Level the soil

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 2 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to Level Your Lawn the Easy Way. | Lawn Leveling with Topsoil | Front Yard Renovation
Video: How to Level Your Lawn the Easy Way. | Lawn Leveling with Topsoil | Front Yard Renovation


Homeowners are leveling their soil for a variety of reasons. Some people level the ground before building a new home, especially when the area is hilly. It may also be that someone wants to have an above-ground swimming pool, a playground, driveway, garage or a patio. Some people also level the soil for planting grass seed, flowers, and vegetable gardens. Whatever the reason, the procedure is always the same.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Marking the area

  1. Mark the area you want to level. This area doesn't have to be nicely rectangular unless you plan to use sod instead of seeds. Insert wooden or plastic stakes into the soil around the area to be leveled.
  2. Use a wire to indicate the level. Run a string along the stakes a few inches above the ground. Determine and indicate what should be the highest point. This is usually the starting point to which you level the rest of the soil, but you can of course also remove soil, depending on what is suitable for your project.
  3. Make sure the wire is level using a tape measure, spirit level and the highest point indicated earlier.
  4. Consider the type of soil. If necessary, adjust the type of soil to avoid problems with drainage in the future. Rate the soil for every yard from your home.

Part 2 of 3: Leveling the soil

  1. Remove any grass that may be present. If you want to level a small patch of ground and most of it is already level, you probably don't need to remove the grass. However, if you want to level a larger area, it is much easier to remove all the grass first. A simple shovel is all you need for a reasonably sized piece of land.
  2. Cover the soil with suitable soil. Depending on how much soil you want to level and what you want to do with the soil afterwards, you will have to apply a layer that consists of different types of soil, sand and compost / fertilizer. If you want to grow grass, the soil cover must be rich in nutrients. If you just want to build a shed or build a pool, then soil and sand will do.
  3. Spread the top layer with soil. Use a rake to spread it evenly, checking with your tape measure and the level indicated earlier. If you need to do a large plot of land, small versions of excavators are available for rent from a hardware store. They can advise you on what works best for the plot of land you want to work.
  4. Tamp the ground. If you're doing a small plot of land, you can tamp it down with your foot or a shovel / rake. If it concerns a larger plot of land or it is very important that you maintain the correct level (such as when laying a foundation for a house), rent a machine to tamp and level the ground.
  5. Let the ground settle. Give the soil enough time to settle down. Take at least 48 hours for this, if not several days or weeks. Dust the surface with water if there is not enough rainfall in the coming days.

Part 3 of 3: Growing the grass again

  1. Sow the grass seeds. If you want to regrow grass in the area you just leveled, you will need to buy grass seeds that are appropriate for what you want to do with them and the type of soil. Buy seed and possibly a hand seeder or other tool to sow the seed evenly.
  2. Sprinkle lightly more soil over it. Cover the seeds with a thin top layer of soil and press lightly.
  3. Give the soil some water. Spray the soil with water 4 times a day for at least 2 days in a row to ensure that the seeds can germinate.
  4. Sprinkle more seed if necessary. Give the grass time to grow and, if necessary, sow more grass seed in those places where no or too little grass is growing.
  5. Alternatively, you can also buy sod if you get impatient or want a more uniform look from your lawn.


  • If you have a hard time finding low ground, flood the terrain and see where pools will form.


  • Be careful with machines and garden tools to avoid injuries.


  • Tape measure
  • Fluorescent orange paint
  • Hammer or sledgehammer
  • 4 Discontinue
  • Rope
  • Spade or shovel
  • Ground
  • Rake
  • Lawn roller
  • 2 sticks
  • Level