Getting an 11 year old girl to like you

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13-year-old boy stabs 11-year-old girl on walk home from school
Video: 13-year-old boy stabs 11-year-old girl on walk home from school


Being in love in high school or even grade school can be quite a challenge. Love is a powerful emotion that can take you to the top of the mountain and throw you back off it. Know that your feelings are natural and the girl is experiencing this too. If you put in some effort for yourself and take the chance, you may be able to spend time with the girl you like.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Taking care of your appearance

  1. Wear decent clothes. Not many girls, regardless of age, want to date a dirty boy. It is good practice to take good care of yourself from an early age. Do not wear clothes that you have worn recently and certainly nothing that looks dirty. Wear the "nice" clothes in your closet when you know you will see this girl.
    • Have your parents or guardians buy you collared T-shirts and pants that aren't jeans.
  2. Take care of your hygiene. You have to cut your nails, wash your hair and brush your teeth daily. Never leave the house without doing this. Girls especially hate smelly breath.
  3. Choose a deodorant. A common mistake many guys make is spraying too much Ax on themselves. Instead, go to the hygiene department at your local grocery store and find a fragrance that's right for you. Choose something that contains musk. Musk is a popular fragrance for boys and it will enhance your maturity.
    • If you are using a spray as a deodorant, only spray once under each armpit. Do not hold down until your entire body is covered.
    • A stick or dry deodorant is more subtle and less irritating.
  4. Go to the hairdresser. It's not hip for an 11-year-old boy to enjoy a haircut, but the right haircut will serve you well. Search magazines and check out celebrity cut. Pick some that stand out. Ask your mom or sister which hairstyle you should choose.
    • A second opinion can help you choose the best hairstyle based on your characteristics.
    • Bring a photo of the style you want.

Method 2 of 4: Confidently learn about her interests

  1. Pay attention to her at school. Once you've decided that you "like" someone, you have to go for it. Observe her without staring or appearing terrifying. Take mental notes about the things she says in class. Look at her group of friends and if she's already been spending time with a guy.
    • Don't start stalking the girl, as that can give you a negative reputation.
  2. Ask around about her. Ask one of her friends what she likes. A good way to get her to notice you is to ask questions about her. Her friend will be sure to tell the girl you asked about her. No matter what she feels about you, she will feel flattered. You could ask something like:
    • "What does Emma like to do on the weekend?"
    • "Do you know what Julia's favorite book is?"
    • "Sophie has a boyfriend?"
  3. Be self-assured. You have to put yourself in the spotlight and this means you run the risk of being laughed at. You can combat the feeling of shame by being positive about your actions. Act as normal as possible when asking around about a girl you like.
    • People who tease you about this are insecure themselves because they don't have the courage to talk to those they like.
  4. Be considerate. Never talk badly about the girl you like when faced with your feelings. Protect her and yourself. It's easy for some to try to pretend they don't like someone when the focus is suddenly on them. Say nice things about her and she will certainly appreciate your respect.
    • Remember, the girl is supposed to like you and not the group of kids who confront you with your feelings.

Method 3 of 4: Be yourself

  1. Try not to pretend to be older than you are. You have to embrace your current age. When you are eleven, it will take a few more years before you are fully in puberty. There is no need to worry that you don't have hair on your legs yet or that your voice hasn't gotten lower yet. All of this will come when you're ready. Honesty is the best way to earn someone's respect.
  2. Have a hobby that you enjoy. If you find out that she's only interested in horseback riding, then you shouldn't drop all your passions to buy a saddle. Let her determine if your interests might be compatible. If you're trying out different activities and are unsure of which one to pursue, keep trying things out. Later in life it will come in handy if you started doing something like piano, dancing, football, drawing or even directing movies at a young age.
    • If you want to do something, you sometimes just have to dare to take a risk.
  3. Keep your friends close. As the puberty years begin, groups of friends will become increasingly important as your family life diminishes. Try to avoid arguments with your family during this transition period. Don't drop friends because you think they aren't cool anymore. Stay true to yourself and make sure your friends know who you are in love with.
    • If they're good friends, they'll help you figure out ways to get this girl to notice you.
    • If you have the wrong group of friends they will make fun of you for your crush and will spread nasty gossip. Get out of unhealthy groups of friends and find friends who respect you and enjoy your company.

