Making your last day at school great

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Mistakes Students Make For Back To School | Start of the new School Year Right!
Video: 7 Mistakes Students Make For Back To School | Start of the new School Year Right!


Whether you're in eighth grade or high school graduation class, the final day of school is exciting, emotional and a cause for celebration. There are many fun things you can do to pass the time while your countdown. Create memorabilia by signing yearbooks. Avoid loose ends by writing down everyone's contact information. Plan a party or events with your friends after school to make the most of the first day of summer.

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Method 1 of 3: Making Memorabilia

  1. Pass your yearbook to get signatures. Ask anyone you can to sign your yearbook, including people you don't normally interact with. Ask your friends and acquaintances to write goodbye messages in the margin of your book and do the same for them.
    • If you didn't buy a yearbook but still want signatures, bring a notebook, photo collage, or old T-shirt and ask people to sign it.
  2. Bring things to sign. If your school doesn't do yearbooks, other objects can also be signed to remember the year. Bring something to write on and have everyone sign their signature before the end of the day.
    • Bring a beach ball, basketball or football to get signed.
    • Another fun thing to do as a class is signing T-shirts. Put money in a jar and buy some cheap white T-shirts. Bring some fabric markers and have everyone sign each other's shirts.
    • Ask your teacher if this can be done during a class. If that is not possible, arrange the signing during lunch or the break.
  3. Hand out personalized toys or objects. In elementary school, you can bring a small toy such as plastic sand molds and write the names of your classmates on it. You can have people sign your buckets. You can also try a different kind of toy, such as a teddy bear made of fabric that can be written on. If you bring toys to school, everyone can leave with something as a reminder of their senior year.
  4. Take pictures. Document the last day of school with your friends and teachers. For example, ask, "How do you want to be remembered if only one photo is taken?" See what they come up with. You can also just take casual or posed photos on that last day.
    • Make sure to check the school's photo policy first. You don't want to get in trouble for taking pictures during class or when cameras are prohibited.
  5. Make a memory book. A memory book is a scrapbook you make with old photos, assignments, ribbons, and other high school memorabilia. Take pictures of your teacher, yourself and your classmates. If your teacher is okay with it, see if you can spend part of the last day putting together reminder books with your classmates.
    • Bring supplies, such as small notebooks, crayons and crayons, glue and scissors, to work on beautiful reminder books for the last year.

Method 2 of 3: Planning a fun event

  1. Attend events organized by the school. The last day of school can be a good time to celebrate the year with a party, event or competition. If your school has something planned, remember to attend. Some examples of events are:
    • Matches of teachers against students, a baseball game, dance competition, etc.
    • A picnic with the class, selling ice cream or cakes, etc.
    • Films in the classroom via a projector, or in the auditorium.
    • Make a mural or art project as a group.
    • A party for all summer birthdays that you wouldn't celebrate otherwise.
  2. Share your favorite memories of the year. If you spend time with your friends and family, take the opportunity to talk about the things that have been important to you over the past year. You can talk about the fun you had, the friends you made, your crushes, etc.
    • Let your friends make predictions about each other for the next year. Write down your predictions and keep them in a safe place. In a year's time you will be able to review them and see which predictions come true and which are still far away.
    • Make an overview of your highs and lows of the year.
  3. Take turns giving a speech. If your teacher allows it, take the time to give talks at the end of the lesson. This can be especially fun in the senior year of elementary or high school. As a volunteer, ask classmates to tell the class what they liked about their school experience.
    • If you can't do this in class, this can be a fun activity to do at lunch or an after-school meeting.
  4. Organize a chalk festival during recess or after school. After school, or during recess, have everyone gather in a park or playground and bring chalk. You can make a nice mural together to commemorate the year and to mark the beginning of summer.
    • Draw pictures of the school year, such as pictures of friends, teachers and memorable events.
    • Include summer plans. Have people draw pictures of vacations they are going to have or fun events they are planning.
    • Have everyone put a handprint name underneath.
  5. Make summer food. You can make classic summer hits like hot dogs and burgers, but you can also get a little more creative. Make a giant cookie and use different fruits as a topping to create the beach ball pattern. Make cookies in the shape of umbrellas, fish and other beach-related items.
    • If allowed, you can pass on treats at school. You can also meet after school to hand out your treats.
    • Make sure to consider everyone's allergies or food sensitivity.
    • If you don't want to make food, have an ice cream after school.
  6. Play summer games. Ask your teacher if you can take lessons outside to play some summer games. Have a water balloon fight, a relay run, blow bubbles, or play Frisbee. These can also go well with an after-school party.
    • If you are going to play with water, bring your swimsuit or old clothes.

Method 3 of 3: Shutting things down properly

  1. Exchange contact information with all your friends for the summer. Make sure you know how to get in touch with everyone once you leave school. This is especially important if everyone is going to continue studying or work somewhere. Put phone numbers in your phone, or dedicate a small portion of a notebook or yearbook to getting email addresses.
    • Make sure to pay special attention to any friends who are moving next year.
    • Social media is a great way to keep in touch. If you haven't yet added most of your class on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, do so now.
  2. Say goodbye to everyone who moves. If someone doesn't come back next year, say goodbye. You can have the class draw a map for people who are moving. You can also let everyone take turns saying goodbye during break or lunch.
  3. Thank you your teachers. If there are certain teachers who have helped you during the year, show your appreciation for the end of the day. You can give your teacher a thank-you note or simply state what their help means to you. Teachers work hard and appreciate receiving a thank you note.
    • If you want to bring a present to your teacher, first check if it is allowed. Some schools have a policy of giving gifts to teachers at the end of the year.