Find out if a girl at school likes you

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If A Girl Likes You In School
Video: How To Know If A Girl Likes You In School


Girls are a mystery. Sometimes you don't know if she likes you or is just nice to you. Fortunately, there are signs to watch out for. For example, if she's acting nervous, turning towards you, playing with her hair, or looking at you a lot, she might like you. You can also try some tricks to find out if it is, such as walking in front of her - if she tries to walk next to you, she just might like you! Read on below for more advice on how to find out if a girl in your school likes you.

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  1. Be yourself. Be confident, keep your head high, and look her in the eye. If you feel confident enough, then you can take the first step.
  2. Ask her about things about herself and her life. Most people just love to talk about themselves. Ask her questions and get to know her. If she doesn't know you, or if you get the impression she doesn't want to share things about herself with you, back off. Because of course you don't want to appear too desperate.
  3. Ask her a simple question. "Can I sit here?" If she doesn't respond too quickly, she wants you to stay longer because she likes you. If she likes you, she'll want to talk to you more than anyone else ... unless she's playing hard to get. Also, if she smiles as she talks, or says no yes or no to your questions, she'll be excited about what you think of her.
  4. She will try to strike up conversations with you casually. If she likes you, especially if you don't talk to her much, she will try to talk to you and start small conversations with you. If she has a question, see if she makes a special effort to ask you, rather than anyone else.
  5. If she passes you and she doesn't look at you or you don't notice, she might want you to think she's not interested in you. Then call her by name and say "Hi". She will probably smile a little because she is nervous.
  6. Does she give you a lot of attention? When she talks to you, does she often say your name? If so, she wants you to know she likes you.
  7. Just say something to her. Throw it out, and keep doing that until she notices. She might smile at you even if she likes you just a little bit, and then she'll try to stretch the conversation a little. On the other hand, if she just gives you a dirty look and turns away, don't worry, just move on to the next step.
  8. Be nice to her. Don't let her think you don't like her at all! Be polite and courteous.
  9. If her friends look at her first and then you, or if her friends keep looking at you and raising their eyebrows when you talk to her, that's a good sign. And if someone says she likes you, chances are she told them herself because she hopes you will find out. Don't worry if her friends don't act differently when you're around because she might not have told them.
  10. If you sit diagonally across from her in class, her knees or shoulders are facing you. Or, if you are sitting opposite her, she is turned towards you. This means that she likes you and you want to get closer to you.
  11. If you are sitting next to her and she has her legs crossed and her top leg is facing you, it could mean that she is comfortable with you and that she likes talking to you. Also, if you connect with her and she doesn't break off, it could mean that she likes you and wants to be closer to you.
  12. If you sit behind her, she will lean back in her chair and try to get your attention. For example by imitating your habits. She will then think of reasons to turn around and look at you (if she passes you a school test, for example, she will turn around and look at you).
  13. Another sign that a girl likes you is if she smiles at you every time you come and talk to her.
  14. Ask her out and see what she says. Make the decision and just ask! If she likes you, it saves a lot of time and effort that you would otherwise have done for her.
  15. If you like her, give her hints on Snapchat or Facebook and say, “I'm always thinking about her.Then when she asks, 'Who do you like?' Say it's her, or say her name with a (the letter that starts her name), and let her guess a little before actually telling her This is a really good way to flirt with her, but don't go on too long because most girls like it when a guy is directly against them.
  16. If the girl is online, chat with her for a bit, then tell her to run. If she then logs out, it's a sure sign that she likes you.
  17. Watch her movements. If she plays with her bangs, straightens her hair, plays with her hair, or touches her clothes while she's talking to you, she probably likes you. Girls are often nervous when they are with the boy they like. If she seems to have a hard time looking you in the eye, it could mean she likes you. So if you find herself getting nervous around you, she might really like you, and she wants to look good to you.
  18. Notice if she changes her posture when you enter the class. Because that is a clear sign.
  19. Here's a very clear hint that indicates she likes you. If you talk to her (beforehand), have a friend of yours go up to her and say "Hi". Then when she says "Hi" and turns back to you, she wants your attention or she wants him to leave so she can talk to you again.
  20. Pay attention to how she reacts when you tease her. If it takes her a long time to come up with something to get you back with, she probably likes you, but she might not want to go too far with you because she fears she will hurt or insult you.
