Getting your friend to pay more attention to you

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How do I get my partner to give me more attention (without looking needy)? — Susan Winter
Video: How do I get my partner to give me more attention (without looking needy)? — Susan Winter


A relationship is not always easy. It can often feel like both partners are competing with the rest of the world to spend time together. A healthy relationship is about companionship and communication. Your friend may not feel like anything is going on at all, but it may also be that he is a bit distant because of all the stress in his life. Either way, it may be high time to take back control of your relationship and get things back to normal.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Identify the problem

  1. Consider the situation. Wonder what makes your friend shut off from you. This can be due to stress at work, poor health, anxiety or family problems.
    • The key to solving any problem is understanding what causes it. Do not immediately assume that he is closing because of something you would have done.
    • Don't make it "your mistake."
  2. Do not panic. Things will only get worse when you start stressing about the status of your relationship. Stress often comes from assumptions made on the basis of incomplete data. If you find yourself busy, take a few deep breaths to regain your ability to think clearly.
  3. Talk to him. The prerequisite for any successful relationship is open and honest communication. Sit quietly to talk about your feelings. Don't pressure him or adopt an attacking stance. Let him know you'd like to spend more time with him. Ask him if there is anything he wants to talk about.
    • It can be difficult to talk about how you feel, even with your boyfriend. An important part of a relationship is that you have faith in your partner. If you want your relationship to work, both of you will have to be open to each other.
    • Pay attention to body language. Does he have his arms folded? Or you? Do you notice that the tone of the conversation is escalating? If you see this happening, take a step back. One or both of you may feel unheard.
  4. Refresh his memory. You may have told your friend that you miss him, but you will need to remind him what exactly he misses about you. Physical intimacy is a healthy part of a love relationship. You don't have to jump into bed with him right away, just let him know that you enjoy his company.
    • Be aware of its limits before trying something intimate. If he's not in the mood for any kind of romance, don't force him.
  5. Stop doing the work for him. If you do his laundry, stop it. If you always prepare dinner, skip an evening. Don't contradict him, but make him realize how much you are doing for him. Your time is precious, don't let him take advantage of it.
    • This tactic can create some tension between you. But it can help identify the cause of your problems and clarify the situation.

Part 2 of 3: Collaborate

  1. Reserve an evening for the two of you together. Pick one night of the week to spend time together and stick to it. Agree with him that that evening is reserved every week. You don't have to do anything fancy or expensive, just let him know you want your relationship to be a priority.
  2. Look for activities that you can enjoy together. Go for a walk, go out to dinner. Try out as many different things as you can until you find some that both of you can enjoy. Think back to when you first met and what things you did back then.
    • Be creative and try new things to boost your relationship. Offer to do things that you are sure he will enjoy and encourage him to do the same for you.
  3. Laugh. Laughter can bring people closer together, especially in a tense situation. Watch a comedy movie together or go to a laugh theater. You can even try telling jokes to each other. Don't underestimate the power of laughter.
    • Another way to start laughing is to tickle each other. Tickling is a sign of affection and playfulness. It's a great example of give and take as it should be in a relationship.
    • Tickling also has the added benefit of causing sexual arousal in adults.
  4. Make compromises. Accept that your friend wants to do activities that you don't enjoy. Consider his needs. If he likes to watch TV and you enjoy going out, make plans to watch a movie one night and go out the next.
    • This also applies to disagreement. If you notice that something is about to erupt, take a moment to consider the situation. Don't focus on "winning" the discussion. The goal is to maintain the relationship. Remember the phrase, "We agree that we disagree."
  5. Try to befriend his friends. You don't have to change which people you match, just be happy and positive. In addition, invite your friend to spend time with your friends as well.
    • Do take each other's boundaries into account. Don't assume you'll always be invited to go out with him and his friends. At the same time, don't feel obliged to take it everywhere you go.
  6. Be respectful. Give your friend space and let him maintain his independence. Even though the goal here is to get your boyfriend to spend more time with you, it's important not to suffocate him. Otherwise, there is a good chance that you will chase him further away.
    • Don't make demands on change. Be supportive and accept that your friend has other friends.
    • Don't play games with him. Don't try to "get him back" by acting aloof yourself. Making it a drama will only make it worse.

Part 3 of 3: Taking care of yourself

  1. Be strong. People love self-confidence. It is a desirable quality for a (potential) partner. Do not lose heart because you are dealing with a partner who is neglecting you. Take care of yourself and continue to have faith in who you are.
    • If you're feeling confident, chances are your partner will notice and spend more time with you.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel sexy. Have you always wanted to know what you would look like with a different color of hair, try dyeing it. Only do these things for yourself. It is important that you feel good about yourself.
  2. Be independent. When your friend wants to do something without you, and he does, find fun ways to spend your time.
    • Do things with your friends, or start a new hobby that you have always found interesting.
  3. Maintain a healthy way of life. Not only will exercise keep you in shape, but it will also improve your mood and help reduce stress.
    • Even if everything is going well in your relationship, it is important to take good care of your body.
  4. Stay positive. The best way to attract people (even if it's your boyfriend) is to make sure you're happy with yourself. A positive attitude is a sure way to get your friend to notice you. Happiness is contagious.
    • Try meditation to clear your mind and promote a positive attitude.


  • A girlfriend is still a friend. Make sure you are there for him when he needs you most, and he should be there for you too.
  • This is not exclusive to girls or women. If you are a boy or man and you feel like your girlfriend is ignoring you, most of these steps apply.
  • You cannot change someone. Don't try it. It's not going to work and that's not what relationships are about.
  • Be patient.
  • Try to understand each other and don't rely solely on your own feelings and ideas to learn how to communicate.


  • Don't ignore the possibility that your relationship might end. If you feel like you've done everything you can to fix the relationship, but the problems persist, it may be time to put this behind you. If so, that's okay. Losing a relationship is never easy, but it is not impossible.