Determine your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 1 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Blood Pressure Measurement: How to Check Blood Pressure Manually
Video: Blood Pressure Measurement: How to Check Blood Pressure Manually


It is good to have your blood pressure checked regularly. However, if you have "white coat hypertension" - where your blood pressure soars as soon as you see a doctor with a stethoscope around his neck - it can be difficult to get an accurate result. If you can measure your own blood pressure, you do not suffer from that fear and you can determine your average blood pressure under normal, daily circumstances.

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Part 1 of 3: Getting the equipment ready

  1. Sit down and get your blood pressure monitor. Sit at a table or desk where you can properly place the necessary equipment. Remove the cuff, stethoscope, pressure gauge, and pump from the box, carefully untangling the various tubes.
  2. Raise your arm until it is level with your heart. Raise your arm and bend your elbow so that your elbow is level with your heart. Then you know for sure that the result is neither too high nor too low. It is also important that your arm is supported during the measurement, so rest your elbow on a stable surface.
  3. Wrap the cuff around your upper arm. Most cuffs have Velcro, with which you can easily fasten them. If your shirt has long or thick sleeves, roll them up first as you can only put the cuff over very thin clothing. The bottom edge of the cuff should be about 3 cm above the elbow.
    • There are experts who recommend using your left arm; others say you should check both sides. But if you are learning to measure your blood pressure yourself, use your left arm if you are right-handed, or vice versa.
  4. Make sure the cuff is snug, but not too tight. If the cuff is too loose, it will not compress the arteries enough, which will cause the rash to come out too low. If the cuff is too tight, you will get what is called "cuff hypertension," where the rash is too high.
    • Cuff hypertension can also occur if the cuff is too narrow or too short for your arm.
  5. Place the wide part of the stethoscope against your arm. The head of the stethoscope (also called a diaphragm) should be placed flat on the skin on the inside of the arm. The edge of the diaphragm should be just below the cuff and lie on the brachial artery. Now put the earplugs in your ears.
    • Do not hold the head of the stethoscope with your thumb - your thumb has its own pulse, and this can confuse you when you measure your blood pressure.
    • A good way is to hold the head of the stethoscope with your index and middle fingers. Then you should not hear a thumping sound until you inflate the cuff.
  6. Attach the pressure gauge to a stable surface. If the pressure gauge is attached to the cuff with a clip, loosen it and attach it to something sturdy, such as a hard cover of a book. Then you can put it on the table in front of you and take a closer look. It is important that the pressure gauge is anchored and stable.
    • Make sure you have enough light so that you can see the pointer and numbers on the pressure gauge before you start the measurement.
    • Sometimes the pressure gauge is attached to the rubber pump, then this step is not applicable.
  7. Take the rubber pump and close the valve. The valve must be completely closed before you start. This will prevent air from escaping while you are pumping, which could otherwise lead to an inaccurate rash. Turn the valve clockwise until it stops.
    • Do not close the valve too tightly, as this will open too far when unscrewing, causing the air to escape too quickly.

Part 2 of 3: Measure blood pressure

  1. Inflate the cuff. Quickly squeeze the pump to inflate the cuff. Keep pumping until the pressure is 180mmHg. The pressure from the cuff compresses a large artery in the upper arm, temporarily cutting off the blood supply. As a result, the pressure from the cuff may feel somewhat painful or strange.
  2. Open the valve. Gently turn the valve counterclockwise to allow air to gradually and slowly exit the cuff. Keep an eye on the pressure gauge; for an accurate reading, the pointer should descend at approximately 3 mm per second.
    • Turning on the valve while holding the stethoscope can be tricky. Try to open the valve with the hand of the arm covered by the cuff, while holding the stethoscope with the hand of your free arm.
    • If someone is around, you can ask them to help you. An extra pair of hands makes the whole process a lot easier.
  3. Write down your systolic blood pressure. As the pressure drops, use the stethoscope to listen for a thumping or knocking sound. When you hear a thump for the first time, write down how high the pressure is on the gauge. This is your systolic blood pressure (the top pressure).
    • This number represents the pressure that your blood flow exerts on the walls of the artery after the heart has beaten or contracted. It is the highest number of the two that make up blood pressure, and when you write down the blood pressure, write it at the top.
    • The medical name for the thumping sound you hear is "Korotkoff tones".
  4. Write down your diastolic blood pressure. Keep looking at the pressure gauge while listening to the thumping sounds through the stethoscope. Eventually the banging turns into a kind of "whizzing" sound. It can be helpful to keep an eye on this change because it means that you can almost read the diastolic blood pressure. As soon as the buzzing noise subsides and you don't hear anything anymore, write down how high the pressure is that you see on the pressure gauge. This is your diastolic blood pressure (the negative pressure).
    • This number represents the pressure of your blood flow on the walls of an artery when your heart relaxes, between beats. It is the low number of the two that make up blood pressure, and when you write down your blood pressure, write this number at the bottom.
  5. Do not worry if you do not arrive on time with the reading. If you miss the exact number of either number, you can just pump up the cuff a bit to get a better look.
    • Just don't do this too often (no more than twice) as it can affect accuracy.
    • You can also put the cuff on your other arm and start over.
  6. Measure your blood pressure again. Your blood pressure can be very different (sometimes even dramatic) within a few minutes, so if you measure your blood pressure twice in ten minutes, you can get a slightly more accurate average.
    • For the most accurate result, measure your blood pressure again five or ten minutes after the first time.
    • It may be a good idea to use your other arm for the second measurement, especially if the first measurement was abnormal.

