Act like Sasuke

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Behave Like Sasuke Uchiha... (Part 1)
Video: How To Behave Like Sasuke Uchiha... (Part 1)


So you completely dressed up as Sasuke. You even have the perfect wig. All you need to finish your cosplay is getting into your role well. But where do you start? Sasuke Uchiha is the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan, and one of the most popular characters in Naruto. If you want to portray a Sasuke, this wikiHow is for you.

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Part 1 of 3: Acting like Sasuke

  1. Be cool and distant. Sasuke is calm, cold, indifferent, cruel, cynical, a little sarcastic and a little arrogant. In other words, he has a cool superiority about him that comes from his confidence and strength. If you want to act like Sasuke, you have to radiate that superiority.
    • In general, you pay little attention to the people who approach you - even if it is your best friend or girlfriend. They are so far below you in skill and knowledge that you have to act as if you were bored by their presence.
  2. Hold on to your beliefs. Sasuke has something to prove and always seems to dwell on some inferiority complex. He is unwilling to acknowledge when someone is stronger than him, and becomes obsessed when it becomes apparent that he has found his superior.
    • Start cultivating a grim and serious attitude. Take long, contemplative walks like Sasuke does. Frown as you walk.
    • Don't try to laugh at jokes or small incidents. Sasuke is always deadly seriousness itself, which makes it important that you focus on the seriousness of life and the most important things. There is no time for jokes!
  3. Be smart. You're smart, and you know it. Show everyone that you are smarter than them. Hailed as a genius even by the standards of the militant Uchiha clan, Sasuke excels at everything he does and performs more challenging tasks without too much effort. Try to understand everything with ease and become the best in your class.
    • Study hard, especially in serious subjects such as history and literature. Study the great works and dedicate yourself to becoming a warrior monk, able to recite long poems and be equally militant.
  4. Be calm. Sasuke rarely speaks, but when he does, he keeps it short and to the point. Learn to open your mouth less often and you may find that the same thing happens. If you are less likely to speak, make sure that when you want to say something, it is concise and serious, and you will quickly gain a reputation as a person to be listened to.
    • When speaking, do so clearly and confidently and pause between sentences for greater effect. Don't look insecure when you speak, just say what you mean and mean what you say. Do not stop somewhere in the middle and do not lower your voice. Confidence shows that you mean what you say.
  5. Be independent. Tough challenges, easy tasks, big goals: whatever you have on your plate, try to do it yourself without asking for help from others. Sasuke sees help as a sign of weakness and desires to be seen as a leader, someone who can be trusted and capable. He doesn't like to take orders, a sign of his self-reliance.
    • Don't rely on others to build your pride and confidence in yourself. Sasuke's favorite word is "strength" (力, chikara). So, try to acquire it in everything you run into. Find your inner light and your inner strength and use that, not the opinions of others, as your source of confidence. Motivate yourself.
    • Be sexy. You have a carload of confidence and you show it. Be yourself and definitely don't flirt with every nice-looking girl.

Part 2 of 3: Looking like Sasuke

  1. Do Sasuke's famous Death Glare. If Sasuke's face has a frown by default, then the Death Glare is meant to let you know that you mean business. It's really just a frown, but much more intense. Being able to produce the Death Glare is essential to any good Sasuke impression or imitation.
    • Squeeze your eyes and arch your eyebrows dramatically into a frown, then open your eyes to stare at someone or something with intense intensity, as if trying to drill a hole in the wall just with your willpower.
  2. Wear blue and black. Sasuke usually dresses in dark blue and black clothing, usually spacious, comfortable clothing that does not impede freedom of movement. So ninja clothing. If you want to put together a good Sasuke wardrobe, a roomy, blue tunic with a V-neck is a perfect top, while roomy, pajama-like pants in dark blue can be combined well with it. A rope strap and headband complete the look.
  3. Get yourself a duck haircut. Sasuke has a classic manga hairstyle, with long emo-like bangs on the forehead and spiky hair on the nape. Let your hair grow a little longer if it is short to give yourself more hair to work with, and practice creating ends in your hair with mousse or hairspray. It will take a significant amount of hair product to make your hair look like Sasuke's drawn.
    • For a slightly more toned down version, keep your hair short at the back and let your bangs grow out, sweeping them to the side of your face. This is also called the "swoop bangs" or "emo hair", and mostly looks like the manga look.
  4. Take care of your skin. Sasuke's face is like ivory, pale and piercing. Try to limit your sun exposure and take care of your skin with moisturizer and medicated acne soap (if needed) to help reduce blemishes.
  5. Get fit. Increase your tolerance, stamina and perseverance through fitness training. In a state where he was almost blind, beaten up, and visibly exhausted from his fight with Danzō, Sasuke still had enough stamina to fight Kakashi, subdue and disarm Sakura, and later fight Naruto's Rasengan, with his Chidori. Being in good shape for combat is essential to give a good impression of Sasuke.
    • Yoga, aerobics, and strength training are all great ways to get in shape for a Sasuke feel. Try to find a cross-fit style workout for your whole body that you can do a few times a week to get a healthy weight and improve your stamina. These workouts combine strength training and aerobic exercise, and help with muscle development, fat burning and improving cardiovascular health.