  21. Don't talk too much to her best friend as this could be a hint that you might like her best friend, and that is no good sign! Girls can get jealous very easily.
  22. When you're in the school hall, try to walk a few steps ahead of her. If she likes you, she will run faster to be able to walk next to you. On the other hand, if she's ahead of you, and she's walking very slowly, she wants you to speed up and walk next to her. If she walks behind you and she slows down, don't think she doesn't like you! She is probably just nervous.
  23. If you talk to her in class and she's quiet and talks fast, but if you call her or something, and she's just very exuberant and not at all nervous, then she might like you.
  24. Pay attention to how she behaves in class. If she's trying to be funny when you're around, then there may very well be something going on.
  25. Get up in class a few times and see if she's looking your way. If so, don't do it too often. Because otherwise she might get through what you're doing.
  26. If she looks at you and she doesn't say anything, she will wait for you to say something to start the conversation or for you to give her a simple sign to show her that you are noticing, such as waving or smiling at her. If she does, she probably likes you.
  27. If you both have a Facebook account or something like that, and she starts chatting with you in five minutes as soon as you're online, and this happens a few times, that's a very good sign. It means she keeps an eye on the chat list and waits for you to be online. If she doesn't do this every time, don't worry; she's probably worried that she will bother you or that she may seem too pushy to you.
  28. If you've known her for a while and she likes you, you'll notice her behavior changes, consciously or unconsciously. She may become a "better" person, or she may imitate you to impress you. This is also a good way to find out roughly how long she's liked you.
  29. If you're friends and you're the one she tells all of her problems to, it shows that she trusts you and wants you to play a part in her life. Take the problems seriously and try to help her solve them. This is how you can go to her with your problems, and if she wants to take care of you and mother you, and solve all your problems, then she likes you or you are whole good friends.
  30. If you're playing a game online and she's your girlfriend in the game, she might be sending you a lot of presents. This could mean that she likes you or not.
    • As long as you're close to her, but not very very close, during a break, then speak a little louder than usual. She may pretend to be reading a book, but if she doesn't turn the pages of the book, and her head is turned slightly towards you, then she might be trying to catch what you're saying. Say something funny, and then if she smiles or chuckles a little bit, she's almost 100% sure she's listening to you and likes you, or at least is interested in you. This is also the case if she has a textbook in front of her and is "writing", and doesn't seem to be actually writing, she might be listening to you (this is quite difficult to see).
  31. If you make her laugh and she puts her head on your shoulder and her hand on yours, chances are she likes you.
  32. If she is bent forward with her head between her arms, or if her hair is covering her face, notice which direction her chair is turned and which way her face is turned. She may be secretly trying to look at you.
  33. If you're having lunch, and she looks at you every now and then and maybe she's smiling broadly too, then she probably likes you. If one of your friends is also friends with her, and you walk over to talk to him, she may look and smile at you, or she may look at your friend with an annoyed look.
  34. Notice if she's flirting with you. Does she touch or play with your hair? When you sit next to her, does her knee touch yours? Does she smile at you a lot? Is she smiling all the time? Do you notice that she is looking at you? These are pretty obvious flirt signals.
  35. Pay attention! If a girl has liked you for a while, she may not be doing these things anymore. Then she probably still looks at you regularly, but then she does it less conspicuously. She'll have learned to hide her feelings better, and she'll be used to liking you. So if she doesn't openly declare love to you, it does NOT mean she likes you. Don't give up too quickly!
  36. Tease her a little, but not too much. And, if you know what her favorite animal is, say something about it and give her a smile.
  37. Get to know her really well and then ask her out. But don't say, "Do you like me?" because you make her feel very uncomfortable with that.
  38. Help her and do things to her! When she says "I really want to see that movie!" then you say "Hey, me too, maybe we can go there together!" Sometimes this only works if you've known her for a while and she's completely comfortable with you.
  39. She stares at you. That is also a signal. Also, if she always talks about you when she's with her friends, she probably likes you. If you really want to know, just ask her or one of her friends! If you don't dare, just ask one of your friends if they want to ask her friends.
  40. If you like her, but you're not sure if she likes you too, go see one of her best friends and ask her who she likes. If the girlfriend says the girl you're in love with likes you, ask her out!


