Find out if a girl in high school likes you

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell if a Girl Likes You in High School (Look For These Signs)
Video: How To Tell if a Girl Likes You in High School (Look For These Signs)


Finding out if a high school girl likes you can be a bit tricky. Some girls are a little more shy and won't say anything that will let you know how they feel. Other girls are more outgoing and will talk to you, but send you mixed signals. But, there are some signs that will let you know if a girl likes you. If you want to know how a girl feels about you, follow the tips below.

To step

Method 1 of 4: Pay attention to her appearance

  1. Check her body language. Body language will take you a long way in your search for how she feels about you. Maybe her words don't reveal that she likes you, but her body does. If a girl really likes you, she might turn her body a little closer to you. She might try to lean a little closer to you so she can get a little closer to you. Here are some signs she likes you:
    • See if she plays with her hair or looks at her feet. This indicates that she is feeling shy or nervous about talking to you. This is because she likes you.
    • Check if she is sliding her feet a bit, or fidgeting with her hands or jewelry. Again, these clumsiness indicates that she likes you.
    • Notice if she is trying to break eye contact. If you shared a moment of intense eye contact and she suddenly looks away, she may be embarrassed by your conversation.
    • Watch her smile. Does she smile when she talks to you, even when you say something that shouldn't make her smile? This means that she likes you.
  2. Pay attention to what she looks like when she's with you. Does she choose nicer clothes when she knows she will see you? If you know you're going to meet her at the mall and she's wearing more makeup than usual, and wearing nicer clothes than usual, she may be doing this for you. If she knows she's going to bump into you over the weekend and put on a new dress, she might want to look good - especially for you!
    • She may also be putting on some perfume just for you. If you think she doesn't normally wear perfume at school, but suddenly she does when you go to the cinema with a crew, she might be doing it for you.
  3. See if you make her blush. In that case, it's abundantly clear that she really likes you. If you see her blush after you look at her, or if her face turns red when the two of you are talking, she feels shy because she likes you. Watch her for a while. Is she the type to be quite shy in general, or is she just blushing for you? The last? Then she thinks you are special.

Method 2 of 4: Pay attention to what she's doing

  1. See if you can catch her staring at you. If you look through the classroom during the English class and notice that she is staring at you, she may like you. If she suddenly looks away, blushes, or then stops looking at you at all, chances are she'll feel caught. This indicates that she likes you. You can also try to catch her when you're out with a crew of friends. At a party, see if she's watching you.
    • If she's the type who often stares and daydreams, she may not necessarily focus on you because she likes you.
  2. See if she giggles with you around. If you talk to her and notice that she is giggling (or outright laughing) for no reason, even if you haven't said anything funny, it could be because she likes you. Laughter is a natural way to release some nervous energy - she's probably laughing or giggling because she's nervous or excited to be around you.
    • Notice if she giggles / laughs so much at everyone, or if only you has a special effect on her.
  3. Check if she's always laughing with her friends when they pass you. If she and her friends pass you and the friends are laughing and nudging her, they are doing this to tease her a bit. When they say "Stop!" says, pushing her friends a little bit aside, or avoiding eye contact, she'll be even more likely to like you.
    • If a girl in high school has a crush on you, her friends are almost certain to know about it. Keep an eye on her friends for signals - this will help you find out how she feels about you.
  4. See if she tries to touch you gently. She will probably want to touch you in a teasing way: with a playful punch, or a pat on the shoulder to tell you something. Still, this could be her way of flirting and her way of getting closer to you. Notice if she does this to all boys or just you. If you just give this special attention to you, it's a sign that she likes you.
    • If she touches all the guys around her in the same playful way, she may just be a physical person.
  5. See if she gives you a small gift. If she hands you a bowl she made with handcrafts, or if she's been to the mall and brought you an eraser (or something similar) with your favorite soccer team on it, that's her way of telling you that they likes you. If she brings candy or cookies to school and tries her best to offer you something, she's trying to impress you. She's trying to tell you she likes you.

