Keeping your husband happy

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
5 Simple Tips to Make Your Husband HAPPY!!
Video: 5 Simple Tips to Make Your Husband HAPPY!!


There is a lot of advice, both good and bad, on how to keep a man happy in a relationship. The most important thing is to respect your boyfriend or husband and treat him the way you want to be treated. You don't have to follow all the steps in this article word for word - it's meant to be a guide. Pick the things for that your relationship work.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Working on your relationship

  1. Give him space if he needs it. Even if your husband is totally in love with you, he needs time to himself every now and then, so don't want your 24-hour attention from him.
    • Make plans without him, too, and tell him to play computer games, have a beer with friends, or go for a run alone - whatever he likes.
    • This way you too can maintain your own interests and have a meaningful life next to your relationship.
    • Once you have accepted that you both need some personal space, you will become much happier as a couple and the time you well together have come to appreciate even more.
  2. Talk about all the problems. Rather than bottle up certain problems in the relationship (and let them explode in a whirlwind of emotions), you should be able to sit down with your husband and have a quiet, reasonable discussion about them.
    • He'll appreciate this far more than a big fight, and he'll be more willing to listen to you and do something with what you say, rather than just being on the defensive.
    • Also give him the opportunity to share his side of the story. Really listen to what he is saying and don't dismiss his concerns. Your husband will be much happier with the relationship if he feels like his feelings and opinions are valued.
  3. Show love and appreciation. Most husbands and boyfriends today are fantastic - they buy flowers, cook a delicious dinner and massage your feet after a hard day. So give something back too, ladies!
    • Don't take for granted all the little sweet things your husband does for you. Show him how much you appreciate him and that you know he is doing his best.
    • If he does something nice for you, show your affection. Give him a kiss or a hug, or just say you love him. If he knows how happy he makes you, it will make him happy again!
  4. Remember that a relationship is a two-way street. Of course you can't make your husband happy if you are not happy.
    • If you put a lot of effort into the relationship but you don't get anything in return, ask yourself if it's worth it.
    • There may be other things that make you unhappy, even if your relationship is good. You'll have to fix this or else your husband will be unhappy about it, especially if there's nothing he can do about it.

Method 2 of 3: Make sure he feels safe

  1. Be honest with him. We all know that honesty is best in a relationship. Lies will eventually come true.
    • Be honest with your husband about where you're going, who you're meeting with, how you feel, etc. How else can you expect him to be honest with you?
    • Even if he doesn't like the truth, being honest lets him know he can trust you - and trust is essential in any relationship.
  2. Compliment him. Men love compliments just as much as women, so don't be too frugal with your appreciation!
    • If you are impressed by something he said or did, say so! Don't just assume he knows.
    • Tell him he looks good in that suit, that you are impressed with the project he is working on or that you are amazed at what he is doing in the bedroom! A genuine compliment from you makes him delighted!
    • Bonus points if you compliment him in front of his friends or family - men love to be praised when others are around, which boosts their ego.
  3. Don't make him jealous. Many women make the mistake of making their husbands jealous when they are angry or sad.
    • This makes your husband feel angry, sad, or betrayed - which can hurt his trust in you and destroy the relationship.
    • Imagine if you were in his shoes - if you did something wrong, wouldn't you want him to listen to you and give you another chance? Or would you like it better if he flirted with other women to get you back? We thought so.
  4. Be his mainstay. Everyone has hit rock bottom at some point, including your husband. Don't kick him by criticizing him or by saying "I told you so". Be his support and help and take this opportunity to get him back on his feet.
    • If he's had a bad day at work, is in a fight with a family member, or is just in a slump, be nice to him. Ask him if he wants to talk about it, or if he'd rather be left alone for a while.
    • Remind him of all the reasons you think he's great, and why you chose him from all those fish in the sea. Make him feel good about himself again and he will be grateful to you later.
  5. Respect him. Your husband wants you to respect him, just as you want to be respected by him. Don't patronize or belittle him - that's not how you treat the most important person in your life!
    • The last thing he wants is to feel disenchanted, so allow him to feel like a real man every now and then - ask him to open a jar, fix a piece of furniture, or drive you somewhere by car.
    • Let him know you are counting on him - that will boost his ego and make him feel good about himself.
    • This doesn't make you a weaker woman, it's just part of being in an equal relationship.

