Making your life interesting

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Ways To Make Your Life More Interesting
Video: 3 Ways To Make Your Life More Interesting


Sometimes it is time for a change. Our regular regularity starts to become a routine, habits become a routine and in fact the whole of life seems to become a routine. The good news? You can do that right now change. Just think about the following: the only person who needs to think your life is interesting is you. It doesn't matter what you do as long as it works. Are you ready to take the next step?

To step

Part 1 of 3: Developing active interests

  1. Start a new hobby. There are hundreds of different things you can do regardless of your budget. If you're short on money, it's as easy as grabbing a pen and paper and start drawing things. For absolutely nothing, you can go hiking in the area or along a river, or even start learning HTML or CSS. If you're willing to pull your wallet, you can take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument, or find a way to boost your adrenaline. Other ideas include diving, swimming, yoga, cooking, archery or cycling - and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

It may seem trivial, but you can create and name an entire lifestyle for yourself if you want to. Maybe you like ballet, being an Emo and fishing? Then call yourself an Emo Aquarium Keeperina! This can make your life look cooler and more interesting.

# * Engaging yourself in something you enjoy will not only make you feel less bored and therefore happier, but it will also make you a more interesting person to be around and encourage you to make more friends. . In addition, you have a great skill to talk about and show the world.

  1. Take a course online. If you have access to the internet, you can follow a course. Technology is amazing and leaves no room for excuses. There are major websites such as Coursera or Khan Academy that offer free online courses and there are college websites such as MIT and Harvard that make the content of certain courses available online for everyone. Not only does it keep you busy, but it also keeps your brain busy while you broaden your horizons. Profit, profit and profit.
    • And this does not include lectures where you have to "" follow certain lessons. You can browse their list of courses and pick 1 or 2 that fascinate you. And if you can't keep up? Then you just continue at your own pace.
  2. Get involved with an organization you believe in. Have you ever seen someone spend their free time with people who are worse off than themselves? Chances are, this isn't often the case, and if it does, then you couldn't help but admire such a person. Why can't you be the one? Whether it means volunteering in a hospital, a retirement home or simply walking with shelter dogs; it will only make you and the rest of the world better.
    • Doing friendly things will make you feel better about yourself and what you are doing. In addition, you will be surrounded by interesting people who think in the same way as you, who also want to make the world a bit better.
  3. Get active in non-traditional ways. Running is great. Going to the gym is great. But imagine rock climbing, pole dancing or backpacking? It's good for your body, your soul and it makes you pretty cool. What's not to like about it?
    • This is a great way to get fit and meet people. Sign up for an adventure organization or a rock climbing team. A little too excited for you? What about the local tennis club or riding club? There are many groups that are all about fun and that don't require high-level skills.
  4. Do something you never thought you would do. We all have a tendency to put ourselves in small boxes. We think we'd like this, that we should behave a certain way - but that's not really good for us at all. Take a moment to think about something you would never do and get ready to do it. Will you never go nude swimming? To do. Are you really not going to hold a spider? Do it. Even you can surprise yourself.
    • It doesn't have to be something scary - it can also be something ordinary, like going to a concert with country music, something you might never do otherwise. It's about getting out of your comfort zone and becoming a more dynamic person. And this way you can find out whether you "really" like it or not.
  5. Get out from behind your computer. Well, after reading this article, of course. Then make an appointment with yourself to limit the time you spend on Facebook, Twitter, and any other kind of social media that doesn't make your life better. Think about all that time you wasted mindlessly scrolling down a page when you could have created something, talked to a family member, or helped a friend? Sitting at the computer can keep you from becoming a more interesting, better, and more complete person.
    • Don't quit all at once - we all need our dose of entertainment every once in a while. Start by setting yourself a limit. If you have spent 30 minutes to an hour on the sites you visit often, stop. Read a book or learn a skill you've been trying to master. You don't have to give it up completely. Keep a journal if you wish and write down how much time you spend having an interesting life versus time when it isn't. You may be surprised how interesting your life really is!

