Let your hair grow nice and long

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
7 Steps to Grow Hair FASTER, HEALTHIER and LONGER
Video: 7 Steps to Grow Hair FASTER, HEALTHIER and LONGER


Long and healthy hair requires persistence and patience. Fortunately, there are ways to achieve this. Be aware of the well-being of your hair and you will see how your hair will fall over your shoulders in long beautiful locks.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Develop healthy hair habits

  1. Get your hair cut regularly. Damage to your hair eventually reaches your ends and can only be remedied by cutting it off. Regular trimming will keep your hair healthy from root to tip.
    • Get your hair cut every 8-12 weeks. While this may seem counterproductive, cutting even an inch of your hair will cause your hair to grow spurt.
      • If you notice any damage to your hair before 2-3 months have passed, get it cut as soon as possible.
    • If you live a busy life and don't have time to keep going to the hairdresser, invest in a good pair of scissors and cut your hair carefully yourself.
    • If your hair is badly damaged, take a bite: cut off all the damaged hair - even if it means cutting a large portion of your hair off. If your hair is damaged somewhere, it will not grow properly.
  2. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and rinse with cool water. Cold water closes your hair follicles and keeps the nutrients in them. This is beneficial to the well-being of your hair. Warm water opens the hair follicles, allowing healthy enzymes to escape.
    • Hot water can weaken your hair and this can lead to hair loss.
  3. Brush your hair as little as possible. If your hair is tangled after showering, use a coarse-toothed comb. Brushing your hair will pull healthy hair from your head.
    • Use a velcro brush to tidy up your tousled hair.
    • Make sure to hold your hair with one hand while brushing your hair with the other. Too much pressure on your scalp prevents maximum hair growth.
  4. Massage your scalp. Just as our brains need stimuli to grow, so does our scalp. If you wash your hair, take extra time to massage the roots for 1-3 minutes.
    • If you have long nails, be careful not to scratch! The scalp is very sensitive and an irritation on your scalp prevents it from keeping long and healthy hair.
  5. Use the right hair accessories. Accessories with metal edges and small holes can catch on your hair, damage it and pull it out. And it hurts!
    • Rubber bands are not an option as a substitute for a hair tie. Anyone who's ever tried it can tell you why: it pulls your hair out and cuts your hair. If you did commit this crime, cut out the damage with the scissors.
    • Hair sticks and rubber bands, clips, or pins without metal are generally best suited. Anything that doesn't pull or cut is generally a good choice.

Method 2 of 3: Pitfalls you want to avoid

  1. Avoid heat. This means: no hair dryer, curlers, (straight) tongs, hot rollers. Heat damages your hair from your hair follicles to your ends. It is best to avoid heat altogether.
    • Blow drying damages your hair. If you really have to, use the low setting and hold the blow dryer to your ends.
    • Use a spray serum if you want to style your hair with heat.
  2. Get rid of your synthetic remedies. Get rid of your perm, hydrogen peroxide, and chemicals to relax your hair. If you already have dyed hair, use a shampoo and conditioner that is appropriate for your hair type.
    • Although hair dye with a low peroxide content is less bad for your hair than hair dye with peroxide, it will still damage your hair in the long term. If you really want to dye your hair, use peroxide-free hair dye or use henna hair dye (that's not just for red hair).
    • If you use the right hair products, you will have to dye your hair less often. This small investment prevents lifelong damage to your hair, so it's worth it
  3. Make sure you don't put pressure on your scalp. There are many hairstyles and hairstyles that are stressful for your scalp and hair. It takes little effort to avoid putting unnecessary pressure on your scalp. And it is faster too!
    • Small braids that get braided in on your head and tight tails can eventually cause bald spots if you do this too often. They cause stress in the hair follicle that prevents the nutrients from being transported to your hair ends.
    • While extensions look beautiful right now, your hair will look worse if you take them out. Any unnatural additions to your hair will eventually slow down your hair growth.
    • Dreadlocks cannot be untangled. To get rid of it you will have to cut your hair. If you plan on getting dreads, know that it has a long-term effect on your hair.

Method 3 of 3: Consider other factors

  1. Know the ingredients in the products you use. As there are different skin types, there are also different hair types. Proper use of hair products keeps your hair clean and healthy and stimulates rapid hair growth.
    • Some hair types have a hard time with silicone, which is in most products against frizzy hair. Use a few different products and see what suits you best.
    • Know that you don't have to wash your hair every day. Washing your hair too often will rinse out the healthy natural oils in your hair and dry out your hair and scalp.
    • In addition to using shampoo and conditioner, you can also give your hair an intensive treatment a few times a month. The extra proteins ensure hair shine and healthy hair.
  2. Have a diet that is good for your hair. This means that you eat foods high in iron, zinc and vitamin C. A diet that is good for your hair is also healthy for the rest of your body.
    • Feed your hair by consuming iron-rich foods such as spinach, beans and meat. It is essential to transport the oxygen to your hair follicles.
    • Make sure your hair has the building blocks to grow with protein foods such as fish, eggs, nuts and soy products. Hair consists largely of keratin, which itself is a protein.
    • Zinc protects your hair from damage. Whole grains, oysters, peanut butter, and seeds all contain zinc.
    • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. It contains vitamins A, C and E, all of which contain antioxidants that keep your scalp and hair healthy.
    • Never be tempted to follow a diet regimen. If you don't give your body the nutrients it needs, you will not only feel rotten and weak, but it will also stunt your hair and nail growth. In addition, your skin will look dull.
  3. Eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting a good night's sleep are important factors in preventing stress. Extreme stress can lead to a variety of symptoms - including reduced or absent hair growth.
    • By exercising regularly you create a high endorphins content. This leads to a lower stress level. If your dog doesn't want to take a walk to please him, do it to please your hair.
  4. Talk to your doctor. If you have noticeably slow hair growth, there may be a medical cause that can be remedied.
    • Genetics or your family's past can also play a role in your health and hair growth. Ask your family if there are certain health characteristics and patterns in your family's past.
    • Slow hair growth or hair loss can be caused by the use of medications. Discuss the side effects with your doctor if you are on medication. Often there are alternatives.
    • Have your scalp examined for infections. These are easy to treat and hair growth will normalize after treatment.


  • If your hair gets tangled quickly at night, wear a scarf or comfortable hair net in bed.
  • Use a good conditioner. Using a conditioner prevents you from having to cut your hair unnecessarily because it breaks and splits. This way, you don't have to undo the progress you've made with your hair.
  • Take a vitamin B complex. A vitamin B deficiency can cause hair loss and make your hair weak.
  • Find a picture of the hair you want and look at it often. This will help you carry out your plan.
  • Massage your scalp. Hair thrives when your scalp is healthy and has a good blood supply. To stimulate your scalp, use your fingers or a soft brush with natural bristles. Avoid brushes with plastic or metal as these are often too rough.
  • Use clips, bobby pins and headbands to keep your long growing hair out of your eyes.
  • Determine if you are ready for the commitment to your hair that will take months. Hair grows on average over an inch per month - so an extra 7 centimeters will take you half a year. Transforming a pixie haircut into shoulder-length locks sometimes takes more than a year.
  • To instantly have the look of a longer hairstyle while you are growing it out, you can use hairpieces that you clip to your own hair.
  • Cut some hair from the back. This may feel unnatural, but if you grow layers and cut a bit from the back, make sure the front and sides match the back so you don't end up in an in-between phase with a somewhat odd haircut.


  • Avoid hair extensions and weaves. This will damage the hair that you want to grow.
  • Don't wear your hair in tight tails, braids, or small braided pigtails. Pulling hard on the hair follicle can cause hair loss.