Merge Facebook pages

Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Facebook Merge: Combine two Facebook pages together 2020
Video: Facebook Merge: Combine two Facebook pages together 2020


If you run a business, chances are your customers and fans have created Facebook pages that divert attention from the main page. This is especially true when the business has a physical location and a Facebook user misspells the name when signing up. By merging the different pages, your fans and customers end up with these kinds of errors on one page, which gives you more control over your message and marketing.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Prepare your pages

  1. Make sure your pages meet the merge requirements. Facebook can only merge pages when the following criteria apply:
    • You should Administrator are of all pages that will be merged.
    • The pages must have similar content. For example, you can't merge a page from a nongovernmental organization with that from a record label.
    • The pages must have similar names. You can Cool Page for example merge with Cool Page1, but not with Totally Different Page. If the names do not look alike, you can rename one of the pages so that they are almost identical. To do this, go to the page, click Edit → Update Page Information. Enter the new name of the page. You can only edit the page name if the page has less than 200 likes.
    • The companies represented on the pages must have the same address if applicable.
  2. Claim the pages you want to merge. If you want to merge a Post page created by a customer with your main page, you will need to claim it first. You must be able to prove that you are connected to the company.
    • To claim a Post page, click the menu button at the top of the page. Select Is this your company? and fill in the form. You may have to prove that you are actually connected to the company. Once you have claimed the page, you can merge it with the main page of your company.
  3. See which page will be kept. When you merge pages, the page with the most likes will be kept and the other page will be merged with it. The merged page will be deleted and only the main page will remain with all followers, ratings and visits from all other pages included.
  4. Save the content of the old pages if necessary. Photos or posts from the old page are permanently deleted. Therefore, make sure to download important texts or photos from the page with the fewest likes before merging pages.

Part 2 of 2: Merge pages

  1. Open the page with the most likes. Page merging will take place on this page. Open the administration panel of the page.
  2. Click on the Edit page button. Select Edit settings.
  3. Click on the Merge Duplicate Pages link. You can find this at the bottom of the menu. If you don't see the link, Facebook can't find pages that can be merged with the main page. Therefore, check again that the pages meet the requirements.
  4. Confirm the pages you want to merge. You will now see a list of all duplicate pages found. Click the box next to each page you want to merge with your main page. If you are on the Merge Pages button, all followers, reviews and check-ins will be added to the main page but the rest of the page content with fewer likes will be removed.
    • It may take up to 14 days to receive any approval to merge pages. You will be informed about this by e-mail.


  • Merging pages is irreversible. The merged pages are permanently deleted.