Part 2 of 3: Keeping your life busy and exciting

  1. Change your routine. It doesn't matter if other people think you are interesting, it only matters if "you" think you are interesting. And all it takes is a few baby steps and a different routine.So get up 15 minutes earlier, prepare yourself a breakfast you've never had, and sit on the porch with a newspaper. Spend your day going to the movies. Play around with your partner during lunch. It doesn't have to be something big, just different.
    • Try to think of one thing you could do differently each day. Whether it's a different route home, actually cooking yourself or calling a friend you haven't spoken to for years; just try it. It's about surprising yourself, not other people.
  2. Look for local events such as markets, festivals and performances that you can attend. Pick out things in your area that you think you might find interesting and check them out. There are often many local events going on, especially in the summer, where you need to spend little or no money. Doing these things that are not part of your daily routine will keep you surprising and energizing yourself.
    • You can find these events in newspapers, online, through flyers on the street and in cafes, and through conversations with friends and strangers (like the girl setting up the microphone in your favorite coffee house). You also make social contacts, which makes you twice as productive.
  3. Explore the place where you live. When you go on vacation, the place you are visiting seems a lot more interesting than where you live. In reality, there is probably a lot to do in your hometown and you just haven't bothered to look closely because it has always been there. Open your eyes; what did you miss?
    • Go to the local tourist office and find out what tourists are doing in your place. Maybe there are museums, boat trips, art galleries or galleries or well-known places that you have not noticed or have had no interest in before.
  4. Accept all invitations. If you keep coming up with excuses for why you can't socialize, people will eventually forget about you and stop inviting you. Even if you don't like the people who go there or the places they go, try to give them a chance and hang out with them. You don't have to do this all the time - just every now and then.
    • Socializing with friends is an instant boost. If your life is all about work, work, and more work, put the guilt and responsibility aside for a day and go out and have fun. You deserve it.
  5. Do something spontaneous. On a Sunday morning, you will probably hang out, pop into Facebook every now and then, watch a little TV, and just take it easy (at least, hopefully). Whenever you find yourself having such a moment, take the opportunity to do something. Book a night in a hotel. Find a breakfast brunch buffet. Get in the car with no plan as to where you are going. Be your own "surprise expert."
    • Just do nothing at all for a day and refuse to make plans. As that day passes, do whatever comes to your mind. This could be a movie, taking a walk in the woods or something in between. Just listen to your instincts.
  6. Organize a party or a night out with friends. Not only will organizing keep you busy, but you will also have a fun evening to look forward to, and then something to remember with satisfaction. The people around you are also likely to come up with ideas for you to try.
    • Learn to recognize new opportunities. Are you somewhere where live music is made? Buy a beer for the guitarist and start a conversation. Go out for dinner with your new tennis partners. Sometimes you shouldn't wait for an opportunity to arise, but create it yourself.
  7. Plan an outing. Instead of spending your weekends at home (although weekends are great everywhere), plan an outing that shouldn't last longer than 2 days. You don't have to take time off from work, and it doesn't have to be expensive - it can even be half an hour's drive from your home just to enjoy room service in a hotel all weekend. Get out there and have fun!
    • Is there a place not too far that you always wanted to go, but it just never got there? Consider this an opportunity to cross it off your list. Even if it doesn't take more than an afternoon, it counts. Be a tourist for a while to get away from it all. It's an opportunity to relax, learn and deviate from your routine.

Part 3 of 3: Feeling good about your life

  1. Get rid of anything that has bored you. Things in life often become more sluggish than is good for us. We get stuck in a job that we don't like but that we can use to pay the bills, a relationship that has died down, or we are in a place where we just don't want to be. If there are big things in your life that weigh you down, quit. It will be difficult now, but it will feel so much better soon.
    • At times like these you will have to weigh up the pros and cons. Can you afford to move or quit your job? Is your relationship just in a slump but it is not permanent? Before making major changes in your life, make sure you have carefully considered both sides of the equation.
    • You can't break out? Then think of ways to make these things more interesting. Ask for a project at work, travel more often, or do new and crazy things with your partner. Everything can change.
  2. Clean up your mess. A tidy house ensures a tidy mind, where you can finally free up space for the fun things. By doing this, you are showing yourself that you are making a change and bringing out a new, improved version of yourself. A clean house will also make you feel good about yourself, help you become more organized, bring friends over without feeling embarrassed, and save time when you're looking for something.
    • Getting rid of all that clutter will make rooms look bigger and brighter, giving you more energy and being happier when you get up in the morning or come home from work. Everyone should enjoy being at home.
  3. Stop focusing on the negative. The next time you are invited or have to submit an assignment, don't fill your brain with negative thoughts about it. If you manage to focus on positive things, you will find that you can enjoy even the smallest things. It's so easy to drown yourself in negativity, but you'll never be happy with your life if you just keep pointing out the negative in everything.
    • If a negative thought comes to your mind, stick a positive thought after it and eventually the positive thinking will come naturally to you. For example, if you think, "This is so hard ...," just think, "... but I'll feel good when it's done!"
  4. Only care about what "you" thinks. The idea that your life is not interesting is nonsense. Everyone's life is interesting in some way, because you are unique and no one else can ever bear that title. Try to focus on what is of interest to you and not to others. If you don't, you will still feel boring and inadequate.
    • This is why "your" definition of that which is interesting is the only important one. If you find that having 4 jobs and never sleeping is interesting, then go for it. Is your definition taking a trip around the world, do it. If being interesting means having tons of different skills, get started. This concept is different for everyone - and you can only adhere to one concept.
  5. Change the way you eat. When it comes to the taste buds, keep two things in mind:
    • Eat a well-balanced diet. A "balanced" diet is not only good for your health, but also for your mood. A poor diet will cause you to suffer from energy deficiencies that will make you feel unsteady and sick. In addition, you will feel better about yourself because you know that you think about your body, which will make you more confident and happier.
    • Alternate it. Find some recipes you want to try. Go to an Ethiopian restaurant on Fridays. Try flavors you have never tasted before. Eating exciting meals means that you can be interesting 3 times a day. Not bad at all.
  6. Take time to relax. Whether it's pampering sessions once a week, a hot bath, or deep breathing exercises, you need something to relax yourself. Everyone needs time to relax after a hectic week to get away from work or tasks for a few hours. Even if it's only 15 minutes with a book, it counts.
    • Some people are in favor of things like yoga and meditation. Others prefer to escape with a video game for a while. When it comes to relaxation, there is no right or wrong as long as it is effective for you. Afterward, you should feel like you are fully recovered and ready to get back to work.
  7. Spend time with happy people. Avoid people who constantly whine and complain about everything, and look for people with a good sense of humor who have a positive outlook on life. You will notice that their positivity is contagious. These are also the people who are looking for exciting new things to do.
    • Another great idea? Spend some time with your family. As we get older, we often realize that in our early years, when we found the rest of the family boring, we missed a lot of valuable time that we can never get back. They probably also do interesting things and would really enjoy taking you into it.


  • Don't focus so much on making your life better that you forget to enjoy what you are doing right now!