Method 3 of 4: Pay attention to what she says

  1. See if she tries to talk about common interests. If she knows that you are a fan of Ajax and then wants to talk about it, then she may have developed a new fondness for the Amsterdam club for your sake. If she knows that you love to watch Game of Thrones and suddenly seems to know everything about it, she may have delved into the matter. She may be trying to impress you with her new interests.
    • If she never seemed interested in your interests before but suddenly wants to know everything about your preferences, chances are she likes you.
  2. See if she makes excuses to talk to you. If she approaches you to ask you a question, one that anyone could easily answer, she's obviously looking for an excuse to talk to you. These could be questions like what you did with gym, how you found the math test, and so on. If she asks you who your favorite teacher is, or how you like the new kid in class, she may just want to hang out with you a little more. She just asks you questions that come to mind.
  3. Watch if she teases you. If the girl teases you, it's almost certain that she likes you. If she makes a little mockery of you - like laughing at your shoes, giggling at your new outfit, or commenting on your messy locker - she's simply teasing you because she likes hanging out with you. Sometimes her teasing can even seem a little mean, but that doesn't mean she doesn't like you.
    • Remember the golden rule: if she pays attention to you, she likes you. Teasing is just one way to pay attention to you.
  4. Check if she's flirting with you. In high school, teasing and flirting are pretty much the same. However, there are still ways you can determine that she is indeed flirting with you. If she winks at you, even if she does this jokingly, then she's flirting with you. If she teases you about your new haircut, or even says it's an improvement, she's flirting with you.
    • If she's a bit reserved, playful, or silly around you, she's flirting with you.
    • If she's teasing you for liking another girl, especially if you don't even, then she's flirting with you.
  5. Make sure she asks who you like. If she's suddenly interested in who you like, what girl you'd like to date, etc. - she wants to find out if you like her. Unless she's doing this to figure it out for her friends, of course. If she's always bothering you with someone you like, or even if she just mentions random names of people you don't even like, she'll try to ask about your romantic preferences to get closer to you.
    • If she teases you about past girlfriends or makes fun of other girls in your area, she's probably jealous because she really likes you.
  6. Pay attention to what she says to you via Facebook or text message. High school girls love to flirt via Facebook and text. Remember the first rule again: if she's paying attention to you, chances are she likes you. If she keeps texting you or posting messages on your wall, she probably likes you.
    • If she posts a video or link to your Facebook wall, she's even more likely to like you.
    • If she asks you via text message what you are going to do next weekend, she is interested because she likes you.
    • Check her activity on Facebook. Does she talk to other guys on Facebook as often as she does to you, or are you the only one?

Method 4 of 4: Find out if she likes you

  1. Ask her friends. Asking her friends if she likes you is a less cheeky way to tell her you're interested in her. If you're too shy to ask her yourself, ask her friends. They probably won't tell you how she feels, but they'll make it clear that she likes you - they'll respond enthusiastically, and they'll tell you to go up to her. They will also immediately tell the girl you like her, so be careful.
    • However, her friends will let you know if she doesn't like you. This will spare your feelings if she doesn't like you.
  2. Ask her yourself. If you are in a brave mood and would like to go on a date with her, you can find a suitable time to ask her. For example, in the schoolyard when everyone has already left, ask her how she really feels about you. You can even admit that you like her (if you do) and wait for her response. Don't put too much pressure on her — mention casually that you've noticed she might like you. Tell her you want to know how she feels.
    • You can even give her some compliments to make her feel comfortable.
  3. Respond appropriately. If she admits to like you and you like her too, then you don't have to jump through the roof - you're not going to look exactly cool. Rather, tell her you like seeing each other and ask her to hang out with you. If she doesn't like you, don't be a jerk. Just say "Okay, no problem" and leave as cool and calm as you can when you say goodbye to her. This shows her that you're happy with yourself, and who knows - maybe she'll change her mind in the future.
    • Whatever happens, remember you are in high school. Relationships here are often fun, but usually short. You shouldn't take them too seriously. Just try to have fun. If it doesn't work out with this girl, someone else will fall for you completely.


  • Don't give her offensive nicknames.
  • Don't look down when she's talking to you. Maintaining eye contact radiates confidence. If you don't, she'll think you're shy and not very confident. Just don't be overbearing: girls hate that.
  • If you look each other in the eye, smile or wave at her. It can be a bit uncomfortable; so it is not bad at all to blush.
  • Don't start a conversation you're not interested in. You can lose track, which will make you look stupid. This will make it uncomfortable for both of you.
  • If you see her attracted to another man, take your rest. Don't insult or hurt the other boy. This is not attractive.
  • Keep your smile. Just don't try to force it.
  • Girls want you to take the first step. Most girls are very shy. Only a few girls will ask a guy out.
  • Don't be too arrogant. Girls don't like guys with huge egos.
  • Don't be afraid to ask a girl out. Make sure you appear well-groomed and that you smell nice and clean.
  • Don't ask her out via text message, email, or whatever. If you're not man enough to ask her in person, you'll come across as a coward.
  • Don't irritate her by talking too much. (Most you say should be nice, fun, or funny).
  • Don't try to make her jealous by talking to other girls. Definitely don't do this just to gauge her response. She may get upset and want to look further.
  • If it turns out that she doesn't like you, look further. It will become uncomfortable for both of you if you don't do this.
  • If she tries to get closer to you, even if she doesn't have to, then the opportunity is there.
  • Don't keep asking her random things. She will think you are weird or desperate.
  • Girls often blush and smile in your presence.
  • Show her you care. Maybe you can send her a present as a secret admirer. This will get her thinking.
  • If she's talking to you about other guys, she might be trying to make you jealous. Go along and start talking about other girls yourself. Just don't go on with this too long, you don't want her to think you like someone else.
  • If she says aloud to you that she is cold, offer her your coat. She's trying to tell you she wants him.
  • Girls like it when you touch them in a playful way. Think of touching her hand or a small push. This will make them think of you and see you standing.