Cleaning your face

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Wash Your Face - Renee Tucker, Medical Aesthetician | West End Plastic Surgery
Video: How to Wash Your Face - Renee Tucker, Medical Aesthetician | West End Plastic Surgery


Cleaning your face is more than just putting on some soap and water. The skin on your face is different from the skin on the rest of your body, so you have to treat it differently too. It's also the skin that others notice the most, so take good care of it!

To step

Part 1 of 2: Cleaning your face daily

  1. Find out what skin type you have. Is your skin dry, oily or normal? You have to find out so that you can buy the right products.There are so many different types that it can be a bit confusing.
    • If you have normal skin, your skin has the right balance of moisture, oil and firmness. You want to achieve this by taking good care of your skin.
    • If you have oily skin, your face may look shiny or greasy even if you just washed it.
    • If you have dry skin, you often see flakes.
    • If you have sensitive skin, your face often feels tight or itchy, and you quickly suffer from allergic reactions to certain products.
    • Many people have combination skin, where part of the face is oily and another part is dry.
  2. Use a simple facial cleanser twice a day. Wash your face with this in the morning and in the evening. Everyone has a different skin and therefore needs different things. You should probably try a few different products first until you find one that's right for you. You need a facial cleanser that will remove dirt and excess oil, but will not strip your skin of the healthy oils.
    • Choose a facial cleanser based on your skin type, how often you use makeup, and how often you exercise. For example, if you have oily skin, you need a product with a low pH value, as it will help you remove fat. If you have sensitive skin, you should avoid products with too many chemicals.
    • Avoid normal soap, which is too heavy for your face and removes too much natural fats.
    • It is best to rinse your face with warm or cold water. Using water that is too hot will dry out your face.
    • After exercising, wash your face well to get rid of sweat and dirt so your pores don't get clogged.
  3. Pat your face dry with a towel. Don't rub your face dry, be careful. The skin on your face is sensitive. Make sure the towel is clean, otherwise you will spread bacteria on your clean face.
  4. Use a tonic. Although not necessary, a tonic can be very good if you have oily skin, acne or large pores. A tonic removes excess oil and dead skin cells that remain after washing. You can apply active ingredients such as retinoids, antioxidants and exfoliating products to your skin this way.
    • Apply the tonic with a clean cotton ball to your forehead, nose and chin (the so-called "t-zone") after you have cleaned them. Move the cotton ball gently in circles, avoiding the eye area.
    • Find the right tonic for your skin type. Certain formulas are good for acne; others contain soothing ingredients for sensitive skin.
    • Many dermatologists do not recommend using an alcohol-based tonic because it dries out the skin too much, even if you have oily skin.
  5. Treat the skin around your eyes very gently. Do not rub your eyes or use heavy makeup removers. This part of your face is very fragile. So don't throw ice cold water on your face in the morning to wake up.
  6. Don't touch your face too much. If you touch your face with your fingers, you transfer bacteria to your face that can cause your pores to become inflamed. If you do have to touch your face, for example because you want to spread a cream or apply make-up, wash your hands well first so that it does not get dirty.
    • Also, do not touch your face with other objects that can hold sebum and skin residues, such as a telephone. Sebum is a slightly oily substance secreted through pores to moisturize your skin and hair.
  7. Use make-up that is suitable for your skin type. Try to buy makeup that is specially formulated to fight acne and won't clog pores.
    • Don't use old makeup. Skin care products have an expiration date, just like food. If you use them afterwards, they can do more harm than good.
    • Use water- or mineral-based make-up instead of oil, as these often make your skin look oily and dull.
  8. Drink lots of water. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. If you stay well hydrated, your body can function better, which also makes your skin look healthier and cleaner.
  9. Eat healthy. A healthy diet means that you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and little sugar and "junk food".
    • Try to eat low-fat dairy. Low-fat yogurt contains vitamin A, which is exactly what your skin needs. It also contains acidophilus, a "living" bacteria that keeps your intestines healthy, which is also good for your skin.
    • Eat foods high in antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries, and plums.
    • Eat plenty of healthy fatty acids, such as those found in salmon, nuts and flax seeds. Essential fatty acids ensure healthy cell membranes, giving you healthy skin.

Part 2 of 2: Keeping your skin clean for the long term

  1. Get a facial. You can go to a beautician or you can do it at home. Make sure to choose products that suit your skin type. If your skin is oily, buy products for oily skin.
    • A good mask is a mixture of milk and honey. After mixing the ingredients, put it on your face, leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  2. Exfoliate your skin. Gently exfoliating your skin will remove dead skin cells that can leave your skin looking dark and dull. Exfoliate your skin once a week or once a month. Don't do it more than once a week, as this will remove too many of the important skin oils.
    • A nice scrub improves the circulation in your face, giving your skin a healthy, pink glow.
    • All you need for a homemade scrub is sugar or salt, a binding agent such as honey or water, and a moisturizing ingredient such as vitamin E, jojoba oil or olive oil. If you have oily skin, you can also use a mashed banana or avocado as a moisturizer.
  3. Get rid of pimples. While it can be very tempting to scratch or squeeze pimples with your nails, that's exactly what you shouldn't do! Wash your hands well before touching pimples to avoid infection.
    • Don't over-touch or try to squeeze pimples. You can end up with scars if you're not careful.
    • Place a cold, wet washcloth or a tea bag on the pimple for three to five minutes. This will reduce irritation.
    • Use a remedy to treat the blemishes with 1 or 2 percent salicylic acid. This is usually less irritating than benzoyl peroxide.


  • Never rub your skin dry too hard. Pat gently.


  • Don't take too long showers in winter. Even if it is tempting to take a long hot shower, it dries out your skin.
  • You can be allergic to all kinds of ingredients in skin care products. If you get a response to a particular product, stop using it and look for something else.
  • If you have sensitive skin, try the milk and honey mixture on a small area of ​​your skin before applying it all over your face.