Getting you on a date with a friend

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 11 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I went on a DATE with my BEST FRIEND
Video: I went on a DATE with my BEST FRIEND


The transition from friendship to dating can be scary, but it often happens that friends end up going the extra mile! If you have a crush on a friend, there are many ways to make him stand out as more than a girlfriend. Try to flirt subtly. Spend a little more time with him to strengthen your bond. When you're ready, ask him out. Chances are, of course, he doesn't feel the same way about you, but as long as you prepare for that, you can just go for it!

To step

Part 1 of 3: Flirt with your friend

  1. Use body language. Flirting often comes down to proper body language. If you want to let your boyfriend know that you would like a relationship with him, try flirting with your body when you're together. If he's attracted to you too, this can help develop his romantic feelings further.
    • Bend your body in his direction if the two of you are having lunch, watching a movie, or just chatting.
    • Look him straight in the eye, blink your eyelids and smile!
  2. Imitate his body language and mannerisms. It may sound crazy, but this is a form of flirting that stands out! Try to keep your body like him when you're sitting together. Keep your hands and feet the same as his. If you guys drink coffee, take a sip when he does.
    • Copy some of his expressions. For example, if he often says, "Well, that's interesting," you can use that phrase from time to time.
    • Don't let it stand out too much. Then he might think you're making a fool of him! Occasionally imitate his gestures, but don't copy everything he does.
  3. Try to look as good as possible when he's around. Being attractive helps you stand out as more than just a girlfriend. When you meet up with him, dress your best. Wear the most flattering clothes and put on a little makeup if you do it more often. This way, you can certainly pique someone's romantic interest.
    • Wear clothes that make you feel good. You don't have to look like someone else, stay yourself.
  4. Be confident when you see each other. If you lack self-confidence, you usually don't look attractive to others. A strong sense of who you are helps to make you stand out to your friend. Show who you are while you flirt!
    • Think about how you see yourself. Do you think you're smart, funny, serious or eager to learn? However you see yourself, make sure those sides stand out.
    • For example, if you are a movie buff, don't hesitate to share your knowledge with him after you meet up and watch a movie.

Part 2 of 3: Increasing the attraction

  1. Spend a lot of time together. It is very normal to develop feelings for someone if you spend a lot of time with that person. Try to go to the same places often as he does. If you know he likes to visit a particular cafe, go there. Invite him to parties at your or your friends' house. Go to social events wherever he goes.
    • If you are in the same school try to chat often at school. Talk to him between classes. Sit next to him in class if you can. Lunch with him.
  2. Emphasize your similarities. People like to go out with others who are like them. If you have a lot in common, bring up those similarities. Do and say things that show how similar you are. For example, if you both love a particular director, talk about movies from that director.
    • Maybe both of you are very fond of science fiction books or tennis. Find similarities and emphasize them!
  3. Immerse yourself in his interests and hobbies. If you're really interested in one of his interests, dig into that. For example, you can listen to a band he likes and talk to him about it the next day. You can even ask if he wants to go to a concert.
    • Be yourself! Don't force yourself to be interested in things that you actually don't like at all just because you're in love with him.
  4. Try to spend more time alone with him. You may have been hanging out as friends for a while. Try to be alone with him more often. That gives you the chance to flirt a bit more to get his attention. If you're nervous, go to a party together and try to spend some time alone with him.
    • For example, ask him to a party and find a cozy corner where you can chat together.
    • You can also be alone with him in a casual setting. For example, you can have a cup of coffee together after school.
  5. Try to touch him as much as possible. If you want him to notice you, try to touch him as often as possible. Then he notices that you want to be more than just friends. For example, if you're having coffee together, give him a quick rub on the arm while you talk. Lean closer to him when you're watching a movie together.
    • Do something flirty and playful, like tossing your hand through his hair.
    • Hug him every now and then. A nice hug can eventually lead to something more.

Part 3 of 3: Taking your chance

  1. First ask him out indirectly. Many people prefer to start dating slowly. Ask him what he's doing this weekend, then suggest that you two could do something together. For example, "Bowling sounds fun, but I have concert tickets if you want to join me."
    • Ask him for advice and then ask him to come along. For example: "Where do you find they have the best pizzas?"
    • When he answers, you say, "Oh great. Hey, if you already know that place, maybe we can go together".
  2. Take the first step. If he doesn't get the hint yet, don't be afraid to take the first step! Many guys appreciate it when a potential romantic partner takes the first step. Guys who are shy too, so don't be afraid to take the first step.
    • Remember it's your friend. That might take the tension off a bit.
    • A friend may also kindly reject you if he doesn't want to.
  3. Take your time. If you ask him out, do it at your own pace. Rushing things can make you look nervous, which can make the situation uncomfortable. You want it to start well, so ask him out when the time is right.
    • Don't talk too fast. If the two of you talk together, let the conversation flow naturally before taking the step.
    • If you are nervous, take a few deep breaths in and out to calm yourself.
  4. Be direct. If the indirect invitation doesn't work, it's time to be honest about your feelings. Just say something like, "I feel a strong romantic connection with you. Would you like to go out once?" You want to be able to continue with your relationship, friendship or otherwise, without creating confusion.
    • While this may seem very fair, most people like it when you are so straightforward.
    • You can also emphasize how important this friendship is to you. You can say something like, "I love being friends with you and if you don't feel the same about me as I do for you, I want you to know that I'm just going to be happy with our friendship. change the friendship. I just want to keep having fun with you and be your girlfriend ”.
  5. Prepare for a possible rejection. You cannot control the feelings of another. Even if you've done everything "right," chances are your friend won't see you that way. Remember that the pain will eventually fade. While it may seem like the end of the world now, you will eventually get over it.
  6. Stay strong. Everyone gets rejected from time to time, so don't let that hurt your confidence. Plus, if he does have romantic feelings for you, it's also not certain that he will always feel them. Stay positive! Whatever happens, it will not negatively affect you as a person. You are awesome, with or without him!