Palm reading

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
Hand Reading - Female - Indepth & Accurate
Video: Hand Reading - Female - Indepth & Accurate


Palm reading, or chiromancy, is practiced all over the world. Its origin is not entirely clear, but palmistry is believed to date back to the time of Indian Hindu astrology and the Roma (gypsy) fortune-tellers. The goal is to learn about a person's character or future by studying the palm. Whether you want to become a palm reader or just want a fun way to while away the time, here's how to get insights by looking at someone's hand.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Deciphering the lines

  1. Pick a hand. Palmistry assumes the following:
    • For women, the right hand shows what you were born with and the left hand shows what you have built up in your life.
    • It is the other way around for men. The left hand shows what you were born with and the right hand shows what you have built in your life.
    • But you can also choose the preferred hand, this is the hand that shows the past and the present, the other hand is the future hand.
      • There are different schools of thought that think differently about this. Some say your left hand shows your potential, and what could happen - not necessarily what shall to happen. And a difference between the hands can mean that someone is busy, or will be busy changing his / her life in the future.
  2. Find the four main lines. They can be interrupted or short, but you have at least three out of four:
    • (1) The centerline.
    • (2) The main line.
    • (3) The lifeline.
    • (4) The fate line (not everyone has this).
  3. Interpret the centerline. This line can be read in two directions (from the little finger to the index finger or vice versa), depending on the tradition followed. The line is an indication of emotional stability, romantic perspectives, depression and heart health. The basic interpretations are as follows:
    • Starts under the index finger - satisfied with the love life
    • Starts under the middle finger - selfish in love
    • Starts in the middle - falls in love easily
    • Straight and short - less interested in romance
    • Hit the lifeline - let the heart break easily
    • Long and curvy - freely expresses emotions and feelings
    • Straight and parallel to the main line - copes well with emotions
    • Wavy - a lot of fleeting relationships and lovers, no serious relationships
    • Circle on the line - sadness or depression
    • Broken line - emotional trauma
    • Smaller lines crossing the heart line - emotional trauma
  4. Interpret the main line. This line represents how a person learns, the communicative approach, the intellect and hunger for knowledge. A curvy line represents creativity and spontaneity, a straight line represents a practical and structured approach. The basic interpretations are as follows:
    • Short line - prefers physical goals over mental ones.
    • A curved, sloping line - creativity
    • Apart from lifeline - adventure, zest for life
    • Wavy line - short attention span
    • Deep, long line - thinks clearly and sharply
    • Straight line - thinks realistically
    • Circles or cross in outline - emotional crisis
    • Broken main line - inconsistencies in thinking
    • Multiple crosses through the main line - memorable decisions
  5. Interpret the lifeline. This starts at the thumb and curves towards the wrist. It reflects physical health, general health, and major life changes (e.g., catastrophic events, physical injuries, relocations). Length does not represent length of life. The basic interpretations are as follows:
    • Walks close to the thumb - often tired
    • Lots of turns - lots of energy
    • Long and deep - vitality
    • Short and shallow - manipulated by others
    • Going around in a semicircle - strength and enthusiasm
    • Straight and close to the edge of the palm - careful about relationships
    • Multiple lifelines - extra vitality
    • Circle in line - in hospital or injured
    • Broken - sudden lifestyle change
  6. Interpret the line of fate. This line represents the degree to which a person's life is affected by external factors beyond their control. It starts at the bottom of the palm. The basic interpretations are as follows:
    • Deep line - is strongly determined by fate
    • Fractures and change of direction - prone to changes in life due to external forces
    • Starts connected to the lifeline - individually; develops ambitions at an early stage
    • Joins the lifeline somewhere in the middle - indicates a point where one's interests should be relinquished for the interests of others
    • Starts at bottom of thumb and crosses lifeline - help offered by family and friends

Part 2 of 2: Interpreting the hands, fingers, etc.

