Acting around the girl you like

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Girl You Hate In Acting Class
Video: The Girl You Hate In Acting Class


So you really love that nice girl, but every time she is around you don't know how to go about it! Do not worry. While we can't guarantee that she'll want to go out with you, there are definitely a few ways to increase the chances of that. In Step 1 you can see how to behave with the girl you like.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Building a personality

  1. Get self-confidence. Self-confidence is one of the most attractive qualities a person can have. You really don't have to be super sexy or have a sleek washboard. The most important thing for self-confidence is that you know what you are worth. If you believe in that, that nice girl will definitely believe in it too.
    • You do need to invest a little time and effort to build confidence, especially if you don't have too much of it to begin with. But even if you don't believe in yourself at all, at least pretend. Pretending self-confidence makes your brain think you have self-confidence!
    • Walk upright, show that you count. When you sit, take up space by crossing your ankle over your knee. Lean casually against a wall nearby. Make sure you don't cross your arms across your chest or avoid eye contact when talking to someone. Those are both defensive attitudes.
  2. Be yourself. An important part of self-confidence is to be yourself and to be satisfied with that. Trying to turn yourself into someone else isn't going to work for her. She will see that you are uncomfortable about yourself and that you are lying about who you are, and she does not like that.
    • Show what you are unique in, and why you are interesting. You don't have to walk around with a pocket protector right away (do people still do that, by the way?), But you don't have to make it a secret that you are interested in computers.
    • Don't try to be someone else, and certainly don't turn into who you think you are she want. If she's not interested in you the way you are, she's not the right girl for you.
  3. Maintain good hygiene. You don't attract girls if you intoxicate her with your body odor and your oily hair. Try to shower at least a few times a week and use soap. Wear clothes that have recently been waxed. It's okay to wear your (jeans) pants a few times if they aren't too dirty, but put on a clean shirt every day.
    • Be careful with aftershave and other fragrances. The less the better! You don't want to get up to that cute girl in a cloud of scents! If you really want it, limit yourself to a whiff.
    • Make sure to smell your deodorant before buying it so you know how strong it is and how it smells. Again, you don't want to intoxicate her with your scent, but a little deodorant (and especially if you've just played soccer or basketball) makes a much better impression.
  4. Have your own life. It's also very important to remember that you have to have a life of your own. Don't just focus on this girl and try not to be around her 24/7. You don't make an impression with that. In fact, you come across as desperate and pathetic, and the chances of her taking an interest in you are only diminishing.
    • Do what you like yourself. If you like to play football, join a club and compete in the matches. If you're feeling brave, you can even ask her to come and have a look or kick a ball with you.
    • As a result, you also have friends to hang out with, even if you have some of the same acquaintances. Do things with your own friends, too, and not just when you know she's around, or just with her.
    • That's not to say you should ignore her completely. Of course not. If you see her somewhere (at school or where you both go) you can ask her how she's doing and tell her something about what you're doing (like learning a language, mountaineering, or whether you played a record in Call of Duty ).

Method 2 of 3: Show the correct behavior

  1. Show respect. A lot of guys have learned that they don't have to respect women and they behave that way. Don't be one of those guys. Having respect doesn't mean getting run over or chained, but it means treating the girl like she's just human (and surprisingly, she is).
    • One way to show respect is to stop when she says so. For example, if you tickle each other and she says, "Stop it!" Then you stop even if you think she doesn't mean it. If she doesn't really mean it, she will let you know and you can continue. If you show her that you respect her right to say no on unimportant things, you show her that you want to respect her limits on more important things.
    • Also show respect for others when you are with her (by the way, always actually). Don't talk about your ex as "that slut" or use that kind of language. Don't put women down, don't call boys "wimps". You come across as disrespectful to women and immature.
  2. Read her body language. For many guys, women's body language is a bit of a mystery, but it really isn't difficult. Realize that you notice when your sister is mad at you or when a friend tries to ignore you. The girl you like is just as easy to understand.
    • If she doesn't make eye contact with you most of the time, or just give you one-syllable answers, she doesn't want to interact with you or is angry with you. It's probably best to leave.
    • A girl who wants you to stay is usually very clear about that. She turns to you. She makes eye contact and laughs at what you say (and not laughs at you). She can even touch you (like putting her hand on your arm when she's making something clear).
  3. Make eye contact. Making eye contact has been found to be one of the most important ways to flirt with someone you like. You can use this technique at school if you are in the right place, and if you are at a party even from across the room.
    • There are several ways you can do this. A good way is to make eye contact when she's across the room, then hold her gaze for a moment. When you are talking you can look deep into her eyes. For some reason, such a long, intense look can give a person butterflies.
    • Smile when you look at her, especially when making eye contact. A smile can be more effective than a huge grin.
  4. Don't ignore her friends. For a girl, her friends are incredibly important. She listens to their opinion, even if she doesn't always act on it.If they don't like you, there is a tiny bit of doubt about you. To avoid that, make sure her friends like you.
    • Find out what they like and ask questions about it. For example, if her friends are fans of a certain TV show, you can ask about it (what do they like most about it, the best characters, favorite episode, what annoys them the most about that show or the fans).
    • If you're talking to the girl you like and her friends are around, include them in the conversation. You can still throw her those long, intimate, melting looks while making sure her friends don't think you're ignoring them completely.
    • Just make sure you don't flirt with her friends. You don't want to come off like a womanizer trying to get to every girl who responds to his attention. The girl you're after won't think you like her if you're flirting with all her friends.

