Becoming a very healthy person

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 3 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Habits of Healthy People - How To Live Longer
Video: 10 Habits of Healthy People - How To Live Longer


Do you want to become a very healthy person? This has everything to do with making gradual changes. The steps in this article offer you several benefits: a lower risk of various cancers and diseases, possibly a slimmer figure, and the chance to live a long and happy life. Health is a very important priority in your life, so what are you waiting for? Follow these steps and you will be on your way to becoming a very healthy person regardless of your age, weight or current health status.

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Part 1 of 3: Take care of your overall health

  1. Care for more sleep. To become a very healthy person, you need to get enough sleep consistently. That means 7-9 hours a night for adults, 8-10 hours for teens and 9-11 hours for children. This keeps you awake and alert so you don't have to drink caffeine and sweet energy drinks. In addition, most of the healing and purification of body and mind takes place during sleep. If you are still young and going to school, go to bed early, especially during the week.
    • Don't overdo it, though. Sleeping too much can be just as bad for you as not getting enough sleep. If you have been short of sleep one night, you can sleep a little longer the next night to make up for this. But in general, try to stay within the right range for your age.
  2. Eat the right, healthy food with all the nutrients your body needs. A good diet contains the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fruits, vegetables and fat. When it comes to carbohydrates, it is best to opt for whole grains. Lean meats, fish, eggs, and nuts are some of the best protein sources. Try to consume at least 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. A certain amount of fat is also required for your body to function smoothly; fish oil, olive oil and coconut oil are some particularly useful fats.
  3. Drinking water. It is your bike for the rest of the day. Try to drink eight glasses of water a day (about 240 ml each). It gives you energy and helps you keep going. Not enough fresh water can lead to acne, headaches and even dehydration. Do this and you will become a very healthy person.
  4. Go to the ophthalmologist. Have your glasses fitted if necessary. If you don't want to wear glasses, try contact lenses or surgery to restore your vision. Ask your eye doctor which eye drops are best to wear. Wear sunglasses so your eyes don't get damaged.
  5. Get checked regularly. Ask about the need for vaccinations and vitamin injections. Take the medications your doctor tells you to take. Get tested for allergies. Get blood tests to determine things like your cholesterol level. Find out if you have any conditions and treat them.

Part 2 of 3: Keeping fit

  1. Make sure you get plenty of exercise every day, even if it's just a little. This will not only make you feel and look better, but it will also help you get through the day. Research has shown that regular exercise makes you feel better because the endorphins produced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus during exercise provide a feeling of happiness and well-being. Walking is great exercise. Walk to work or if you can. If the distance is too great to walk, park your car a little further from your destination so that you walk at least some of the distance. If you are not going by car, but by public transport, you can get off the bus or train one stop earlier.
  2. Stretch. This feels great! From the moment you wake up in the morning to your gym session, this simple muscle exercise will help you warm up and become more flexible. If you stretch every day, you will end up being very flexible and limber. It keeps you going for longer and gives you strength.
  3. Running and to jog. This does not necessarily mean that you have to run 6 miles every morning, but about 10 minutes of jogging or running at an easy pace will definitely make you a very healthy person. Try to jog for about ten minutes, three to five times a week. It will keep your muscles strong and fit. Go never running for an hour and then suddenly stopping and then sitting on the couch for an hour. This will give you terrible cramps and you will suffer pain while walking the next day. Slowly bring the temp back to a walking pace, and continue to breathe deeply. Running will make gym class a lot easier for you and will eventually make you a very healthy person.
  4. Challenge yourself. If you can do up to 10 push-ups, go for 12! Little challenges like this make you a very healthy person.
  5. Do something that you enjoy doing. Play with your pet, go swimming or trampolining, make love, play chess! Doing things you love to do will keep your mood up and make you happier. If you had a bad day at school or work, get the bike and act out your anger on the pedals. Not only is this fun, but you can be yourself for a while. Try it!

Part 3 of 3: Maintaining a positive attitude

Feel good about yourself. There is always someone in the room who does at least one thing better than you, so do your best not to compare yourself to other people. Look for things you are good at and use your talents.

  1. Laugh and smile many and often. Smiling a lot gives your face a younger look and it feels great. It has been scientifically proven that it is good for your health to laugh a lot.
  2. do not worry. Don't take things too seriously. Be relaxed and open to other ideas and explore new things: cultures, new dishes, new experiences.
  3. Relax regularly and do nothing at all. Sitting in a dark, quiet place for 10 minutes, without any stressful thought whatsoever, will leave you feeling refreshed. Focus on your inner energy field or try to focus on your body from within. If you can just relax for a while, you will feel better for the rest of the day, and you will probably feel better too. Do this a few times a day to become a very healthy person.

Try to achieve a goal. This will make you feel like you have overcome something. Performing a song or using your talents to amaze someone else will make you feel positive and useful.


  • Giving your brain the idea that you slept well last night also helps your brain perform better.
  • Meditate on consciousness, practice yoga regularly, go out for an hour, read daily, etc. Give yourself small tasks to complete, no matter how small. This helps develop positive results in the brain and leads to healthier habits and rituals.
  • Do as your doctor recommends. It is difficult to be a very healthy person if you are overweight, have a chronic illness or condition, are 98 years old, or suffer from depression or similar circumstances, but following the advice of your doctor will help you on your way to your goal of being a very healthy person is to ignore the professional medical advice you receive.


  • Keep in mind that changing your lifestyle takes a lot of patience. You may want to give up, but stick with it.
  • Stop unhealthy habits. Quit smoking, drinking too much alcohol, drugs, and unprotected sex with random strangers. All these activities can lead to health problems.