Part 3 of 3: Interpreting the results

  1. Know what the measurement means. Once you have your blood pressure recorded, it is important to know what the numbers mean. Use the following guide for reference:
    • Normal blood pressure: Upper pressure less than 120 and negative pressure less than 80.
    • Prehypertension: Upper pressure between 120 and 139, negative pressure between 80 and 89.
    • Hypertension stage 1: Upper pressure between 140 and 159, negative pressure between 90 and 99.
    • Hypertension stage 2: Top pressure higher than 160 and negative pressure higher than 100
    • Hypertensive crisis: Top pressure higher than 180 and negative pressure higher than 110.
  2. Don't worry if your blood pressure is low. Even if your blood pressure is much lower than 120/80, there is usually no cause for concern. For example, a low blood pressure of 85/55 mmHg is still considered acceptable as long as no symptoms of low blood pressure occur.
    • However, if you experience symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, difficulty concentrating, cold and clammy skin, rapid or shallow breathing, dehydration, nausea, double vision, or fatigue, it is recommended that you go to the doctor immediately as this can cause your low blood pressure are caused by an underlying problem, which can be serious or cause serious complications.
  3. Know when to seek immediate help. It is important to understand that a single high result does not necessarily mean you have high blood pressure. It can be the result of a variety of factors.
    • If you take your blood pressure after exercise, after eating salty foods, after drinking coffee, after smoking or when you are stressed, your blood pressure can be unusually high. If the cuff was too loose or too tight on your arm, or if it is too big or small for your arm, the result may also be inaccurate. That's why you shouldn't worry too much if you have a high result one time, especially if your blood pressure is back to normal the next time you check it.
    • However, if your blood pressure is always high, or above 140/90 mmHg, you should see your doctor so he / she can develop a treatment plan, which is usually a combination of healthy eating and exercise.
    • Medication may also be recommended if lifestyle changes do not help, if your blood pressure is very high, or if there are risk factors such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease.
    • If your upper pressure is 180 or higher, or if your negative pressure is 110 or higher, wait a few minutes before taking your blood pressure again. If it's still that high, you should immediately Call 112, because then you can suffer from a hypertensive crisis.


  • You can measure your blood pressure 15 to 30 minutes after exercise (or meditation, or other relaxing activities) to see if your blood pressure is better. You should see an improvement, which is a good incentive to stick to your exercise regime! (Exercise is key to healthy blood pressure in addition to a healthy diet!)
  • It may be a good idea to measure your blood pressure in different positions: standing, sitting and lying down (have someone help you). This is called orthostatic blood pressure, and it can be helpful in determining how your blood pressure varies from position to position.
  • The first times you use a blood pressure monitor, you are likely to make mistakes and get frustrated. You have to try it a few times to get the hang of it. Most sets include a manual; read it carefully and take a good look at the pictures or photos.
  • Measure your blood pressure when you feel very relaxed; then you get an idea of ​​how low it can be. But also measure it when you are upset, no matter how unpleasant the thought of it may be; you need to know how high your blood pressure is when you are angry or frustrated.
  • Keep a diary of your blood pressure readings. Write down what time of day you measured, and whether it was just before or after dinner or exercise, and whether you were worried. Take this diary with you to your doctor next time.
  • Take your blood pressure measurements after you smoke - the high numbers can be an incentive to quit. (The same goes for caffeine, if you're addicted to coffee or cola; and salty foods and snacks like crisps, if that's your weak spot.)


  • Checking blood pressure yourself with a non-digital blood pressure monitor can be difficult, and not always reliable. It is better to have a friend or family member who knows how to help you.