Method 4 of 4: Build a bond with her

  1. Talk to her. The next time you see her, have a conversation with her. Don't just say "I like you". This is not always the best technique, but being direct is a positive quality. Talk to her about everyday topics such as school, sports or teachers. Try to get to know her better. Try to learn general information about her without getting too personal. Make yourself her friend.
    • If you're unsure of what to say, just say "Hey Kristen" when you pass her in the hallway. It may not be much, but it is guaranteed to get her attention.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to her.
  2. Try to befriend her. Find a common interest and talk to her about it. Suppose you both enjoy drawing. Ask her to see one of her drawings and tell her you like it. If you both enjoy fantasy movies, start a conversation about a particular movie. The trick when talking about a common interest is to bring up something specific. This will make your conversation deeper than everyday talk.
  3. Compliment her. A good way to get romantic thoughts into her head is to compliment her every now and then. You can compliment her clothes if you think she looks good, but don't limit yourself to compliments about her appearance. You can say things like:
    • "Anne, that's a really nice dress."
    • "Good solution to that math problem! I was totally blown away. "
    • "Your clothes fill your eyes."
  4. Make her laugh. A good way to bond with her is to make her laugh. Use your usual humor and try not to tell other people's jokes. Even when you're insecure or nervous, try to act a little crazy in front of her. Start with a joke that only you both understand. These kinds of jokes are great for bringing people closer together.
  5. Tell her about your feelings. After you talk a few times and become friends, ask if she likes you. She will likely blush. If she does, it could mean she likes you too. If she doesn't blush, it won't look so good. Don't ask her too early in the friendship, or you may seem too pushy.
    • If she blushes or seems interested, you can ask her out. Also try to keep it subtle so that the whole school doesn't hear it.
    • If she's not blushing, you'll have to settle for just being friends for a while. She may ask why you asked. Don't try to brush it off with "just like that." Be direct and honest with her.
  6. Be yourself. Regardless of how the confrontation ended, you have to control yourself. Whatever you do, don't try to make yourself more popular. Be yourself and not the person you think she wants you to be.
    • Take some distance if she tries to change you. Girls trying to change you aren't right for you because they don't like you the way you are.
    • Don't show off your talents. For example, write a song or a short story (not directly about her) and show it to your friends. When people compliment your talents, she might become interested.
    • The key is to be yourself.


  • Try to look at her a lot. Don't look away when she catches you. Show her your best smile and she might smile back.
  • Don't be nervous when you talk to her!
  • Don't be pushy - wait for her to finish.
  • Don't be afraid of being rejected. This happens to everyone from time to time; it is part of life.
  • Try not to be noticed all the time. Girls like sincere guys.
  • Don't ignore her. Don't make her feel like you don't care about her.
  • Don't fight in front of the person you like because she will leave. Girls don't like people who fight.
  • When the year is almost over then you just have to be there for her and tell her. If she doesn't like you, she will most likely make it clear.
  • Don't force it when you like a girl who doesn't like you. You may not know but there is a girl who likes you, but you just haven't paid attention to the signals yet.
  • If she wants to end the conversation quickly, you know she doesn't like you, but there's always a girl out there who will have more in common with you than the girl you set your sights on before.
  • Bring a friend with her when you meet up so she knows you are friendly. It will also likely make her feel more comfortable.
  • Sometimes it is good to be different. Don't be afraid to spend time with a girl who is a little different from you.


  • Don't stare at her all day or she'll think you're weird.
  • If you wait too long, chances are she'll only consider you a friend. It could hurt one or both of you, but you will get over it.
  • Never pretend that you are difficult to seduce. She may think you are no longer interested.
  • Never say things that hurt. No girl likes to hear that.