Method 3 of 3: Do nice things for him

  1. Give him a massage. Men love to be pampered every now and then, so choose an evening to give your man a nice massage.
    • Pick a day when your husband is tired or stressed, and prepare with massage oil, candles, music - anything that will make the experience even more relaxing.
    • Ask him to undress and lie on his stomach on the bed, and let your magic hands go to work. Gently knead his back, neck and shoulders, but don't push on the spine. If you're feeling a bit more adventurous, give him a full body massage.
    • Don't be too frugal with your time - keep it going for at least 15 to 20 minutes, until your husband is completely relaxed. Just be warned - all that skin-to-skin contact may turn your man on rather than relax!
  2. Prepare his favorite dish. Anyone who has ever thought that man's love goes through the stomach has not lied a word. Men love good food, especially when it has been lovingly prepared by their other half.
    • Pick a recipe (or steal it from his mom) and prepare it on a night when he least expects it. Make it a special evening - set the table nicely, open a nice bottle of wine and pretend you are dining out in a good restaurant!
    • We do not mean here that we have to go back to the 1950s, when the woman was expected to have the food on the table when the man came home. We mean a nice meal from you for your husband because you do like to and because it is a nice thing to do.
    • If you can't cook well, improvise! Order his favorite take-out dish, but serve it on beautiful plates, or take him to his favorite restaurant and treat!
  3. Do something spontaneous. When you've been in a relationship for a long time, it's easy to get into a rut and watch TV every Saturday night. Keep your husband happy by doing something spontaneous!
    • Bring some fun into your husband's life by going out on a night out together - get tickets to a concert, go rock climbing, wine tasting, go to an exhibition, host a game night with other couples - as long as it's something different.
    • If you're feeling adventurous, plan something really special like skydiving, a road trip, or swimming with sharks. Arrange everything to perfection so that your husband doesn't have to worry about it.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Again, you don't have to become a '50s housewife, but it's good to look nice for your husband. He should be proud of that you are his wife or girlfriend!
    • We all have days when we want to keep walking around in our pajamas, without makeup and with our hair messed up, but every now and then it is nice to do your best for your husband just like that. He will appreciate the effort!
    • Make an effort to do the things you did when you first met - whether that means shaving your legs, going to the hairdresser once a month, or maintaining your weight. Try to be the girl he fell in love with!
  5. Take charge in bed. No discussion of how to keep your man happy would be complete without a reference to sex! While this is very personal, the most husbands like their wives taking the lead in bed.
    • This means something different to everyone, but it could simply mean taking the initiative to make love (especially if you normally don't), or tying him up like a mistress.
    • Treat him now and then - without wanting anything in return. He will choose this over any other present at any time!
    • Remember that intimacy (whatever that means to you) is an important part of a healthy, happy relationship - it brings you closer together and allows you to express your love for each other in a very personal way.


  • Tell your husband you love him. That makes him happy.
  • Do not think that if you do nice things to your husband, he will consider you submissive. Doing nice things makes you no submissive woman, but a caring woman.
  • Don't pretend you're interested in something. Either be genuinely interested or just let him go. Pretending to like what he does might make him happy, but then if he realizes it's fake, he'll be disappointed and maybe angry.


  • Don't turn into a doormat. Stay yourself, stay independent and don't let yourself be abused. When a husband doesn't treat his wife respectfully, all the trouble in the world won't keep him happy because he doesn't expect anything else. Drop him and find a sweet, more appreciative man. Believe me, they do exist.
  • All men are different and this advice will not apply to all of them. The best way to know what makes a man happy is to ask him.