  1. Determine the hand shape. Different shapes of the hand represent different character traits. The length of the palm is measured from the wrist to the bottom of the fingers. The basic interpretations are as follows:
    • Earth - broad, square palms and fingers, thick or rough skin and ruddy color; the length of the palm is equal to the length of the fingers
      • Strong norms / values ​​and energy, sometimes stubborn
      • practical and responsible, sometimes materialistic
      • Works with the hands, feels good with the concrete
    • Sky - square or rectangular palms with long fingers and sometimes protruding knuckles, low thumbs, dry skin; the length of the palm is less than the length of the fingers
      • Social, talks a lot, funny
      • Can be superficial, hostile and cold
      • Feels comfortable with the mental and elusive
      • Does things in alternative, radical ways
    • Water - long, sometimes oval palm with long, flexible, conical fingers; the length of the palm is equal to the fingers but less than the widest part of the palm
      • Creative, observant and sympathetic
      • Sometimes moody, emotional and inhibited
      • Introvert
      • Does things quietly and intuitively
    • Fire - square or rectangular palm, fiery or pinkish skin and shorter fingers; the length of the palm is greater than the length of the fingers
      • Spontaneous, enthusiastic and optimistic
      • Sometimes selfish, impulsive and insensitive
      • Extrovert
      • Does things bold and instinctively
  2. Look at the mountains. Those are the fleshy bits under your fingers, on the other side of your knuckles. To make them clearly visible, you can make a bowl of your hand. Which mountain is the largest?
    • A high Venusberg (under your thumb) means a predisposition for hedonism, debauchery, and the need for instant gratification. Absence of the Venusberg means that there is little interest in family matters.
    • The mountain under your index finger is called Jupiterberg. If it is well developed you will be dominant, perhaps selfish and aggressive. Absence from this mountain means a lack of self-confidence.
    • Mount Saturn is located under your middle finger. A high mountain shows that you are stubborn, cynical and prone to depression. When it is low you are chaotic and superficial.
    • The Apolloberg is located under the ring finger. You have a short temper, you are extravagant and proud when you have a high Apollo mountain. A low Apollo mountain means that you lack imagination.
    • The Mercuriusberg is under the little finger. If this is clearly visible, you are talking too much. A low mountain means the opposite - then you are shy.
      • Remember, none of this is based on scientific evidence. Your hands can also change over the course of your life. So don't take it too seriously!
  3. Study the size of your hand and fingers. Small hands in relation to your height means that you are active and do not think long about what you are doing. People with big hands are thinkers and are less likely to take action.
    • Remember this relative to your body is. If you are 2 meters tall you will have bigger hands than a toddler.
    • Lady fingers can be a sign of fears, good manners, good looks and elegance. Short fingers mean impatience, sexuality and creativity.
    • Long fingernails say you can keep secrets. Short fingernails mean you are critical and sarcastic. If they are almond shaped you are sweet and tactical.


  • Practice on your own hands
  • Make a card for the four main lines (life, destiny, heart and head) and hand types (fire, earth, air and water). Do this when you are just starting out with palmistry so that you don't have to memorize everything. If you want to get good at it quickly, it is useful to study this card a lot.
  • Make sure the exposure is good where you are going to palm reading, because it is very difficult in the dark.
  • Accept that palmistry is not always accurate. The fate of your life and your decisions should not be influenced by divination.
  • In general, the more flexible the hand, the more flexible the person.
  • Don't look at the thinner, shallower lines. Only follow the four important, deep lines. Otherwise you will just get confused. Leave these lines to a professional hand reader.
  • If you are just starting out, focus on the heart and life line.
  • Not everyone has a line of fate!
  • The lines on your hand change during your lifetime, which is why many see palmistry as an opportunity to see what has already happened, not predict the future.
  • Look closely at the texture of the hand, both the front and back. Soft hands represent a sensitive, refined person, rough hands represent a coarse temperament.


  • Always keep it light on your feet when you are going to read someone's hand. Don't make shady predictions that might make people worry. In the end you know nothing more than anybody else.
  • Remember that palmistry is a joke, there is no substantial evidence for the correlation between a person's hand features and psychological features.