Not taking life so seriously

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 1 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I wish I didn’t take life so seriously… (motivational speech)
Video: I wish I didn’t take life so seriously… (motivational speech)


Taking things seriously can be a good quality to show that you are serious, hardworking, and caring. But if you do everything to seriously, it leads to unnecessary stress and makes you worry about things that are not worthwhile. When you know why we tend to take life so seriously, and learn how to add a little more humor and lightness to your life, you can stop being too serious and enjoy life more.

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Part 1 of 3: Encouraging playfulness

  1. Use a checklist to put things in perspective. Shake yourself out of a serious mood by asking questions that clarify your priorities. If you find yourself getting really serious, ask yourself the following questions:
    • Is this worth getting upset about?
    • Is this worth upsetting others?
    • Is it really that important?
    • Is it actually as bad as you think?
    • Can the situation really no longer be saved?
    • Is this actually your problem?
  2. Interpret what others say with mildness. A serious attitude sometimes makes it difficult to see whether you should take something light-hearted or humorous. You may be too quick to jump to conclusions when someone else says or does something. For example, if someone tells you that you have a stain on your T-shirt, you could interpret it as an attack on your ability to look neat. In this way, a comment that is intended to be helpful turns into an insult.
    • Try to find alternative ways of responding to this reflex so that you don't take other people's comments so seriously. Remember, most people have nothing behind it - they are not trying to give you hints that mean anything other than what they are really saying.
  3. See the humor in the things around you. It is just as important to see the humorous side of life as the practical, more closed side.If you tend to think, "I'm too grown up for this," or "Are there really people who like this?", Try to find the part of you that can enjoy it - even if that means that you have to step into someone else's shoes for a moment.
    • In fact, research has shown that the two most desirable qualities of a suitable leader are a good work ethic and have a good sense of humor. Just try to be dedicated and hardworking, without always being serious. There is a time to work, and a time to relax, right?
  4. Develop flexibility. Because you are never sure which way life is going and why, completely different and unexpected things can happen when your plans fall apart. We all know that it is not about the destination but about the journey to it. So sit back and let the reins loosen a little, because often it is the unexpected and uncertain things that give rise to the most beautiful surprises, things that we had not thought of ourselves.
    • Try to see the goals that have the highest priority as possible milestones on your journey. That way, the goals aren't end stations (because that's how you become so serious and develop tunnel vision). Instead, those goals are simply moments that give you inspiration when things go wrong.

Part 2 of 3: Things you can do to encourage playfulness

  1. Break your habits every now and then.If you take a detour and let other things disrupt your normal routine, you will enjoy life's little surprises more and more. Plus, you'll start to enjoy more of the benefits that come with the unexpected, such as getting to know nice new friends at a cafe you'd normally never go in.
    • Even if you stray just a little bit from your routine, such as taking a different route to work, you will be reminded to slow down and focus on the things that normally pass you by. Small changes cause us to get out of our own heads (and thus distract us from the concerns that normally make us so serious) and be present in the now.
  2. Learn techniques for dealing with stress. When you're stressed, you probably take life a lot more seriously; stress means that your body is ready to react in a violent way. This creates a cycle of getting stressed because you take things too seriously, and taking things seriously because of the stress response. It is important to learn methods to release mental and physical stress. Examples of this are:
    • Make long-term healthy lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise.
    • Using to-do lists
    • Being less negative about yourself
    • Do muscle relaxation exercises
    • Practicing mindfulness and doing visualizations
  3. Express yourself by moving. When you loosen up - literally - it's much easier to take life more lightly. There are all kinds of movement where you learn to let go of the tension that usually accompanies a serious character. Depending on what you enjoy, you can dance, try yoga, do aerobics, or try expressive arts such as stand-up comedy or acting.
    • It may be better to take a lesson in one of these things, because when you have to learn to let go of yourself in front of others, you are often more encouraged than trying to do it alone.
  4. Add music to your life. Listening to music regularly can change your state of mind, as it can enhance certain feelings. That means that you can listen to some uplifting music, for example, if you like to try to be less serious, because that makes it easier for you to see the good sides of life.
    • Listen to some faster music in major. Any genre is good, as long as you find it fun and relaxing.
  5. Look for opportunities to laugh. If you consciously try to laugh more, you can see how much humor there is in all kinds of situations. The following are easy ways to laugh more:
    • Watch a funny movie or series
    • Go to a performance by a comedian
    • Read the comics in the newspaper
    • Listen to a funny story
    • Organize a game night with your friends
    • Play with your pet (if you have one)
    • Go to a "laugh yoga class"
    • Go crazy with kids
    • Make time for fun activities (such as bowling, mini golf, or karaoke).
  6. Make jokes to combat petty frustrations. There will always be minor inconveniences coming your way, but there is always the option to make a joke of it. If you think there is nothing to laugh about because you find a hair in your soup, for example, laugh at the fact that something as small as a hair has so much power that it would almost ruin your evening (or that you have to go with the waiter to talk...).
    • You can get annoyed and angry with yourself because your printer isn't doing well, or you can joke about getting what you deserve because you're still using a '90s printer.
    • Try to make an elephant out of a mosquito on purpose to see how stupid it is to do it unconsciously. Go crazy if you break your nail or if you drop a coin in the well, like it's the end of the world. This allows you to see from an outsider's perspective how crazy it is when you really react that way to something trivial.
  7. Surround yourself with nice people who support you. The easiest way to remember not to take life too seriously is to let yourself be carried away by a group of fun-loving people, making your serious mood disappear like snow in the sun when they are around. Watch out for friends you already have, and new people you get to know, to see who makes it easy to laugh so that you naturally ignite.
    • Even if you're not together, you can imagine what these friends would think if they knew how seriously you take a problem. How would they react to it?
    • In addition, a shared smile is a very effective way to keep relationships good. Laughing with others creates the same emotional bond, but with the added value of fun and vitality.