  • If you ask if there is anything and she doesn't say anything, she wants you to give her a little extra attention. This is when you ask questions like, "Gee, you really are a little bit different today. Something is really going on." Then when she answers, ask more questions until she opens up to you. This will give her more confidence in you and then she will tell you what is going on. Don't pass it on if she asks you to. Don't annoy her when she asks what's going on. Listen carefully for changes in the tone of her voice.
  • Girls are attracted to guys who are interested in the things they are doing themselves. Ask her about the things she likes to do most. Think about things like sports, activities, her favorite color, and other things. If you ask her, "What is your favorite color?" and she says "Blue," then you say "Oh cool! That's one of my favorite colors." But don't mention the exact same color unless it really is, because she'll think you're lying all the time if you like the same thing she does too often. Girls like guys who look like them, so try to understand her as best you can. And do the things she does. Don't be shy about that, and do everything you can to make her like you even more.
  • Another good way to connect with her is to walk past her before school starts if she's at her locker or with her friends. If she says "Hi" to you when you walk past her, it could mean she likes you. And because of this, she also thinks about you outside of the times when she is in class with you. You can do this every day. If she asks you why you always walk past her, just say it's the route you need to take to get to class. When she says "Hi", pay attention to her body language.
  • If the girl is staring at you, she is in love with you. She might be shy, so step up to her and say something like, "Hey, how are you?" or "Are you okay?"
  • Show her that you care if she looks lost or sad. Just make sure she doesn't get irritated, and ask her what's wrong; maybe you can help her feel better, but don't put pressure on it.
  • It may help to make the girl laugh, but some girls are not looking for guys who are funny; they see if the boy's characteristics match their own. If you like a girl, and she's sitting at a table with one of her friends, and she's looking at you, go over there, say "Hi", and introduce yourself. She will then ask you all kinds of questions because she wants to get to know you. When you're done with that, you get up and leave. Not long after that she will be calling your name as you walk by. If that happens, get her phone number and call her (but wait a few days).
  • Don't stare at her too much. Because she may find that inappropriate and strange. Instead, take a quick glance at her now and then. If you really like her, make sure she sees it when you look at her.
  • If you want to tell her you like her, do it in a quiet and relaxing place, such as a park.
  • If you want to ask the girl out or go to the movies, it's best to ask her parents first.
  • Always be brave and confident. Girls don't like shy guys. Because if both the girl and the boy are shy, it makes the girl even more uncomfortable and nervous.


  • Give the girl time to open up to you if she's shy, don't go too hard.
  • If you don't like the girl but you talk to her a lot, she might think you like her.
  • While there are signs that hold true for most girls, keep in mind that every girl is different. So don't lose heart if she doesn't send the standard signals.
  • Don't make jokes that could hurt others, or be sarcastic all the time. Because that might make the girl like you less, and it might even make her cry.
  • If the girl likes you and you like her, tell her how you feel. When you tell her what you feel, she will feel that you trust her. It's nice when a girl trusts you. They, in turn, are likely to trust you too. If you like a girl, try to be as close to her as possible in every class.
  • If she wants you to hug her and you like her, be the one to get up and hug her. This shows that you care about her and are not lazy.
  • If you've been friends with the girl for a while, be reluctant to say you like her. It can destroy the friendship if it doesn't end well.
  • If you are sitting alone and she is sitting next to you, don't look distracted, tired, or depressed. Because then she will be less likely to go and talk to you. Smile at her. But if you're really not feeling well, that's okay, because then she might come to you to comfort you and ask what's wrong. If she does, it could mean she likes you. But remember that many people would do the same if they see that you are not doing well.
  • If you like her, don't go to the bathroom in the first 10 minutes, because then you'll think you're not interested in her and are turning away from you.
  • Don't stalk her, because it will scare her and make her stop liking you.