Make money when you are 13

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make Money For Teens | 13-16 year olds
Video: How To Make Money For Teens | 13-16 year olds


It's hard to make money when you're 13, but it's not impossible. There are quite a few ways in which you can earn extra money by doing chores, such as offering assistance in your area or even, depending on your jurisdiction, through work permitted for your age.

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Method 1 of 5: Make money online

  1. Complete questionnaires. By completing questionnaires on websites such as you can earn money or gift cards. Other websites such as Toluna and Panelwizard also pay you to complete questionnaires. In some cases you earn points by completing questionnaires. When you have earned a certain number of points, you can exchange them for cash.
    • Register on more than one survey website (five or more). When they choose you to take a survey, you will receive an email from the survey website, so make sure to check your email every day.
    • It depends on whether they need someone your age, gender and race whether a website chooses you to fill out a questionnaire or not. By signing up to more than one website, you increase your chances of being asked to complete a survey.
    • Before you sign up to a survey website, make sure it is legal. Read the privacy statement on the website to make sure they do not sell your information to companies.
    • Some survey websites give you free products instead of money. Other websites let you enter competitions instead of giving you money. If you only want money, only sign up for websites that give survey participants money.
  2. Use your skills. You can make money by selling a service online (like creating a logo with Photoshop, sending someone a letter, or recording a video). Think about what you like to do and create a "job" for yourself with a website!
  3. Be creative. If you have a creative talent, you can create an Etsy shop and sell your work online. You can make jewelry, cards, bags and so on. One thing to consider is how much your equipment will cost and how much time it will take you to complete your work. Make sure you make a profit!
  4. Sell ​​things you don't want anymore. You can also sell things on Amazon and eBay. These can be objects that you or your parents no longer need (such as books you have already read). You can also make a lot of money by selling vintage products on these websites. You can often find cool vintage things at markets or thrift stores like the Salvation Army. Ask your mom or dad if they are free on a Saturday to help you find vintage things near you.

Method 2 of 5: Make money in your area

  1. Hold a garage sale. If online sales aren't for you, you can sell unwanted items in your garden! You need to prepare the garage sale in advance. Ask your parents if they have some things they can give you for the garage sale and make sure you have their permission to run a garage sale.
    • Make sure to promote your garage sales. You can put up signs in your area (make sure to put up signs on the main streets leading to your neighborhood). You can also promote your garage sale on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) or post information on Craigslist.
    • You can also invite friends or neighbors to come to your garage sale. A larger selection of products attracts a larger audience.
    • Also consider asking neighbors to give you things for the garage sale. You can offer them a percentage of the money you earn from the products they have given you.
  2. Do some chores. Ask your parents if they can pay you for simple chores, such as washing the dishes, vacuuming, or dusting. You can even propose a weekly "rate" for these chores. Think about what kind of housework your parents really hate doing and offer to do it every week at a rate they think is fair.
    • If you already have weekly or daily chores, ask your parents for other extra chores. Explain to them that you would like to start saving money. These chores can also be monthly instead of weekly, such as mowing the lawn, raking leaves, or washing the car.
    • Go beyond normal chores by suggesting more time-consuming projects that only need to be done once, but may take a few days. Ask your parents if they will pay you to tidy up the garage or attic, clean the gutter or floor baseboards, or build a flower bed.
    • You can also ask your parents for an increase in your pocket money if you do an extra chore or project weekly, every two weeks, or monthly. For example, suggest mowing the grass every weekend or every other weekend in exchange for a pocket money increase.
  3. Do chores for your neighbors. Ask your neighbors if they have chores for you (mowing the lawn, raking leaves, washing the car, dusting the house, walking the dog, and so on). You can go door to door or distribute flyers in your area with a list of chores you can do.
    • Be careful with people you don't know. It's best to ask neighbors that you and your parents already know. If you choose to go door to door, ask one of your parents to come with you so that you feel safe. If for some reason you don't feel comfortable doing a job for one of your neighbors, leave immediately and tell your parents.

Method 3 of 5: Have a side job

  1. Find agricultural work. Until you are 14, you have limited options for "real" work. Agricultural work is one of them. If you live in the country or in a village, you may have some farms nearby that have some part-time work.
  2. Take a newspaper job. In many places, young people under the age of 14 can be hired to deliver newspapers. You can call a media company or visit a media company near you and ask them if they are looking for newspaper deliverers.
    • If a media company is not hiring at the moment, please try again later. By doing that you show that you are serious. You can also ask them if they save applications for future vacancies.
  3. Work in your family business. Although in most places you have to be 14 years old to have a side job, working in a family business is an exception. If your parents own a business, ask them to hire you for small jobs. Working for your family business for a few hours a day or on the weekend will give you a good work experience for when you are old enough to find another job.

