Study efficiently

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 16 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 BEST Ways to Study Effectively | Scientifically Proven
Video: 5 BEST Ways to Study Effectively | Scientifically Proven


Studying may seem like a daunting task, but it is an important skill for school and for the rest of your life. Learning how to study more effectively can help you improve your grades and retain knowledge. It may take a little more time to prepare at first, but the more you practice, the more efficient your study will become!

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Part 1 of 3: Learning good study habits

  1. Approach studying with the right mindset. Researchers have found that the way students approach studying is almost as important as what and how students study.
    • Think positive. Don't feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Believe in yourself and in your ability to meet this challenge.
    • Don't think about the worst possible scenarios. Use your time wisely and try to see the bright side of your study situation, even if it is unpleasant or stressful. Don't overdo this though, as over-optimism can make you overlook the severity of the test or get distracted easily.
    • See every obstacle as an opportunity to learn and grow.
    • Don't compare your grades with anyone else's. Competitive thinking will only make you more stressful.
  2. Stick to a regular study routine. Staying on track can help you manage your time and workload, and can make it easier to focus on the task at hand.
    • Make an appointment with yourself in your planner or calendar to study. You are more likely to take your study sessions as a serious responsibility if they are formal arrangements with yourself.
  3. Switch environments for more efficient study sessions. Research suggests that variation in study places can actually improve memorization of what has been learned.
    • Know if you work best in a quiet room or with ambient noise.
    • Try to study with the windows open (weather permitting). Researchers have discovered that fresh air provides energy and has a stimulating effect.
  4. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. You shouldn't feel so comfortable falling asleep, but feeling uncomfortable can make it hard to focus. Provide a comfortable atmosphere conducive to studying.
    • Choose a chair that is comfortable enough to sit in for several hours at a time. Sit at a desk or table so you can spread out your study materials.
    • Do not study in or on your bed. You may feel so comfortable there that you are no longer studying. Linking activities other than sleeping with your bed can also make it more difficult to sleep well.
  5. Study without distraction. Turn off your cell phone and TV and resist the urge to check your social media accounts. This kind of distraction can keep you from work and make it difficult to remember the information you learn.
    • You may think you are a good multitasker, but studying while doing other things like using Facebook, Instagram and the like is no good.
  6. Do not start blocks. It is more effective to divide the study material into small, manageable chunks than trying to memorize everything at once. Study in shorter sessions over a period of several days or even weeks for best results.
  7. Have a little caffeine shortly before studying. This will keep you awake and help you focus as you read, study, and prepare for class. Studies have shown that caffeine not only helps you feel alert, but can also help improve your memory.
    • Don't overdo it. Too much caffeine can make you shaky, restless or stressed. The Nutrition Center recommends that children under the age of 13 do not take high-caffeinated drinks and that teens limit their caffeine consumption to 85 mg per day. That's just 1 cup of coffee, Red Bull or four colas.
  8. Take a study break. Research shows that cardio as part of your exercise routine improves memory and general mental health.
  9. Form a study group. Researchers have found that students who study together in groups often perform better on tests and tests.

