Preventing a weed hangover

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 24 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Weed "Hangovers" EXPLAINED
Video: Weed "Hangovers" EXPLAINED


Weed is a drug that is not lethal and also less addictive than most other types of drugs or alcohol, but weed can cause problems during and after use. It is best to take stock of the activities you will need to perform during and after use before use so that you can wait until you are sober with the tasks that require more attention. You can learn to sober up after use or to quit.

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Method 1 of 2: Sober up after recent use

  1. You cannot drive a vehicle again until 15 minutes to 2 hours after use. You are less able to coordinate, which means that you can no longer safely perform certain activities.
    • After ingestion you will first feel a peak in physical and mental activity, how long this takes depends on how strong the weed you just consumed is.
    • If you have eaten the weed, you should wait an hour anyway because it only starts working after a while and stays active longer.
    • If you have used hash, this period will last a few hours because it is stronger.
  2. You have to learn to recognize the signs that you are high.
    • If you have to laugh at everything and feel euphoric, you can't get behind the wheel just yet.
    • If you feel dizzy or have problems with your vision or hearing, you should also wait a while before getting into a vehicle.
  3. Take a nap. If you are dizzy or tired, lie down and take a nap. During that time, your body processes the drug so that you become less high.
  4. Drink lots of water. A few glasses of water will help your body flush out the chemicals.
    • Do not drink alcohol, this enhances the effects of the weed!
  5. Eat healthy foods. Weed is stored in your fat. When you eat fatty and unhealthy foods, you gain weight and your body stores more THC. Therefore, eat fruits, vegetables and grains if you have smoked. These foods counteract the long-term effects of the drug.
  6. Move. When you exercise, your metabolism starts up so that the THC is processed faster. Get moving before you go back to work or get into the car.

Method 2 of 2: Sober up after prolonged use

  1. Don't diet too heavily, because THC is stored in your fat, it also enters your bloodstream when you lose a lot of weight quickly, which in turn causes withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Do not drink any more caffeine after 2 pm. When you stop using cannabis, you often suffer from insomnia. THC can continue to disrupt your sleep for 1-4 weeks.
    • You should not work late at night or at night as this will make your insomnia worse.
  3. Exercise regularly. Daily exercise reduces the amount of fat and also prevents the build-up of THC. You may not want to lose weight, but exercise also reduces your stress and helps with withdrawal symptoms.
    • People who stop using cannabis may also become depressed or feel a lack of euphoria. Exercise improves your mood if you move for 30 minutes or more at a time.
  4. Drink lots of water. Water flushes the chemicals out of your body, but you also drink more water because one of the withdrawal symptoms is night sweats.
    • Heavy sweating causes dehydration, dry mouth and nutrient deficiency.
    • If you sweat a lot at night, eat potassium-rich foods such as bananas, tomatoes, and leafy green vegetables.
  5. Try to develop a stress-free routine. Many people argue that they use marijuana because it relaxes them, but this is no longer a reason for stress relief.
    • People who are in detox can suffer from mood swings and can also get angry much more quickly.
    • Try meditating or practicing yoga once every day, if only for 5 minutes at a time, it really helps you!
    • Take a warm bath daily in the evening. This makes you sleepy and improves your mood.
    • Find someone you can talk to about your drug addiction process and other factors of stress in your life. People need an emotional outlet to feel better about their choice and to stay sober.
    • Keep a journal if writing helps you process your emotions. Subscribe here every day until the withdrawal symptoms disappear, this usually takes 1-12 weeks.


  • Drink some green tea in a calming atmosphere with the radio playing in the background and after 15 minutes see if you are feeling better already.
  • If you've been using for years, find a support group for addicts. These are quite easy to find in your area via the internet.


  • Water
  • Healthy snacks
  • A bathtub