Dressing for a first date

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to dress on a First Date to Get You to the Second Date (Evening)
Video: How to dress on a First Date to Get You to the Second Date (Evening)


A first date can be nerve-wracking, and sometimes you have no idea what to wear to begin with. By planning ahead and taking a little extra time to prepare, you can choose the perfect outfit with confidence. A first impression is important, but with a little preparation and a confident attitude you can go a long way.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Make a plan

  1. Make sure you know what you are going to do. You or your crush may be planning your first date, or you may be doing it together, but to determine what to wear, make sure you know roughly what you're going to do. Dressing for the date will be a lot easier if you know what's going on for the big day.
    • If you eat out in the classic way and then go to the movies, you better dress up a bit more elegantly and elegantly. Don't forget to agree exactly where you will eat so you can estimate how best to dress.
    • If you go for a walk, you can wear jeans and a T-shirt, or sports clothes on your first date!
  2. Go shopping. There's nothing wrong with a little first date shopping, especially if you have a fun activity planned and could use some new stuff to prepare well.
    • While it really isn't necessary to go shopping specifically for it, wearing something new shows your date that you've put in the effort.
  3. Try out a few different options. Before deciding exactly what to wear, try out a few different options. What you have imagined as the perfect clothing combination in your head can look very different once you put it on. In any case, always try to wear something that suits the occasion.
    • Don't be afraid to confide in a friend or any of your family and ask for his or her opinion.
    • It's a good idea to keep a few outfit ideas in mind for the big day, in case something breaks or gets dirty, or in case the weather suddenly changes.
  4. Wear the clothes that make you feel most comfortable. A first date can be nerve-racking enough. You don't want to add to that stress by wearing clothes that don't make you feel comfortable. You will feel more cheerful and much more comfortable wearing clothes that you like and feel confident in.
    • If you don't feel comfortable wearing tight, low-cut or sheer clothing, don't wear such things!
    • Depending on the situation, also ask yourself whether you will be able to move freely in your clothes. If you are going to ballroom dancing or horseback riding, wear clothes that allow you to do so comfortably.
  5. Choose an outfit that reflects who you are. Everyone wants to look their best for a first date, but don't dress up like someone else unless you happen to be planning carnival together. Wear an outfit that matches your personal character and style.
    • Not only will you feel more relaxed that way, but it will also make it easier for your date to get to know you and see your fun sides!
    • While you obviously want to impress your date, don't try to match your outfit to whatever you thinks he or she will like it. Don't try to be someone you are not.

    For an informal but well-groomed look, wear nice jeans, a button-down shirt and a leather jacket.

    Make sure your outfit is clean and ready to wear. You don't need a brand new outfit or expensive clothes to impress your date, but it is important that your clothes are clean, neat and wrinkled. If certain items of clothing still need to be washed, sewn or ironed, do so well in advance.

    • If you've bought new clothes, don't forget to take out all the labels and stickers. Sometimes they are hidden in places that are not visible, and you obviously don't want your date to be the one who finds one while you are out!
    • To keep your outfit neat and tidy, you can store the items of clothing along with any accessories in a closed garment bag in your closet until you are ready to change.
  6. Decide how you will wear your hair and practice with it. Depending on the type of date you have planned, you will tailor your hairstyle accordingly. Practice your hairstyle a few days before the date to make sure it matches your outfit. You should avoid having to deal with your hair right before your date.
    • If you plan to wear makeup, try out the look you want to wear a few days before the date.
    • Thinking ahead of time about how to wear your hair and / or makeup will help you feel better prepared, relaxed and confident for the day.
  7. Start your personal grooming routine a few days before the date. Your personal grooming is important, of course, but don't do big things just for the date. If you're a boy and you get bumps quickly right after shaving, or you're a girl and your skin always gets a little irritated after plucking your eyebrows, do those things a few days before the date so you have plenty of time to recover and look your best!
    • If you feel like you need to dress a certain way to impress your date, then he or she probably isn't right for you. You deserve someone who likes you for who you are!

