Keeping a wolf as a pet

Author: Frank Hunt
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Why Does Nobody Have Wolves As Pets
Video: Why Does Nobody Have Wolves As Pets


Are you interested in a wolf as a pet? Or a wolf-dog hybrid? Before buying a wolf or hybrid, it is good to do your homework and make sure you understand everything about caring for these animals.

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Part 1 of 2: Preparing for the wolf

  1. Know what a wolf-dog hybrid, sometimes referred to as a wolfhound, is. A wolfhound is an exotic cross between a domesticated dog and a wild wolf. Most people consider the animal to be a wolf dog if they have an ancestor that was completely wolf no more than 5 generations ago. However, consider why you want to keep a wild animal in a domesticated environment. They are usually referred to as companions, rather than pets.
    • Low Content (LC) hybrids are only 1-49% wolf.
    • Mid Content (MC) hybrids are 50-74% wolf.
    • High Content (HC) hybrids are 75% + wolf. HC hybrids are almost indistinguishable from a pure wolf. They may only have 1-3 of a dog's traits.
    • An LC hybrid will not act like a dog and is better for someone new to the wolf dog world. They are more exuberant and easier to train, while still having the stubbornness and independence of a wolf.
  2. Investigate local laws. It is not legal to have a wolf everywhere. Some countries or regions prohibit the keeping of these animals, others only prohibit the keeping of certain exotic animals, again elsewhere you need a permit and then there are areas where there is no legislation. Check the laws for your region or country to make sure it is legal to keep these types of animals.
    • For example, some states in the US allow a wolf dog with 98% wolf, while others put the limit at 75%, 25% or no first generation crosses.
  3. Consider the costs. Wolves and wolf dogs don't come cheap. On average, they cost about 1,500 euros per year, but that can go up to over 2,000 euros. This is more expensive than most purebred dogs. See if you want to spend that much money on an animal.
    • There is no way to prove the animal's pedigree. Wolfdog experts say that more than half of the animals kept as wolf dogs do not actually have wolf DNA. Other experts argue that most wolfhound breeders hybrids sales that are in fact purely dogs.
    • When buying a wolf or wolfhound, make sure to get it examined by an expert, if possible. This can prevent you from spending thousands of dollars on a fake wolf.
  4. Remember that wolves are not domesticated. Dogs were bred to be submissive and to help their owners; they were bred to be pets. This process took 10,000 years. Wolves, on the other hand, have spent the last 10,000 years as wild animals. While there are people who keep wolves they have raised as pets from puppyhood, they remain instinctive animals that cannot be fully tamed. They are more elusive, more intelligent (meaning they can easily outsmart you), more ferocious, have a stronger hunting instinct and are significantly more unplayable. Also keep in mind that a wolfhound is considerably agitated in the mating season and can behave aggressively towards you. In addition, they often and easily destroy furniture and will regularly attack (and kill) other dogs and canids; since they are not domesticated, they see other dogs as competition for resources. There is a lot of information available about wolf dog keeping - including YouTube videos, blogs and informational websites. Visit different resources and make sure you understand how a wolf works.
    • Do not adopt a wolf from the wild. If you are interested in keeping a wolf, don't get one from the wild. Adopt one from a wolf shelter. Taking a wolf from the wild can be very dangerous and could result in injury or death. Wild wolves have a natural fear and suspicion of people who don't have captive-born puppies.
  5. Speak to an expert. If you are still interested in keeping a wolf or wolf hybrid, visit a wolf shelter. Many shelters have both wolves and wolf dogs for you to observe. Before bringing any of the animals into your home, it is good to speak to an expert from the shelter. They can answer your questions, give you more information and help you understand the responsibilities that come with caring for a wolf or wolfhound.
  6. Try volunteering at a wolf center where you can learn about how a wolf's mind works and how they behave towards people. Many wolf shelters in the world tend to different animals as a result of untrained people who thought they would be just like a dog, only to dispose of them as soon as the wolf destroys their car, tries to kill something or marks its territory. Wolfhounds are difficult pets, even for experts who have been working with and caring for these animals for years. Spending time with wolves or wolfhounds will give you a good idea of ​​what it takes to have one.
    • Try to find wolf or wolf dog owners in your area. Contact them and meet.They can be an important source of information for you as they already have an exotic animal.
    • Some shelters that rescue wolf hybrids are open to adoption.

