Making Dutch oven fries

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 12 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dutch Oven French Fries
Video: Dutch Oven French Fries


Everyone loves fries. Perhaps this is a bit exaggerated, but the fact is that this tasty, crispy potato snack dish is the number one popular food dish in the Netherlands and in many places around the globe. The Dutch fries, however, are specific to the Netherlands and look slightly different from Flemish fries or the French fries as you are used to at the well-known fast food chains. The main difference is the length and width of the chips. Flemish fries are more irregular and more like potato wedges, while the French fries are thin and drier. The Dutch fries are somewhere in between, not too thick and not too thin, and are very easy to make yourself. You can do this in the traditional way (in frying fat), but it is also very easy to bake tasty chips in the oven. You will first have to wash the potatoes, possibly peel them, cut them into nice strips and then top them with oil, after which you place them on a baking tin in the preheated oven. And voilà, after 20 minutes you have oven-delicious fries, homemade and many times better than those from the supermarket or cafeteria.


  • Potatoes
  • Olive oil, mild (no cooking oil)
  • Salt (optional)

To step

Method 1 of 2: Prepare the potatoes

  1. Wash the potatoes. Weigh the amount of potatoes you need (about 300 grams per person, unpeeled), put them in a bowl and wipe them thoroughly.
    • Peel the potatoes if necessary. Depending on your preference, you can or cannot peel the potatoes. It is no problem to leave the skin on and still make nice chips.
  2. Cut the potatoes into nice strips. Cut the potatoes one at a time on a plank with a fencing knife. The most convenient is to cut them lengthwise into thick slices (about 1 cm) and cut those slices into strips of about 1 cm thick.
  3. Let the sliced ​​potatoes dry. Place the chips in the making on a baking tray to dry, or put them in a bowl (this will be easier when adding oil later).

Method 2 of 2: Bake the potatoes in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 230 degrees Celsius. Not every oven is the same, but assume 230 degrees for heating the oven. It will take about 15-20 for the oven to heat up.
  2. Stir the potato strips with mild oil. Put the potato strips in a bowl and add two or three serving spoons of (mild) olive oil. Stir the oil well through the strips until they all shine with the oil.
    • Use mild olive oil instead of extra virgin. The latter can taste bitter and is also less suitable for use for baking dishes at a high temperature.
  3. Place the greased strips on a baking tin. Spread the chips over a baking pan large enough to spread out all the strips of potato. Make sure they are on top of each other as little as possible.
  4. Place the baking tin in the oven preheated to 230 degrees Celsius. When the oven is preheated, place the baking tin with the greased potato strips in the hot oven. Place the baking pan in the center of the oven and close the oven door.
  5. Bake the fries at 200-230 degrees Celsius. Switch on the convection function of the oven and the timer for 20 minutes. Check regularly that the chips do not burn.
    • Pay attention: Every oven is different, so for your oven these settings may need to be changed slightly. Do not hesitate to lower the temperature during the 20 minutes baking time, if the fries become too brown.
    • Start at 230 degrees Celsius and then lower the temperature during the baking time, should the chips become too brown or burnt.
  6. Place coasters on the counter and remove the baking pan from the oven. Prepare to remove the chips from the oven by placing coasters on the counter that can withstand high temperatures. Then remove the cooked fries from the oven and place the tray on the coasters.
    • Pay attention: The baking tray is very hot, so always wear oven gloves when handling oven dishes.
  7. Loosen the fries with a spatula and put them in a colander. Keep your oven mitts on and then use a spatula to loosen the chips from the baking tray. Depending on the potato variety, oven chips can stick more or less to the bottom of a baking tray.
  8. Serve the fries. If necessary, stir the fries with some salt or your favorite herbs. Eat tasty homemade mayonnaise, curry sauce, ketchup or any other sauce!


  • Preferably choose organic potatoes. Then you can leave the skin on and it is also a healthy meal.
  • Eat a fresh salad with it.


  • The oven and the baking pan become very hot. Never allow children to reach and use oven gloves to minimize the risk of burns.
  • Never leave the oven on unattended.


  • Potatoes
  • Oven
  • Paring knife
  • Oil
  • Baking tray