Live the best life you can

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Live The LIfe You’re Worth
Video: Live The LIfe You’re Worth


Being happy and content with life is something we all strive for. To achieve that feeling, you want your life to be the best it can be. What that means is something personal. In order to live your best life, you will have to consider what is most important to you. Once you have done that, you can start thinking about a way to achieve your goals and increase your happiness.

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Method 1 of 3: Be healthy

  1. Work on your mental health. Your mind is as important as the rest of your body, and it is important that you think carefully about the health of your mind. This includes your emotional needs. Feeling good emotionally can help you discover the positive changes in the rest of your life. You can improve your mental health by surrounding yourself with people you trust and by making sure you feel comfortable in your environment.
    • If you are experiencing unpleasant emotions such as sadness or loneliness, talking to a therapist can be helpful. Find a reputable counselor in your area.
    • At least try to plan something fun every week. This can be as simple as going out for a coffee somewhere with a good friend. Having something to look forward to can really help you feel more mentally balanced.
  2. Learn to deal with stress. Stress is one of the biggest problems people face when trying to improve their mental health. Look for ways to deal with the difficult situations you might find yourself in, such as taking a deep breath or counting to 10.
    • Make sure everything is in order. Keeping a to-do list or an agenda can be a great way to take control of your hectic life. Check out wikiHow for ways to relieve the stress of your busy life.
  3. Get physically fit. Taking good care of your body is crucial to your overall health. People who are in better physical condition are generally happier and less stressed. Take care of yourself by eating healthy and getting regular exercise.
    • Get moving. Going to the gym is a great way to get healthy and socialize with other people at the same time. Find one in your area. Walking is also a great way to get some exercise every day. Getting some exercise can also be a much-needed break from your work.
    • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. People who follow a balanced diet usually suffer less from health problems, such as high cholesterol or diabetes.
  4. Take care of your spiritual health. Spiritual well-being means living in harmony with your beliefs and values. To get in touch with your spiritual side, try to think about what is important to you and focus on those things. You can also think about what you believe is your purpose in life.
    • To be spiritual means to be attentive. Try to increase your spiritual well-being with techniques such as meditation or yoga.
  5. Improve your interpersonal relationships. Your interactions with other people can have a major impact on your sense of well-being. Creating positive relationships can make you happier and less stressed. If you have negative people in your life, it can make you feel unhappy and unhealthy.
    • If you are in a relationship with someone, make it your priority to strengthen this relationship. Spend more time with your partner and show more physical affection.
  6. Improve your other relationships. Your relationships at work are also important to your well-being. Look for common interests with your colleagues to strengthen your bond. You can also offer your help if you find them dying on the job.
    • Focus on your friends and family. Your closest relationships are often those with your friends and family members. Make sure you make time to spend with them.
  7. Increase your intellectual health. You will just as well have to strengthen your mind, as you do with your muscles. Being intellectually healthy means challenging and engaging your brain. You are curious and love to explore new places and discover things.
    • Travel to new places. This is one of the best ways to learn new things and stimulate your brain.
    • Do puzzles. There are many things you can do at home to get your brain to work. Do crosswords, sudoku or challenging board games.

Method 2 of 3: Make changes

  1. Start every day with a fresh start. If things aren't going the way you'd like, try taking some of the pressure off yourself. Think of every day as a new beginning. This attitude will enable you to see the positive things in life.
    • Try to keep your diary every day before going to bed. Writing down your thoughts can help you sleep better and start each day with a clear mind.
  2. Be proactive. To change your life you will have to be the driving force behind the changes. Being proactive means that you are at the helm of your own future. You respond to your own choices and not to the choices made by other people. When you feel like you are in charge of your own life, you will feel more comfortable and confident. To become proactive you will have to think about specific actions to improve your life and then take them.
    • For example, if you feel unhappy in your current job, a proactive step to change that could be to update your resume and start applying for a new job.
  3. Create new habits. If there are areas of your life that you feel could be improved, try to change them. Maybe you want to improve your physical condition or save more money. Whatever it is, try to make changes in your daily life to make the big changes possible. For example, try to set aside $ 2 every day as a way to start saving more money.
    • A habit usually takes two months to really become part of your routine, so be patient with yourself.
  4. Set goals. Goals are a reflection of your priorities and are a concrete way in which you can improve your life. Goal setting can be helpful in any area of ​​your life. Having realistic goals can help you visualize the changes you want to see happen.
    • Set goals for both the short and the longer term. When you see the results of the short-term goals, you will get the encouragement you need to stick with it and move on to make the longer-term changes.
  5. Look for your passion. Having a purpose in life can help you live your life the best you can. Ask yourself what you can do if you don't have any more money worries. Once you have found the answer, you are on your way to finding your passion.
    • Follow your curiosity. Your passion is something that is unique to you, but will definitely be something that you find both interesting and challenging. For example, if you love animals, look for ways to work with animals. You could start by volunteering at an animal shelter.

Method 3 of 3: Enjoy your life

  1. Every day, express your appreciation for something. Make an effort to actually enjoy your life. An easy way to do this is to choose something that you enjoy every day. This could be as simple as taking a moment to intensely enjoy the flavor of your morning coffee. Or make it a habit to spend 30 minutes every day doing something that you really enjoy.
  2. Avoid comparisons. Try not to compare your life to someone else's life. For example, if you are concerned about your income, try to think of ways you can increase that income. This is an action you can take to improve your situation, as opposed to musing about a friend who has a better paying job than you, wondering why you can't earn that much.
    • When you compare yourself to someone else, you often end up criticizing yourself in an unfavorable way. Most people compare themselves to others who they feel have more or are "better". They also tend to compare themselves to an idealized version of that person, ignoring the fact that the other person is human, with the same flaws and problems as everyone else.
    • Instead of comparing yourself to others, compare your old and new selves. How much have you grown as a person in the past year? What can you do now that you couldn't do before?
    • Comparing yourself to another person is like comparing apples and pears. It is an inaccurate and irrelevant comparison, because everyone is unique. It is as illogical as comparing your swimming abilities to those of a dolphin.
  3. Go outside. Research has shown that fresh air can have a positive impact on your health, both mentally and physically. Set aside time every day (or every week) to spend outside. You can go for a walk in a park, or make it an adventurous weekend, by going to a nature reserve.
  4. Practice accepting yourself. Focus on your positive qualities. If you criticize yourself too much, it can be difficult to enjoy life. Instead, take a moment each day to focus on your strengths. Get into the habit of complimenting yourself. Stick a post it on the bathroom mirror to remind you that you are a great person.
  5. Be playful. Embracing the child within you can make you feel like you are enjoying life to the fullest. Do something crazy like hop or cartwheel. Don't be afraid to laugh. You can also get into the habit of having fun with friends and family. Your playfulness will likely be contagious.


  • Surround yourself with people you really enjoy being around.
  • Don't be afraid to be alone with your thoughts.
  • Participate in activities you enjoy doing.
  • If people aren't getting along with you, it's okay to cut ties with them.
  • If you feel tense, talk to the people you love, listen to your favorite music or read a book.

Talking to your loved ones can be especially helpful when you are experiencing tension, but it is fine if you don't want to. A friend, counselor, or even your dog can help you through stressful times. Also try to sleep more and drink more water. It sounds strange, but it really helps.