Method 4 of 5: Become an entrepreneur

  1. Start your own business. Get the help of your parents. You can collaborate with your family and friends. You can make your own products and sell them. Ask your parents how to start a business.
  2. Tutor younger children. Are you good at math? Help smaller children learn how to multiply.
  3. Babysitting. Besides babysitting every now and then, consider starting a small babysitting business. You can involve a few friends who want to make some money too. Distribute flyers near you, in local cafes and the community center. Ask your parents to hand out flyers at work as well.
    • Before starting your babysitting business, it is a good idea for you (and any friends you may work with) to get your first aid certificate. This makes it more attractive to those looking for a babysitter.
    • When you need to babysit for a client, ask them to be a reference for future employers and to recommend you to their friends.
    • You can also create a website. You can create a free website at or These websites have many templates that you can use to create your own website. Include the link to your website on your flyers and ask clients to provide testimonials. You can also put some information about yourself and your company on your website, and your hourly rate.
  4. Walk dogs or become a pet sitter. Many adults need someone to look after their pets when they are at work or on vacation during the summer. If babysitting isn't for you, consider starting a pet sitting business. You can distribute flyers to offer your services and go door to door in your neighborhood.
  5. Start a mobile car wash. If you have an older sibling who can drive, ask him or her to soak with you or drive you around your area for a percentage of your profit. If you want to keep all your winnings or don't have a vehicle at your disposal, you can use a wheelbarrow to haul your stuff with you.
    • You can take it a step further by offering a more comprehensive service to your customers. Rather than just washing the car, offer to wax or vacuum the interior as well. This service requires a few extra items, such as a vacuum cleaner and laundry, but you can earn a lot more by "upgrading" your services with this. Chances are, if someone pays you to wash your car, they won't mind paying an extra $ 10 or $ 20 for a more thorough cleaning.
    • Ask your customers if you can wash their cars every two weeks or monthly. Make sure you are friendly and you wash the cars thoroughly. If you do, they are more likely to hire you again and tell their neighbors about your car wash service.
  6. Organize a booth. While the idea of ​​a lemonade stand may seem a bit old-fashioned, you can make a lot of pocket money if you consider where and when to sell your refreshments. The old classic still works, especially when you also sell cookies and other snacks. Do it on a hot day in the park or any other place where there are many people.

Method 5 of 5: Save money

  1. Ask for money instead of gifts. If it's your birthday soon, make sure your family knows you're trying to save and that you'd rather have money as a gift.
  2. Set up a bank account. Ask your parents to take you to their bank to help you apply for a bank account. You can earn interest on the money you put into your account, and setting up a savings account (versus the old-fashioned piggy bank) makes you less likely to spend your money on a whim.
    • If you're worried about spending your money instead of saving it, you can also put a limit on the amount you can withdraw from your account every month. While a debit card is useful, consider not taking this option as it will make it easier for you to spend money rather than save.
  3. Make long-term plans. It's never too early to start making a budget! Maybe you want to save up to buy a computer or a nice Christmas present for someone. Determine how much you need and how long you need to save. Set a monthly goal to save so that you have enough money when you need it.


  • Don't ask too much money or people might think you're ripping them off.
  • Don't forget to be careful when you are hired by neighbors. Get your parents' permission first.
  • Don't get overworked trying to make extra money. Don't forget that you also need time to study or do homework.
  • Always ask your parents if you can do these things.
  • Ask a little money when you babysit. Then they know it's easy to pay you and they'll ask you to babysit more often. You can make more money this way.
  • Make sure to make a weekly budget; this helps you know how much to save for your end goal. Then you can spend your money wisely.


  • Be careful with strangers. You never know who they are and what they do.
  • Don't pressure your parents or family to give you money. This type of behavior will only irritate them, making it less likely that they will help you make money.
  • Don't get overwhelmed by all your jobs and chores. You also need a break!
  • Don't let it disrupt your education! Make sure you don't do so much that you can't do your homework. Don't forget that you have to go to school to get a good paying job later!