Make money online without a website

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Money Online Without Website & Without Audience 🔥
Video: How To Make Money Online Without Website & Without Audience 🔥


Building a website and attracting internet traffic to generate advertising revenue is a proven way to make money online. However, for those who don't want to go through the trouble of creating or maintaining a website, there are ways to make significant amounts of money online without a website. This article describes some of the most common ways to do this.

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Method 1 of 4: Sell what you know or make

  1. Teach online. Certain websites allow people with a particular education or skill to record lessons that others can pay to watch. The teachers can then participate in forums to guide their students through the difficult parts of their content. This not only allows you to share your skills with other people, but also earns you a steady stream of income, if many people participate in your classes.
  2. Sell ​​your handmade goods online. People like to buy interesting crafts and handmade objects. Online stores like Etsy offer creative and crafty people ways to make money by selling their products. Make sure you hit the market with something that sets your product apart from other products already available on the site.
  3. Sell ​​your skills. There are a number of sites that put people with certain skills in contact with people who are desperate for those skills. Whether you are a graphic designer, lawyer or translator, you can find someone who is willing to pay you a reasonable amount for your work. Search for "online freelance work" and see the first few results.
  4. Write an eBook. While it may seem like a daunting task to write an entire book, Ebooks don't have to be long to be informative and valuable. You just need to consider what you know and how to do something that others would like to know too, and then organize this information in book format. Of course, the actual writing process will take time, but with the help of online publishing services, publishing and selling your eBook is a breeze.
    • Your eBook can be easily published using a variety of online publishing services, such as those of Google or On any site it is possible to send your book and once it is approved it will be put up for sale. Since your book is digital, selling the copies will cost you nothing.
    • Besides the time to write the book and convert it to e-book format, you can make a profit. However, the average earnings from an ebook are less than $ 300. There are many competitors, many of whom spend hours promoting their books. So you can make money with such a venture, but don't expect huge profits.
  5. Make YouTube videos. YouTube allows content creators to make money from advertising depending on how often their videos are viewed. The payout is not much, $ 1- $ 3 per 1000 views, but that can add up quickly if you post more videos and attract more viewers. An added benefit to this is that you can make videos of whatever you want as long as you think others will want to watch them.
    • Keep in mind that videos, like eBooks, are unlikely to make a lot of money. You are facing a huge amount of competition, and it is quite unlikely that your videos will be viewed by anyone other than family and friends.

Method 2 of 4: Sell your time

  1. Complete online surveys. There is a market for people who want to undergo different types of research offered by organizations and companies. The reward is relatively low per survey, but completing many of these surveys will give you a reasonable net payout. Keep in mind that some of these survey sites pay out in gift cards or other forms of non-cash payment.
  2. Become a virtual assistant. Another option is to become an online assistant for someone who is short of time to do simple tasks. These tasks could include writing emails, purchasing gifts, or arranging dinner reservations. This can certainly be one of the most interesting ways to make money online. However, many of these assistants work full-time and this would require you to be constantly available to your employer throughout the day.
  3. Work for Amazon's Mechanical Turk. This program allows you to quickly complete small tasks that Amazon's automated computers cannot do, such as describing the color of a shirt. Each task only takes a few seconds, but the employee earns only a few cents with it. However, with practice and focus, some employees are able to earn a minimum wage together.

Method 3 of 4: Sell products for others

  1. Sell ​​products through consignment sales on eBay. Selling on eBay does not always mean that you sell your own stuff or even buy the products. Many sellers make consignment sales and keep a portion of the sale price. This can be done from home or in a physical store. Another option is to become an eBay employee and do consignment sales directly for eBay. Read the wikiHow article on making money on eBay through reselling.
  2. Become a wholesaler. A wholesaler buys products in bulk at a low price and makes money by selling them to buyers at a higher price. While many wholesalers have their own website, other companies operate directly through or other online stores. Before deciding to become a wholesaler, consider the market for your product, the potential revenues, and the inventory you want to stock. Read the wholesale wikiHow article for more information on how to get started.
    • Sell ​​products via drop shipping. This process is essentially a simplified version of the wholesale trade, but instead of taking control of the inventory itself, you're just selling the products and having a third party handle the order for you. That is, if your item was purchased through the online store where you registered it (, the manufacturer will take care of shipping your product to the buyer. This reduces risks of leftover stock and complicated logistics that do apply in the wholesale trade

Method 4 of 4: Offer affiliate products

  1. Find an affiliate product to offer. You act as an intermediary between the manufacturer of the product and the consumer, without ever having had the product in your hands. Choose a product that you think is in demand and is currently not being promoted much.
    • In general, you get the highest commissions on digital products. A digital product is defined as something that is downloaded directly to a customer's computer after purchase, such as electronic books or software. Because there are no additional costs, inventory and no shipping costs per unit, commissions are much higher than for regular "physical" goods. The commission on digital products is usually 50%.
    • Sign up as a retailer at an affiliate website. This offers the opportunity to build a running income, and the retention rate is much higher than selling a product just once and getting paid for it. After you sign up, you will get a unique affiliate link where you have to entice people to buy the product. Your affiliate link will be given a special code that tells the product owner that you referred the customer. The affiliate link code ensures that your commissions are properly tracked and allocated to you.
  2. Choose a domain name for redirecting to your affiliate link. These can be bought cheaply from a hosting website. It's important to note that unlike having your own website, you don't have to pay for hosting (which is usually more expensive than buying and registering a domain name).
    • When someone types your domain into their browser, it will direct to your affiliate link. The visitor then sees the website with the product you are promoting, and the commissions are correctly tracked.
    • The reason you need a domain name is that it can be remembered and it makes you appear more reliable. Affiliate links tend to be too long and arouse suspicion. For example, most people would rather click the link than
  3. Increase internet traffic through your domain. In order to make sales, you must try to attract visitors to your domain name (which will redirect the user to the website of the product you are selling). You can pay for advertising and hope that your profit will exceed the advertising cost, or you can find ways to generate internet traffic for free.
    • The most effective way to attract specific visitors to your domain name for free is by writing and posting articles. You can write short articles on the topic related to the product you are promoting and include your domain name at the end. You then send the articles to various websites to publish your articles, as long as your link is included. Your articles can be published in many places on the internet (depending on the quality and relevance of the article to the owner of the website), and will advertise your affiliate link at no further cost. People will read your articles and if they like what you have to say, click on your url to buy something.


  • Keep in mind that in order to make money on something like an ebook or YouTube videos, you will have to invest a lot of time and you may not be making any money at all, even if you put loads of time into it.
  • Be aware of scams on the internet. There are many people who promise you easy money and then take your money away. Watch out for pyramid schemes or people / websites that ask for registration and promise you hundreds of dollars for simple tasks such as entering data. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.