Part 2 of 2: Grooming your wolf

  1. Train the wolf. You cannot buy a wolf or a hybrid and hope it will be a good pet. Wolves are not dogs. They require a lot of training to become a suitable companion, which takes a lot of time and effort on the part of the owner.
    • These animals are cunning and very intelligent. They are much more challenging than dogs. Some wolf dogs are docile, while others are, in fact, wild. If you don't have the patience or time to train the wolf, don't buy one.
    • If you've never owned and trained a dog, don't try to get a wolf or hybrid.
    • Many owners who are not well prepared for their wolf or wolfhound end up taking them to a shelter, where there are already so many, or take them to an animal shelter, where they often do not know what to do with the animals. Releasing them into the wild is pretty much a guarantee that the animal will die. Adopting a wolf and then dumping it causes irreversible damage to the animal. Since they are group animals, being separated from their home can cause extreme fear and even illness in the animal.
  2. Be aware that affection can be confused with aggression. Wolves show their affection differently than dogs. Sometimes this affection can be confused with aggression. Wolves greet each other with affection, but since they cannot cuddle, they use their mouths. Wolves chew the heads of group mates as a greeting or as an expression of affection.
    • Wolves can do this to humans too. Typically, a wolf will approach you, press its nose against yours, and then lick your teeth. However, if you get scared and move away, the wolf will grab your head with its teeth to pull you back so that it can greet you and show its affection.
    • Wolves love small children. However, they can get excited, jump on them, or try to carry them by their head or arm with their teeth. This can injure the child, while the wolf only showed his love.
    • These displays of affection can easily be confused with seizures.
  3. Provide the right living environment. Wolves like to roam, they will jump fences, break chains and dig out of the yard. This can be very dangerous as the wolf can be mistaken for a wild wolf or coyote and shot. In addition, the wolf can kill the neighbors' pets or livestock. Never let the wolf roam free.
    • LC and some MC wolves can live within a normal fence without escaping. MC and HC wolves are likely to try to break out. They need fencing 180-250 cm high, in combination with other security measures. The gate should not provide a grip as they can then climb out.
    • You must also make the animal's living environment dig-resistant.
    • Some LC wolves will escape anyway while some HC animals will remain inside the fence. It depends on how badly the animal wants to be free, how bored he is and how much the space outside the fence attracts him.
    • A large gated area is ideal. Wolves and wolf dogs need a lot of space to run and play.
  4. Socialize the wolf dog. Wolves are social group animals, so they need some company from another canid. It is equally important to socialize your wolf or wolfhound with people and places from a young age. The dog is already trained with this to be with people and in a domesticated environment.
    • The wolfhound should be taken from the mother at 2 weeks old and bottle-raised. They should start socializing with both male and female people right away so that they can be used to people for the rest of their lives.
    • Wolves need the company of another canid, also to fulfill their emotional needs. You have to place your wolf with another canid of the opposite sex and about the same size. This ensures that your wolf, or wolf dog, will not get lonely.
  5. Make yourself the alpha. You must be your wolf's alpha. While it is still a puppy, start training the animal to be submissive on command. This does not mean that the adult will always be submissive - wolves are very independent and confident. However, it does mean that the wolf or wolfhound will know that you are the alpha, and therefore the boss.
    • Never hit, bite, or yell at him while training the puppy. In addition, never push him to the ground or shake him back and forth on his scruff. Wolf parents do not punish their pups for chewing or biting; they are very tolerant parents. Try to avoid physically dominating the wolf, as this could harm your relationship.
  6. Feed them the right foods. Wolves live on a meat diet. Pure wolves and HC hybrids cannot live on dry dog ​​food. Most wolves and wolf hybrids eat about 1 to 2.5 pounds of meat every day.
    • Venison is very good for wolves. You can give them fresh venison from knocked-down deer, but you need a permit for this.
  7. Provide entertainment for the wolves. Wolves can get bored easily, which can result in breaking out of their enclosure to find entertainment. Build things in their living environment to keep them busy, such as platforms. Wolves need to be mentally stimulated on a regular basis.
    • Make sure there are trees and use old logs to hide treats.
    • Another good idea is to provide a swimming area, such as a water trough, pool, creek, or pond, for them to lie down and dig in.
    • Sandboxes or piles of sand are good for digging.
    • As a puppy, train him to walk on a leash so you can walk him. You can use 2 leashes while walking - one on the collar or harness, and a slip line. You should walk with him every day.
  8. Make sure you have a vet on hand. Most vets don't know how to care for wolves or wolfdogs. Many will even refuse to treat these animals. Make sure you find a vet who can take care of your wolf before adopting the wolf.


  • Wolfhounds should not be kept in a city. A rural area is best. They require a large living space, and HC hybrids become scared or nervous in crowded environments.
  • Understand that wolves and dogs are very, very different. Certain breeds, such as huskies and German shepherds, are more like wolves than others, but they are still very different animals. Don't think you can handle a wolf because you had domesticated dogs before, they are not the same.
  • Educate yourself in wolf knowledge, more than just grooming. You need to know the facts about wearing, living and existing in the wild.
  • Obedience training is essential. Your wolfhound must learn to follow you instead of his or her instincts. This can be very difficult, another reason why only very experienced dog owners of difficult or "problematic" breeds (especially Northern breeds) should get a wolf.
  • Make sure the wolf has plenty of room to move around. They can become very stressed in a small environment.
  • As docile as a wolf is, it will never become completely tame. Even a wolf hybrid, depending on the percentage of wolf in its family tree, can have wild instincts.
  • Wolves cannot be domesticated - a process that takes thousands of years - but they can be tamed. Acting like an "alpha" only leads to an aggressive wolf. You will have to gain his love, trust and respect. In the wild, the parents lead the pack, while the puppies submit to their authority. Are you willing to be a "parent" for your new wolf pup? It requires a great deal of patience and consistent discipline, as well as endless compassion.
  • Check all local laws and don't jump into something you don't know about. Even an LC wolfhound can be a challenge for people who have no experience with northern breeds.
  • Know the physical differences between a wolf and a dog. A friend or neighbor often brags about his "completely tame, docile wolf" who is "like a dog." A real wolf or wolf owner will let you know how difficult it is and will advise against getting one unless you are sure what you are getting into.