Part 2 of 3: Studying your notes

  1. Record the lecture or class and listen to it at home or on the go. Ask your instructor for permission before recording any part of the lessons. With his or her permission, use a memo recorder during class. If you are using a digital recorder, convert the file into an MP3 and listen to the lecture while on the road or exercising.
  2. Write down your notes in class and be brief. Instead of trying to write down every word the teacher says, write down important ideas, concepts, names, and dates.
  3. Review your notes every day. This should be done immediately after class, if possible. If you cannot study immediately after class, it is critical that you study as soon as possible that day, as most of the information in class is forgotten after 24 hours.
    • Read each line of your notes slowly and carefully.
    • Ask your instructor about anything you don't understand or is unclear to you.
  4. Transfer your notes to a special study journal. This allows you to gather vital information in one place and can help you better understand the notes you have taken in class. But don't just copy the material! Phrasing the notes in your own words will also help you better understand the material, rather than just repeating what was said.
  5. Review all notes from the week on weekends. This will help you further imprint the things you learned that week and can help you better place each day's lessons within the framework of the entire week's lesson plan.
  6. Organize your notes. Color-coding your notes by class or topic can be helpful, or use a series of folders to create an orderly system.
    • Try different organization methods until you find one that works for you. This could be something like organizing handouts separate from your notes, or organizing everything by date, chapter, or topic.
  7. Create and use flashcards. Flashcards can help you remember important names, dates, places, events and concepts. They can be used for almost any subject taught in school.
    • Choose the most important names, dates, concepts, etc.
    • Write the name on one side and the definition on the other. For math formulas, write the equation on one side and the solution on the back.
    • Test yourself. If you've learned the definition or solution on the front of the card, create your own quiz by going through the cards in reverse order - so read the definition or solution on the 'back' of the card and challenge yourself to give the correct term or equation written on the 'front' of the card.
    • Divide your flashcards into manageable sections. Just as it is not wise to start stamping notes and study material, research has shown that learning in blocks is also more effective than stamping on flashcards. Don't try to learn more than 10-12 flashcards at a time.
  8. Use reminders. Linking names or terms to something simple to remember can make it easier to remember information from your notes.
    • Don't make it too complex with your reminders. They should be easy to remember and easy to apply to a test.
    • Songs may be the easiest to use. If you get stuck, try humming the rhythm of the song to yourself and associating the lyrics with the material you are trying to memorize.
  9. Be mobile. You don't have to be chained to a desk to study. Use the technology to free up your study sessions so you can study anytime, anywhere.
    • There are many mobile apps for making flashcards. You can view them from anywhere, whether you are in the library or on the train.
    • Try to include your notes in a wiki or blog. You can tag these posts with relevant keywords, making finding your material a breeze when it comes time to study. You can also view them anywhere you have an internet connection.

Part 3 of 3: Studying from textbooks

  1. Skim through each chapter before reading. Look for text in bold or italics, or emphasized text in a graph or chart. Also look for sections at the end of each chapter that summarize the key concepts of that unit. Information presented in one of these ways is usually of the utmost importance when teachers prepare a test on that chapter or section.
    • If you are studying a creative work, such as a play or novel, look for patterns and themes. Motifs (elements that have additional meaning, such as darkness, blood, gold) can repeat themselves in the text, suggesting that they are important to pay attention to. "Big ideas" are also good to focus on.
    • If your teacher allows it, you can use a study guide such as Cliffs Notes or Shmoop to help you understand the plot so you can focus on more important themes and patterns. Don't rely on these guides to tell you everything you need to know! Only use them in addition to other study and reading techniques.
  2. Read the chapter carefully and take notes. Now that you have scanned the chapter and noted the key terms, read through the entire chapter at least once, paying attention to the details and making notes. This allows you to understand the material and place that chapter within the greater unity.
  3. Be an active reader. Active reading, where you ask questions about reading and take notes, has been proven to be more effective and efficient than passive reading just to finish the chapter.
    • Draw a parenthesis around key terms in the chapter, and circle any terms or names you don't know (if you can).
    • Write questions in the margins (if you can) as you read, then find the answers to those questions.
  4. Formulate key concepts in your own words. This will help you better understand the material and memorize these concepts more concretely.
    • Keep in mind that the reformulation can also summarize and focus. When rephrasing, pay attention to what seems most important.
    • Take, for example, this passage: "Students often overuse direct quotations when taking notes, and as a result overuse quotations in the final [research] document. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear. as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcriptions of source material when taking notes. " Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.
    • A reformulation of the key concept could look like this: "Include less direct sentences in notes because too much can lead to overcitation in the final paper. 10% max quotes in final text. "
    • As you can see, this has captured the most important information from the passage, but in your own words now, and it is much shorter - meaning it will be easier to remember later on.
  5. Review everything you have read after the chapter. Review your notes and any flashcards you've taken. Create your own quiz after going through all of your notes a few times. You should be able to remember most key terms, names and dates. Repeat this assessment process as many times as necessary to keep the information in your head, while preparing for upcoming tests and tests.
  6. Don't try to do it all at once. Studies have shown that short sessions are the most efficient way to study, usually in 1-3 hour increments. Give yourself several days, each with multiple sessions, to prepare.
  7. Alternate subjects. Research suggests that studying related but varied material in one session is more efficient and effective than studying just one topic in a given session.
    • You can also try to relate material you learn to things you already know. You can even make connections between new material and pop culture. You are more likely to remember new material better if it is linked to things you already know.


  • Choose a time of day that works best for you to study. Some students are night owls and work best when it is dark - other students work best in the morning. Listen to your body to know when you are studying most efficiently.
  • Learn which study methods work best for you and stick to those habits.
  • Take breaks every hour or two so that you don't overload your brain, but don't take too long or too often.


  • Stamping or blocking for a test is very ineffective. Give yourself enough time to study and practice effective and healthy study habits.