Eating and losing weight

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 5 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Eat Pizza and Chocolate and Still Lose Weight | This Morning
Video: How To Eat Pizza and Chocolate and Still Lose Weight | This Morning


Did you know that even though you eat a lot you can still lose weight? That sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? Here you will find a number of methods to make that reality.

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  1. Eat more fresh foods! Choose fresh, nutrient-rich, healthy, low-fat foods instead of junk foods. Junk food can range from burgers to those cookies that you can't resist! Adding a lot of fruits and vegetables to your diet will help keep you feeling full longer than with factory foods, so you won't even feel the need to eat loads. Also, drinking some broth or a Haitian soup made with filtered water will help keep you feeling full.
  2. Practice every day! This could be the hardest advice to follow. But what you can do is start slowly and then steadily train harder. For example, today you walk for 10 minutes, and you repeat this all week. The next week you do double that. That might make you slimmer! The most important thing is to get your heart rate up and start now!
  3. Give in to temptation every now and then. Go ahead and eat a slice of pizza or a donut. But before you do that, drink 8 glasses of water and eat a bowl of raw vegetables such as cucumbers, celery, carrots and tomatoes. They make you feel full and leave very little room for the junk food.
  4. Eat foods that contain few or no calories. There are two things you eat and drink without calories: water and fiber. The more of this you include in your diet, the better it is. For example, you can eat a pound of mixed salad (carrots, red cabbage, celery, broccoli, onion, etc.) with a low-calorie dressing and only get 100-150 calories. This is due to the high water and fiber content in the salad and the low-fat dressing. Also eat a lot of celery. It contains fewer calories than are required to digest this vegetable. So you actually lose calories by eating celery! It's not much, just 2 calories per stem, but every little bit helps.
    • If possible, you will have to avoid soda. Instead, drink water or tea (without any sweetener). The caffeine in coffee and tea increases your metabolism and burns more calories. Too much caffeine is harmful to health, so don't drink too much coffee.
  5. Include foods in your diet that can burn fat. Choosing your diet with care can help you lose pounds without that unpleasant feeling of hunger. There are many foods that have been proven to help you lose weight, such as chilli, green tea, berries and whole grains. They ensure that you do not have insulin peaks and keep your metabolism going. Click here to find out how to include these in your daily diet.
  6. Eat broth-based pulled broth. These are relatively low in calories. Do not eat ready-made soup, that is factory filling, not food.
  7. Get used to good eating habits. Always eat with a knife and fork and at the table. This prevents you from eating carelessly. Eating with your hands causes you to slide the food into your mouth. Eat slowly and stop when you are full. If you find yourself unable to quit because you like the food, drink a glass of water. Maybe your body needs fluids and is no longer hungry at all! You can also do other things to distract yourself from eating. Go shopping, exercise with friends or play games on your computer!
  8. Drink more water. We often think we are hungry, but our body is mistaken and we are thirsty. By drinking enough you will notice that you have less appetite and you will notice that it is also beneficial for your skin, and that it makes your hair shine more.
  9. Eat throughout the day! Eat in smaller portions and more often, instead of 3 heavy meals. Eating 100-150 calories every few hours will keep your body in a higher metabolic state. With this you can burn more calories than with 3 meals a day.
  10. Keep track of what you eat! This is a simple, yet powerful exercise to help you become aware of whether you are sticking to your own diet plan. We often overlook certain snacks and think that the diet is not working. But the truth is, there are many little things we do that negatively affect our diet. For example, you may skip breakfast 3 days a week without noticing. Studies have shown that a person who eats a hearty breakfast eats fewer calories over the day. Without tracking this, it may seem like you are doing fine, but you are actually failing miserably in meeting your diet plan.
  11. Make vegetables a staple of your diet! If this is not the case yet, then it is important to reconsider. Studies have shown that vegetables can play an important role in the weight loss process. This is because vegetables contain a lot of water and fiber and have a low energy density.


  • Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. If you skip a meal, the next time you eat, your body will start to store fat.
  • When dining out, ask for the dressings to be served separately. Even a green salad can have as many calories as a hamburger if it is swimming in a fatty dressing.
  • Go for chicken or fish instead of red meat, and choose fried potatoes or rice instead of fries. Choose foods that have been steamed, grilled, boiled, or baked, but not fried. Avoid foods labeled "breaded," "crispy," or "battered" - those are code words for "fried."
  • Unhealthy foods are foods that are high in calories but low in nutritional value. These calories are called "empty calories." Also avoid products that have empty calories but are fortified with vitamin C (like some gummy bears) or calcium (like some biscuits). Cramming in synthetic vitamins does not immediately make unhealthy foods healthy.
  • Salt is not good for you if you consume too much of it. Drink lots and lots of water.
  • Eat a small snack before going to restaurants or the supermarket. This will reduce your appetite and make healthier choices.
  • You can also add "superfoods" to your diet: superfood is a term sometimes used to describe foods with a high phytonutrient content, which some believe to be very healthy. Blueberries are often considered a superfood (or superfruit) because they contain significant amounts of antioxidants, anthocyanins, vitamin C, manganese and dietary fiber.
  • Walk for 15 minutes every day and you'll lose weight before you know it.
  • Ask a friend to go on a diet together. This is often easier to maintain and you can motivate and inspire each other.
  • A comedic approach to weight loss can also help. For example, you can start by reading a fun book about losing weight. Perhaps there is still a bit of laughter as you try to get the pounds off.


  • Limit the following:
    • Soda: This is full of calories, sugar and chemicals.
    • Margarine: A slice of bread with margarine quickly contains 140 calories (70 calories per slice of bread and 70 calories per 10 g of margarine).
    • Large portions: You quickly eat more than you actually want!
    • Dressing: Dressings are high in calories and other things to avoid. Try vinegar or hummus for a healthy variety.
  • Exercise and eat healthier, otherwise you may not notice any improvement at all or you may even gain weight.
  • Do not drink more than 10 glasses of water per day. People can drink a lot more water than is necessary when they are exercising, but it is important to pay attention to the electrolyte balance. Water intoxication is possible but very rare. This is easily avoided by taking in electrolytes, even regular salt, along with the large amounts of water.
  • If you need to lose more than 10% of your body weight, consult a doctor before starting any diet.