Flirt with a girl over the phone

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Talk To A Girl On The Phone Call - Banter, Flirt, and Close (LIVE Infield Demo)
Video: How To Talk To A Girl On The Phone Call - Banter, Flirt, and Close (LIVE Infield Demo)


Calling a girl can be a fun way to flirt with her. When you call, you miss the body language and eye contact that makes a face-to-face conversation easier. But talking on the phone gives you a chance to really focus on what the girl is saying, and to make a good impression with your sense of humor and listening skills.

To step

Method 1 of 5: Prepare to make a call

  1. Choose a good time to talk. If you call a girl, you don't have to set a specific time to call. But you have to choose a good time when you have time to talk. Then you feel less rushed during the conversation. She'll wonder why you called her if you only have a few minutes to talk.
    • If she doesn't have time to talk when you call, ask when it's a good time to call back. She can be at work or at an appointment. Let her choose a time for you to call and make sure you actually call her at that time.
  2. Choose a good location. Make sure you are in a good place when you call her. Do not call if you are on the bus or walking in a really busy area. It may be difficult to hear her voice or your own voice may skip. Even worse, your call may drop or the connection may be lost.
  3. Clear your throat. Don't start the conversation with a frog in your throat that makes your voice sound strange. Clear your throat or cough a little to make sure your voice is clear.
    • If you really have a cold and your nose is blocked, it will be more difficult for her to hear you over the phone. You can still call to say hi, but keep the conversation short. End the conversation by telling her that you are going to rest for a while so that you are well again when you meet.
  4. Don't eat while you talk. The sound of someone eating can be really awful, and when you're munching on a hamburger or slurping down a milkshake, the phone can amplify that sound. It will also be more difficult to follow you when you are chewing in the middle of a sentence.
  5. Don't wait three days to call. Dating Advice sometimes recommends waiting three days after getting her phone number before calling a girl. This is terrible advice. Show her you're interested by calling if you want to call.This can even be the day after you met her. If you wait too long, she'll get annoyed and think you don't care much about her.

Method 2 of 5: Speak in a good telephone voice

  1. Make your voice sound a little deeper. A deeper voice makes it a little easier for her to understand what you are saying. It will also be soothing and more comforting to hear a deeper voice. Keep your voice calm, soft and gentle.
    • Try to control your voice so that you don't sound too loud or garish. You can certainly shout out when the conversation calls for it, but if you're on the phone too emphatically, it can come across as wrong.
  2. Don't talk too fast or too slow. Make sure the girl can understand what you are saying. Speak a little slower so that you speak at a normal pace (but not so slowly that you sound strange). Keep your voice relaxed and steady.
  3. Smile while you call. Even though she can't see you, she can still hear a smile in your voice when you talk. Keep your body relaxed and in a comfortable position when you have her on the phone. Smile when she says something funny or when you tell a story.
    • Record your voice when you are smiling and when you are not smiling. Listen to the difference.

Method 3 of 5: Have a conversation

  1. Keep the conversation light and funny. Use your sense of humor to joke and tell comical stories. Talk about interesting people you met or funny things that happened to you.
    • Don't joke so much that everything you say is a joke. Remember, she's just getting to know you, so show her she can trust what you're saying.
    • You may be able to tease her a bit, but don't be mean. Pay close attention to her reaction. If she seems to be cooler when you tease her, hold back.
  2. Talk about cows and calves. Flirting on the phone doesn't work very well when you're talking about tough or controversial topics. Choose topics that are easy to discuss, such as movies or travel.
    • You can also pick up on something you talked about in a previous conversation.
  3. Keep the conversation neat. When you're just getting to know someone, you don't want to offend her or make her feel uncomfortable with obscene talk. Then you just come off as a creep and she won't want to talk to you anymore.
    • If you get into a relationship with this girl, the conversation can get a little more naughty, but only if she doesn't mind. For now, though, you'd better keep it tidy.
  4. Talk about when you met. Maybe you just met this girl and exchanged phone numbers. Talking about your first meeting is a great conversation piece to start with. Talk about a funny thing that happened when you met, or talk about the people she was on the road with.
    • Show an interest in her life, but don't ask too many questions about her friends. She might get the wrong idea and think you're more interested in one of her friends than in her.
  5. Make a date to meet again in person. Use your phone call for a dual purpose. To further develop the friendship and attraction that came from getting to know this girl. You can also use the phone call to arrange a date, to meet in person.
    • Make a light joke. If the girl says she can be there at three, you can reply, "Way too early. Let's meet at 3:03 am. "
  6. Be yourself. It sounds cliché, but try to be yourself. If you try too hard or come across as unreal, this will be noticeable in the telephone conversation. Stay relaxed and natural.

Method 4 of 5: Focus on the girl

  1. Compliment her. Everyone likes to hear positive things about themselves. Make the girl feel good about herself by complimenting her. Compliment her on her sense of humor, her haircut, how well she does her job, etc.
    • Some people start to feel uncomfortable with too many compliments. Keep your compliments light yet meaningful, and don't go too far.
  2. Use her name every now and then. Make the phone conversation more personal by regularly using the girl's name during your conversation. Don't say her name at the beginning of each sentence, just occasionally in between so she feels special.
  3. Listen to what she says. It can be difficult to convey that you are listening to someone because you cannot rely on eye contact and body language. But you can do other things to show that you are listening to what the girl is saying. Try to agree with her or respond to her statements, such as, "Really?" Or "Oh, no."
    • If you pay attention to what she's saying, she will feel encouraged to keep talking.
  4. Avoid other distractions while talking. Keep the conversation going by focusing only on her. Don't check your email or surf the internet while talking to her. She will notice when you are distracted and will feel that you are not interested enough to give her your full attention.

Method 5 of 5: Flirt with a girl via text message

  1. Text her a joke that only you guys understand. If the girl gave you her number and you want to text her, texting about something you can both laugh about is a good place to start. Maybe there is something only she understands or something you have in common that you can share with each other.
    • Don't text something boring like, "How are you? This will probably only give you a boring answer and it won't appeal to her very much.
  2. Name details. Send a text with specific details about the last time you saw each other. For example, you could say, "I thought you looked great in that red dress yesterday. She will feel special that you remember these details.
  3. Don't text too much. Sending 20 messages spread over the day will probably be a bit too much. Stick to three or four short conversations via text message or responses to text messages.
  4. Don't just stick to texting. Texting is a good addition to other ways of interacting, such as visiting each other or making a phone call. Texting can help you flirt, but it shouldn't be the only way to flirt with someone. Even if you're shy, you should get to know this girl by calling or meeting.
  5. Don't get upset if she doesn't return a message. The girl may be working or doing something and not have time to respond right away. She may not be one of those text messengers and would prefer a phone call. Get a feel for how she responds to your messages and don't take it personally.