe it is and show her that you've already thought of everything. When your mom sees that there are few to no risks, she will probably give her consent!
    • Know what you are talking about at all times. If you want to watch a particular movie, be aware of the viewing guide and pegi ratings (AL, 6, 9, 12, 16 etc.). If you are under the age rating of the movie, don't mention the title unless your parents specifically ask. Only name the genre of the movie, for example a comedy or thriller.
  2. Be enthusiastic about your plans. Tell your mom how your plans will enrich your life. For example, if you want to attend a concert, you will gain valuable life experience. If you want to stay up, tell your mom you'll use your time well. If you want to spend more time with your friends, tell your mom that your social life could use a boost. If you're dying to buy a new pair of shoes, show her your run-down pair.
  3. Don't lie about your plans. You may be successful the first time, but when your mother finds out that you lied, you will no doubt say “no” in the future. You don't always have to tell the whole truth, you can leave out some details. Your mother really doesn't need to know everything, but lying hard is not wise. If you have plans again next time, you don't even have to try!
  4. Assure your mother that you will be home on time. How you get home is very important. Tell her about your plan to get home and what time you will be arriving. Remind your mom of the times you got home on time without any problems.
  5. Have a plan ready to use if something goes wrong. Mothers love when their children think ahead. Think about what could go wrong in advance and tell your mom you've thought of everything.For example, if a friend leaves without you, make sure you can come home in a different way.
  6. Remind your mother of times when you showed that you could be trusted. If you've already done things that show you can be trusted, remind your mom. Tell her how well you are doing at school, how much you have helped around the house, how you are always home on time and never complain about the household chores you have. If you have broken her trust, you must do everything you can to regain her trust. For example, do everything your mother asks of you for a week before asking her permission.
  7. Remind your mom that you only live once. For example, say something like, “Mom, do you remember going to a concert that changed your life? You were just as old then as I am now. ” Build on the fact that you will not stay young forever and that you will have fewer and fewer opportunities to do something fun before you might go to college. She may become somewhat emotional and nostalgic, which increases the likelihood of a “yes”.

Method 2 of 3: Show her you earned it

  1. Do your best at school. If you always do your homework and get good grades in school, what's stopping your mom from not giving her consent? Right, nothing at all. Do your best in school and extracurricular activities so that your mother sees that you have earned her permission.
  2. Do your household chores. Make sure your mom doesn't have to do everything in the house by helping her clean the house, do the dishes, mow the grass, walk the dog, and all the other things she does in the household. If you want permission for something big, it doesn't hurt to take on some extra household chores. Go out of your way for a few extra weeks before asking your mother for permission.
  3. Make sure you get home on time. Being reliable is the most important. If you trick your mom and always get home late, she probably won't agree with your plans. Do your best to get home on time when you have promised and be trustworthy. If you've agreed to have your room tidied by Saturday, make sure you do. If you promise to feed the cat, do so without your mother having to ask. Your mother will see how reliable you are.
  4. Boil a meal or bake a cake. No doubt your mother will be very happy if you surprise her with a nice meal for the whole family. Get up early and make her a nice breakfast, or use your free afternoon to bake a cake or cookies for everyone. This may sound a bit strange, but it really works. Make sure you tidy up and clean everything afterwards.
  5. Be extra nice. Ask your mom how her day was. No doubt she asks you this question regularly, so why not ask her this question? Your mom will appreciate this, and it will increase the likelihood of her consenting to your plans. Take it one step further by telling her what's going on in your life and share something with her that she didn't know about. You will be surprised when you realize afterwards how greater the chance has become that you are allowed to make more decisions of your own.

Method 3 of 3: Behave responsibly

  1. Try to make some extra money. For example, if you want to go to the cinema or buy a new game or board game, you can offer to do some extra tasks around the house in exchange for an extra pocket money. Your mom may be so impressed with your attitude and the help you provide that she agrees to your plan.
  2. When the situation calls for it, compromise. Suppose you really want to go to a party, but your mom doesn't give you permission to do so because she doesn't want you to be home late. Maybe you can suggest arriving home an hour earlier? If that goes well, you may be allowed to stay until the end of the party next time.
  3. Don't say “everyone does it”. Kids say that a lot, but has it ever really worked? Mothers often don't care that others often do or are allowed to. Only say this if you're asking for something that literally everyone does, and keep a few examples of people your mom respects who do it too. Make sure your friends are ready to assist you if your mom wants to call them or their parents.
  4. Don't beg. Begging will make you appear immature, helping your mother feel supported in her decision to say "no." You have to give her a good reason to say yes, and begging for something is just annoying. If you fail to get your mother's consent, try to take your loss in an adult way. For example, say something like, “Okay, no problem. I respect your decision. ” And then walk out of the room. Maybe she'll come after you later to tell you that you're going to get permission after all because you've been so mature.
  5. Make your mom laugh. Lighten up the situation by making your mom laugh with some jokes or by teasing her a little. Saying something funny can put a positive spin on a situation, even if you're angry because she said "no". This shows your mother that no consent doesn't mean the end of the world and that you don't act like a little child. And who knows, maybe her good mood will change her mind.
  6. Don't forget to say you love her. This will undoubtedly make your mother very happy. Make sure you appear sincere, even when you are angry. The power of the message that you love her should not be underestimated.
  7. If that doesn't seem to work, ask your dad.


  • Try to do everything your mother asks of you.
  • Understand that your mom probably knows better than you do. Don't get upset if she doesn't consent to something.
  • Try to spend as much time with your mother as possible.
  • If your mother values ​​your achievements in school, make an extra effort.
  • Never lie to your mother. Lying will not get you the desired result and sooner or later your mother will find out anyway.
  • Be respectful and behave properly. This will likely allow your mom to consent to your plans.
  • Don't keep whining about something. She may get angry and annoyed if you keep whining.
  • Show that you really want something.
  • Do not ask your father for permission if your mother has already said no. You want to keep both your mom and dad from getting angry with you.
  • Make sure to do your household chores. She may agree to your plans after you do a lot of work.


  • To avoid losing her trust, never lie to your mother.
  • Make sure she isn't in a bad mood when you want to ask her permission.
  • Keep your promises.
  • Don't just be nice to your mom if you want her permission for something. Not only would that be mean, but she'll figure you out right next time.
  • Never beg for anything, not at all in front of a friend. Parents don't want to be put on the spot.
  • Don't argue and avoid heated arguments. This will only worsen your position.
  • Do not interrupt your mother when she is speaking or she will get angry.
  • Agree to make a deal with her in exchange for her consent.