Feeling loved

Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
Reflekt Feat. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix)
Video: Reflekt Feat. Delline Bass - Need To Feel Loved (Adam K & Soha Vocal Mix)


Don't you feel loved? It can feel raw, empty to think that no one loves you. But you may not know, perhaps due to miscommunication or misunderstandings, how much people actually love you. We often feel unloved because we have closed ourselves off from the ability to feel loved. You can open up again to those feelings and encourage the people you love to open their hearts.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Loving yourself

  1. Work on your self-esteem. Often people can love us with all their heart and yet we feel unloved. Usually this is because it is hard for us to believe that someone else can love us because we cannot love ourselves. If you feel unloved by others, the best thing to do is to start learning how to love yourself. Build your opinion of yourself by celebrating your positives and embracing your negatives. Stop mirroring yourself to an ideal of perfection and realize that you are fine just the way you are.
  2. Work on your confidence. Self confidence is a very attractive quality in a person. When people see that you think you can take on the world and win, they start to believe it too (and they love it!). Build your confidence by taking on challenges in your life, standing up for yourself, and doing things that make you proud of who you are.
  3. Get help when you need it. Sometimes our brains get sick. They don't work quite well and they need a little help again to feel better. If you think your problems may be too big for you to tackle, get help. Just like taking cold medicine, it is important to take care of your body by getting the professional help of a doctor. Here at wikiHow, we love you all and want you to be happy. Do what you can to make that happen!

Part 2 of 3: Evaluating love

  1. Understand what love is. Make sure you know what love really looks like. Sometimes really terrible people in our life can convince us that love looks different than it actually does. Don't let them confuse you: love should never hurt, love shouldn't feel one-sided, and love shouldn't feel conditional.
  2. Take a look at how they behave. Look at how the person or people you love behave.Do they say mean things to you? Do they hurt you physically? Do they let you down when you really need them? Do they ignore you when you tell them how you feel? These are bad signs. However, if they may not say this, but they show it by being there for you, trying not to hurt you, and never making you feel like they think less about you, then they probably love you, but are just bad at showing that love.
  3. Take a look at how you behave. Do you carry all the weight in a friendship or relationship? Do you do a lot more for them than they do for you? Do you immerse them in kindness and receive only empty thanks without the other reciprocating your efforts? These are bad signs. However, if you feel like you are getting as much out of it as you are putting in, then it is probably fine.
  4. Leave mental strain behind. If someone hurts you (physically or emotionally), or even if they are just more work than they are worth, don't keep them in your life. You don't need that. Leave them and get on with your own life. Find the friends and relations that benefit you, because you deserve it!

Part 3 of 3: Finding love

  1. Be open about your feelings. This is difficult, but the best way to stop feeling unloved. Tell the people in your life that you love how you feel. Tell them you have problems. And when they say they love you, take their word for it. Give them the chance to show it. Stop repelling them or rethinking their feelings. They probably really love you.
  2. Open yourself up to new love. You may not feel loved if you have a very specific idea of ​​what love looks like or where it comes from. Look at how you define love and think about possibly redefining it. Love doesn't have to come from a romantic relationship, and it doesn't have to involve expensive gifts, birthday cards, or meeting some list of required traits.
  3. Become volunteer. A great way to help yourself feel loved is to give back to society. Volunteering in your area, wherever, from hospices to soup kitchens, can help you and your community a lot. People will appreciate everything you do to help them and you will find the love you seek while realizing an incredibly positive impact.
    • There are also organizations in many countries, such as Big Brothers or Big Sisters, where you can help children feel loved too.
  4. Get a pet. A dog or cat is a great way to feel loved. Our pets love and trust us a lot. You can have a tremendous impact on an animal by taking in a rescued animal or even volunteering at a shelter. Especially when you know that the animal shelters in your area will kill the animals over time, this can be a really great thing to do.
  5. Find people like you. Finding a group of people who look like you can be a wonderful way to feel loved. The internet has made that much easier than it used to be. Fan groups are an easy way to make friends online. You can also make new friends in real life. Try taking a class on a topic that interests you at the community center in your area.
  6. Join a church. Another option to help yourself feel loved is to join or become more involved with a church or other local religious group. Find one that shares your values ​​and attend church regularly. You can even join a study group to help develop even closer relationships with your fellow parishioners.
  7. Go out with someone. If you really think a romantic relationship is best for you, then you can try dating someone a few times when you're ready (emotionally). Remember, you should never get into a relationship expecting the other person to make all your problems go away or thinking you can't be happy unless you're in a relationship. These are not healthy ideas. However, if you are ready for the hurdles of being with someone else, you can look for a friend or [Get-a-girlfriend | girlfriend]].


  • Think about the birthdays of all the people you care about and send them a gift or at least a card on their birthday.
  • Always express your appreciation when someone has done something nice for you.
  • If you are complaining about something to do with a loved one, make sure the person knows you don't blame them.
  • Smile and use discreet, open body language.


  • Get help if you feel severely depressed.