Part 3 of 3: Taking the next step

  1. Learn Japanese. Do you really want to immerse yourself in your Sasuke character? Then learn some Japanese. Even a few sentences in Japanese, Sasuke's language, will set you above other impersonators and cosplayers, as well as find completely new ways to experience Naruto. Who knows what can happen if you are fluent in the language!
  2. Take a lesson in a martial art. Learning to defend yourself with martial arts will help you become more disciplined, centered and in touch with your body. The martial arts are much less about fighting than studying kinetic movement, body movement, and fluidity. Whether you're learning karate, ninjitsu, or tae-kwon-do, gain a fundamental understanding of martial arts to become more like Sasuke.
    • The seriousness and meditative nature of martial arts can also help center and improve your role as Sasuke from your stance.
  3. Study swordsmanship. Sasuke is an expert swordsman - deadly and versatile, with powerful strikes that are equally impressive in speed and precision. Learning to wield a sword and studying the art of performing movements can be a powerful experience and form to study.
    • Sword fighting is a skill that requires a lifetime of practice and dedication. You won't be able to learn this in an afternoon, and playing with sharp swords is a guaranteed way to seriously injure yourself. Learn sword fighting in a professional environment and never use a sharp sword if you don't know what you are doing.
  4. Practice ambidextrous. While it can be difficult to become fully ambidextrous if not innate, you can improve your ability to use both hands and both feet with a lot of practice. Practice being skilled and versatile with your dominant and weak side. Although he leads with his right hand, Sasuke uses his chidori with the left, making him unpredictable. Practice writing with both hands, and see if you can write just as strongly and clearly with your "weak" hand as you can with your "strong" hand.
  5. Eat healthy and light. Sasuke is often depicted with "healthy eating". Sasuke's favorite foods are rice balls, tuna and tomatoes, while his least favorites are soybeans and sweets. If you have a sweet tooth, try to swap this tendency for something lighter. Snack on carrots instead of candy, or eat sushi instead of a hamburger. Think light.
  6. Speak like Sasuke. Learn some good Sasuke quotes and one-liners to make sure everyone knows who you are supposed to be. Speak lower, display your Death Glare, and quote one of the following:
    • My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things and I don't really like anything. What I have is not a dream because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan and destroy a certain person. "
    • "If you think I'm just a stupid kid ruled by his emotions, that's fine." To follow Itachi's path would be childish, the whispering of fools who do not know hatred. If anyone else tries to make fun of my way of life, I will slaughter everyone they've ever loved. And then maybe they will understand what it is like to ... taste some of my hatred. "
    • "You are undoubtedly special ... unfortunately not as special as I am!"
    • "With my hatred ... I will turn the illusion into reality!"
    • "I'm on a path the rest of you can't follow ..."
    • "I closed my eyes a long time ago ... My only goal is darkness."


  • Hating your brother is optional, but play your part as if it were.
  • Be mysterious and sarcastic because that's a guaranteed way to push a lot of people away from you.
  • An adept strategist, Sasuke easily observes his opponents in combat and accurately sees their abilities while remaining calm himself.
  • Sasuke can be calm, but he is not boring. He is used to being the center of attention no matter the company.
  • Sasuke often has fights with his "rival", but that doesn't mean you have to look for fights here and there.
  • Go everywhere alone and slip away when people don't notice. Sasuke is a silent loner, so you have to act like a silent loner.
  • Do your best to copy his behavior. Practice your posture and facial expression.
  • Try not to be too eager to do anything. You should never appear enthusiastic.
  • Find a rival, someone who is about the same level as you. Work extra hard to outdo them, but don't show how hard you've worked. Pretend it's all easy for you.


  • You may start attracting girls and boys. Who knows, fights will ensue! Pretend you don't care, like this happens to you all the time.
  • You can have friends, but acting like Sasuke will make some people hate you. Be patient.
  • Of course, don't really leave your friends, family or hometown - you'll only regret that. Furthermore, never engage in the wrong audience (like Sasuke did with Orochimaru) as this can eventually lead to being arrested, injured or killed.
  • You shouldn't start acting like Sasuke right away, just let it pass for a while. People may think otherwise that you are just pretending.
  • Sasuke is a fictional character, and he does things that could be harmful to him and others. You can act like him, but don't try any of the nonsensical things (like walking on water) he does.