Method 3 of 3: Know what to talk about

  1. Ask her questions. When you're talking to the girl you like, you want her to feel special. Everyone likes it when others take an interest in them, and that includes your girl. If you show that you want to know what she thinks, she will naturally become more interested in you.
    • Get her opinion on something, no matter how insignificant. For example, say your friend doesn't like the shirt you're wearing, and ask her if she thinks it's a stupid shirt or not. Say she can decide the fight. Then she laughs and feels important.
    • Pay attention to what she is doing and saying, then you can ask questions about it. For example, if she says she's going to go mountain climbing, ask how she ever got there and what she likes about it. Everyone likes to talk about themselves, so before you come up with a story yourself, ask her one more question.
  2. Listen. Today people can no longer really listen to each other. Really listening means taking the time to process what someone is saying, instead of making up what to say next or what to eat tonight.
    • For example, even if you're at a noisy party, you can keep eye contact with her while talking to her, ask questions, and if you don't follow it anymore, ask for an explanation (you can use the noisy party as an excuse: is quite noisy here. Can you say that again? ").
    • During your conversation, make sure you don't fiddle with her or look around the room or check your phone all the time. She feels that you don't really care what she has to say.
  3. Make her laugh. Laughter is a great way to bond with someone. That doesn't mean you have to be the best in class (in fact, it probably works out better if you aren't). It just means making her laugh and saying some entertaining things. Everyone has a different sense of humor and you know her best, but if you really can't think of anything here are a few suggestions that usually do the trick.
    • Make a little joke about yourself. You don't have to give a long speech that puts yourself down (that just gives the impression that you don't have confidence), but a few comments that put yourself in perspective make her laugh and show that you don't take yourself so seriously . For example, talk about the time you got a soccer ball in the head when you weren't paying close attention, or the time you were in the wrong room because you forgot what day it was.
    • Tell something funny you saw that day (or in the last week). Something funny that doesn't happen every day. For example, ask her if she's ever been surrounded by a horde of zombies somewhere, and then tell her how you accidentally ended up in the middle of a zombie walk.
  4. Flirt with her. Flirting likes or dislikes, and you have to be careful with it. Everyone is different and so there is no universal approach to flirting. Humor and eye contact are both very important, but you can also flirt subtly in other ways.
    • If she hasn't made it very clear that she likes it, flashy flirting can be a turnoff for some girls. Remember that when you hang out with her. If you're not good at flirting, eye contact and humor are probably your best options.
    • By the way, flirting in text messages can be a great and non-threatening way to flirt. Of course you want this to only complement your personal interaction. Keep your messages short, sometimes a picture is clearer than a hundred words (especially funny pictures; send NO explicit pictures unless she specifically asked for them!). It's nice if you have a reason to send a text message. You can say something like "When I saw this I thought of you right away" (and then send a picture).
    • Complimenting her with just the right compliment can be a great way to show your interest and flirt. Don't do something as trivial as "you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" (that doesn't sound sincere). Better say something like "Did you know that that sweater fits your eyes exactly? It's a beautiful color, "or" it's only natural that you had a 10 for that test, you're so smart! ".
  5. Tell her what you feel. Ultimately, the best way to deal with a girl is to tell them what you're feeling. Otherwise, she may never find out. It can feel very intimidating or scary to expose your feelings like that (and it is very brave too!). But otherwise you just keep going around each other in circles.
    • Don't do it in front of everyone. Pick a time and place where you are both sober and in the right mood. Then you can just say "Hey, I like you a lot and I wonder if you'd like to go out with me sometime."
    • Do not do this by phone or in a text message or in social media, because then you will come across as a coward, and most girls do not find that such an attractive trait.
    • Respect her decision, even if she says "no." It's painful when someone says no, but you have to remember that it's not about you as a person, but that she didn't like your proposal (because she's not interested, or already has a boyfriend, or she likes girls, etc. .). If you want you can ask for the reason, but if you just say "because I don't feel like" that is your answer and you should leave it at that.
    • If she says "yes": HURA! Now you can start planning a nice first date. It may not work out in the relationship, but you have shown your courage by asking her out and your honor by treating her with respect.


  • Make it as comfortable as possible for her when she's with you. Be open and friendly.
  • Remember that you are always nice. Not only will this improve your reputation, but it will also allow you to make new friends who might know something about her. But if her friends don't like you, it gets in the way of your chances with her.
  • Never give the impression that you are doing this just for fun or to tease her, and that you don't really like her. She will never forgive you for that.


  • Don't chase her. Then she gets the idea that you are scary or weird. She's wondering what the hell you're doing.
  • Never ask your boyfriend to ask her out on your behalf (when the time comes). Most girls take that as a lack of courage, or think you're not serious, and she probably says no because she thinks it's a joke!
  • Make sure you never lie (not even a white lie). It can get out of hand and work to your disadvantage later on.
  • A lot of people say you should make a girl jealous if you want her. Often, however, girls see that as a sign that they don't have a chance with you. Saying how much you like another girl will only hurt her, whether she wants to go out with you or not.
  • Starting something with a girl you've been friends with for a long time can ruin your friendship, but if you both act grown up, you don't have to.