Part 3 of 3: Discovering sources of seriousness

  1. Think about striving for perfection. Being overly serious sometimes stems from trying too hard to live your life a certain way. Suppose you are very focused on healthy eating, only gluten-free, and with superfoods. Chances are, if someone offers you a slice of a birthday cake, you feel uncomfortable, refuse the cake, and then start putting up a long-winded story about your diet. Imagine what the person offering you the cake will think: "Gosh, it's just a piece of cake. What's the problem?"
    • While it's good to set goals for yourself, small setbacks can become huge hurdles if you try to stick with them so hard that you start to take things more and more seriously.
    • Research has shown that perfectionism has actually been associated with less success and productivity, as it often involves procrastination.
  2. Wonder if you want to prove yourself. Sometimes we get too serious when we see everything as evidence of our capabilities and worth as human beings. Do you know the classmate who takes every small assignment just as seriously as the final exam? If such a person once gets a bad grade, he / she sees himself / herself as a bad student who has failed.
    • When you see everything as an achievement of your worth, even trivial tasks or chores become moments when you have to prove yourself.
    • Also consider whether it is difficult for you to be vulnerable. At home and at work, we are often expected to perform to the best of our ability in every area. As a result, we no longer dare to show that we are insecure or that we react emotionally to stressful situations.
    • This can become even more evident if people have high expectations of you, or if others feel that you have already achieved a lot. Are you trying to uphold the reputation of the hard-working all-rounder?
  3. Remember that purposefulness is rewarded in our culture. Because capitalist society is keen on efficiency and productivity, it is highly appreciated if you set yourself goals and try to achieve them. It is quickly overlooked that this is just a tactic, which is especially good for business. When we apply it in all areas of our lives, we become convinced that we know exactly what we need and how to achieve it.
    • It's nice to be the product of your culture, but if you know where this attitude comes from, you can use it responsibly instead of compulsively.
    • This attitude can seriously hinder your ability to learn life lessons and take life with all its pleasant surprises as it comes.
  4. Watch out when being serious turns into defensive. An important source of seriousness is an increased sense of danger. It is impossible to relax and take things lightly if you think all the time that you have to defend yourself against the threat of danger. Try to become less serious by seeing the positives of what comes your way and by considering the benefits of trying new things.
    • Many people take over their parents' over-anxiety. Constantly warned of potential danger and the importance of being careful will make you focus too much on the serious and threatening side of life, even if your parents' intentions were so good.
  5. Learn the effects of being overly severe. One of the drawbacks of being too serious is that you rarely take a gamble or venture off the beaten track. Too much emphasis on the serious side leads to a narrow-minded way of understanding what's worth your time and effort, and what's not. If you ignore things that intrigue you or make you feel good, you lose your natural ability to broaden your horizons.
    • Ironically, you can also become less productive if you worry too much about a particular thing. For example, if you walk around with the attitude that the world will end if the food is not ready at exactly seven, you will rush and you will no longer be able to enjoy the cooking, making the dish less surprising and original.
    • Being too serious can also affect your relationship with others, as you are more likely to judge and criticize the things around you. You may love how someone smiles, but if you have an attitude that is too serious, you are more likely to think that that nice smile is not enough for you.