Method 2 of 3: Get ready

  1. Keep an eye on the weather forecast. Before you change, check the weather at the time of your date. Even if you plan to spend most of your time indoors, you will still get there and you will want to keep your clothes neat and dry.
    • If it rains, bring a raincoat, or if it is very hot, think about whether you really want to wear that long-sleeved shirt and those jeans.
    • If it is raining very hard or maybe even snowing, consider putting on boots and proper shoes along the way. You can then put them on as soon as you have arrived at the agreed place.
    • If you know his or her size, bring an extra sweater, umbrella or raincoat if the weather is bad, in case your date doesn't think about it. Your date will be impressed by the sweet gesture and how smart you were to plan ahead.
  2. Take a shower. Even if you go to a running event together, you naturally still want to smell nice and fresh the moment you meet. The first impression is always important, and often it even determines what happens later on your date.
    • If you need extra time to blow-dry your hair before styling it, make sure you start on time.
  3. Take your time to get dressed. If you're nervous or in a hurry, a button often gets loose, a zipper gets stuck or you end up with a ladder in your tights. It is better to finish too early than to rush because you started too late. So take as much time as you need to get dressed, so that you can solve any accidents with your clothes in the end!
    • Make sure you have a plan B. Should something go wrong at the last minute, put on that other outfit you had in mind.
  4. Also bring some casual clothes. Even if you have planned a fancy dinner or a theater performance, the program can always change. You may be having so much fun with your date that you decide to have another ice cream or stay up all night to watch old movies together!
    • To be prepared for everything, also bring some comfortable clothes!
  5. Check again if you really have everything with you. Now if you bring a handbag or a bottle of water and need your public transport card to go for a walk, make sure you have everything you need with you to increase the chances of a successful date.
    • To be on the safe side, make sure your phone's battery is charged. You never know what could happen.
    • It's always a good idea to bring some extra cash if the date isn't going well and you need a ride home, or in case the date goes so well that you indulge in an extra dessert.
  6. Do not panic. It's very common to be a little nervous and excited about a first date, but don't let your clothes play a part in that. Be confident in the outfit you've chosen, enjoy yourself, and focus on getting to know all the fun things about the new person and their company.
    • If you are so nervous that you cannot function properly, do something relaxing before you go out, such as meditation or exercises that focus on your breathing.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid pitfalls in your wardrobe

  1. Don't use too much perfume or cologne. Some people are particularly sensitive to fragrances and sprays, and too much fragrance can be overwhelming. Don't use more than a single whiff or a few dots. If you think your date is sensitive to your perfume, ask him or her about it before meeting.
    • Say something like, "Would you mind if I put on some perfume before our date?" Or "Would you mind if I put on some cologne?"
    • Applying deodorant is always a good idea, but be careful not to overuse it, especially if the product is scented.
  2. Rather skip the moisturizer. Even if you have very dry skin, it is often better not to use a cream before an important date. First dates are always a bit nerve-wracking, and chances are you will sweat a little until you feel completely comfortable. Prevent your skin from shining too much by not using moisturizing creams before your date.
    • What you can do is use a spray that will keep you from sweating and keep your makeup in place. For the same effect, you can also apply a little bit of powder before you go out the door.
  3. Don't wear too much jewelry. It's okay to choose a few simple pieces of jewelry to accent your outfit (if you're going to a fancy occasion). Being buried in jewelry can distract your date too much.
    • Another reason not to wear too much jewelry is that it can get in the way. Moreover, if you wear jewelry, depending on where you go, you are also more likely to be robbed.
  4. Don't go to the tanning bed or get another haircut right before your date. This is especially important if you are going to meet someone you met online. Even if a color would suit you, you want to look as much like the photo you posted as possible. If you had long hair in your photo, at least keep it that way for the date!
    • Another reason to avoid the tanning bed and hairdresser right before a date is that things could go wrong. If you get a bad burn or the new haircut doesn't suit you, you may not have time to do anything about it.
    • Sometimes can it's a good idea to go to the hairdresser. For example, if your hair looks untidy and you feel that you can't do anything with it, you can ask the hairdresser to remove the split ends and put your hair back in shape.