Treating a sea urchin sting

Author: Charles Brown
Date Of Creation: 9 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Stung By Sea Urchin. What’s Gonna Happen?!
Video: Stung By Sea Urchin. What’s Gonna Happen?!


Whether you accidentally step on a sea urchin or carelessly handle one, there is a chance that you will be stung. Sea urchins are poisonous, so it's important to treat the sting quickly and appropriately. If you have been stung by a sea urchin, keep calm and follow the guidelines below to avoid a serious infection.

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Part 1 of 3: Removing the spines

  1. Recognize a sea urchin stitch. To treat a sea urchin sting, make sure you have been stung by a sea urchin and not another sea creature.
    • Sea urchins have a flat or spherical body and are covered with spines. They live in oceans around the world, but are more likely to occur in warmer regions.
    • Sea urchins hide in rocky underwater spots and will sting if they feel threatened. Most people get stung when they accidentally step on a sea urchin.
    • You can successfully treat most stitches yourself. However, get medical help right away if you have difficulty breathing, are sick, have chest pain, or if the area shows signs of infection such as redness and pus.
    • Also seek medical attention if you have been stung near a joint. In that case, the spines may need to be surgically removed.
  2. Know which parts are poisonous. Sea urchins are flat, spherical animals. They are generally not aggressive, but they will sting if you accidentally step on them. Certain parts of a sea urchin's body release poison.
    • Sea urchins spread poison through their spines and pedicellaries.
    • The spines cause puncture wounds and can remain in the skin. In the event of an attack, the spines must be removed immediately.
    • The pedicellaries are pincer-like protrusions located between the spines that grip a target when the sea urchin is attacked. You should also remove the pedicellars soon after you get stung.
  3. Remove the spines. After being stung, remove the spines as soon as possible to minimize exposure to the poison.
    • Use tweezers to pull the protruding ends of large spines from the skin. Proceed slowly so that the spines don't break off. If this happens, you will need medical treatment.
    • You can also use hot resin to remove the spines. You can do this if the spines are particularly deep in the skin and they cannot be removed with a razor. Apply hot resin to the area, let it dry and remove the resin. The spines should be pulled out of the skin along with the wax.
    • If the spines are not properly removed, long-term medical problems can arise. See a doctor if you're not sure you pulled out all the spines.
  4. Remove the pedicellars. The pedicellars must also be removed after an attack so that you are no longer exposed to the poison.
    • You can remove the pedicellars by applying shaving cream to the affected area and then scraping it off with a razor.
    • Be careful with the razor so that you don't irritate the wound even more.

Part 2 of 3: Cleaning the infected area

  1. Clean the wound with soap and water. Immediately after removing the spines and pedicellars, you should clean and rinse the wound.
    • This will be unpleasant because the wound will still hurt and sting when you touch it. Be willing to get started, even if it hurts. Get someone to help you if you're worried you can't bear the pain.
    • You can also use a solution containing hydrogen peroxide or betadine instead of soap.
    • After you have washed the area, rinse it thoroughly with clean drinking water.
  2. Do not cover the wound. Do not use bandages and tape to cover the wound. Any spines that are still stuck in the skin and that you have not been able to remove with tweezers should be able to slide out of the skin on their own to avoid bacterial infection and the effects of the sea urchin's venom.
  3. Immerse the wound in water. To relieve pain and reduce the risk of infection, some people submerge their wound in water after cleaning it first.
    • You can dip the wound in hot water. The water should be hot to the touch, but not boiling hot. Keep the wound in the water for at least an hour or as long as you can tolerate the heat. This will help soothe the pain and dissolve any remaining spines. You can add Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate to the water to aid in this process.
    • Some people try a hot vinegar bath. Mix a small amount of vinegar in a tub of hot water and soak the wound for 20 to 40 minutes. You can also add Epsom salt to the water, which will help dissolve the remaining spines.

Part 3 of 3: Treating the wound and pain

  1. Treat the wound before going to sleep. Before going to sleep, put a small bandage on the wound so that it is not irritated at night.
    • Place a vinegar-soaked cloth over the wound and wrap plastic wrap around it. Stick the foil down so that it does not slip.
    • Make sure to apply the bandage loosely. Remember that it is better not to cover the wound completely because the spines that are still in the skin should be able to slide out on their own.
  2. Take antibiotics and painkillers. To prevent infection and treat the final pain, take over-the-counter antibiotics and painkillers. Take these remedies according to the directions on the package.
    • Apply topical antibiotic ointment to the wound. You can get this ointment at the pharmacy. This should be done as a precaution anyway, but it is especially important to do if you notice any redness or swelling.
    • Paracetamol and ibuprofen are good pain relievers. Take the recommended dose every 4 to 8 hours until symptoms subside.
  3. Watch for signs of infection. Sea urchin stings usually heal well if treated properly, but sea urchins are poisonous. Know how to spot an infection.
    • Signs of infection include redness, pus, warmth, and swelling of the affected area or lymph nodes that drain fluid from the affected area (neck, armpits, or groin).
    • Get medical attention if signs of infection do not disappear within days.
    • If you develop breathing problems or chest pain, it could be a serious infection and you should go to the nearest hospital emergency room.


  • It is a good idea to dip the tweezers in boiling water to sterilize them before use. You can also thoroughly wipe the tweezers with a cotton ball or cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  • It's a good idea to have a friend or family member help you remove the spines and clean the wound. The pain can be severe and it may be difficult to take care of yourself.
  • To avoid getting stung if you accidentally step on a sea urchin, wear water shoes when swimming in a place where you know there are many sea urchins there.


  • If a spine has entered the skin near a joint, it may need to be surgically removed. Instead of trying to fix the problem yourself, see a doctor.
  • Get medical help right away if you have multiple stab wounds, fatigue, weakness, or muscle pain, or if it is difficult for you to move your arms or legs. Also get help right away if you get symptoms of a severe allergic reaction: difficulty breathing, chest pain, hives, red skin, or swollen lips or tongue.