Create a website and make money

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
$7,000 in Passive Income | How to Build a Website That Makes Money
Video: $7,000 in Passive Income | How to Build a Website That Makes Money


Ready to make some of that Internet cash for yourself? Globally, online ad spend is on its way to surpass $ 145 billion, meaning tons of people are getting rich! If you want some of that too, then we have some tips for you.

To step

Method 1 of 2: Create a website

  1. Define your goal. To attract investors (in the form of advertisers) you need a place for them to sell their wares. Attracting advertisers should be your primary goal, if that's the factor that makes your financial aspirations a success.
    • Know what advertisers or placement algorithms are looking for in an ad space (e.g. your website): Generally, potential customers with disposable income are who visit your site in large numbers and may be interested in products that are closely related to your site's content.
    • So what you want in a site is to attract - and keep - a lot of visitors. The longer they stay, the more likely they are to eventually leave your site not by clicking the back button, but by clicking on your advertiser's links.
  2. Find a market. To get the most traffic, and therefore the most revenue, you need to be selective in your target audience. While each demographic has strengths and weaknesses, studies have shown that younger people are generally more optimistic and adventurous - and therefore more likely to click on an ad.
    • Keep in mind that the goal is to get clicked, not to sell - that's what generates revenue. Once the visitor has clicked off your site, it's up to the merchant to make the sale. You get paid, whatever the outcome.
    • Search the Internet for trends and website ideas, and include the year in your search terms to avoid wasting search results on what was popular in 2006. For example, a Google search term like "website ideas 2012" returned nearly a billion Results. From there, it's a matter of sifting through the information to find ideas that pique your interest.
  3. Register a domain. In the prosperous days of the early 21st century, you could create a company name and search for a domain. Today that is almost impossible. However, you can be creative with imported names. While "" (and .net, .org, even .xxx) is taken, try something like "website-4-g33ks" instead.
    • A good way to go is to register a ".com" domain, find a host (many domain registrars will also host sites), and build your own site. This has the advantage of being the most flexible when it comes to custom code design and installation.
    • Another way is to sign up with a service like Blogger, from Google, or Wordpress - both of which not only allow you to put your site name before their service name (e.g., but give you both that and a website for free. The benefit, other than that, is that Blogger and Wordpress give you a ton of really well-designed templates to make your site look great. The downside is that it generally requires a "pro" version (in other words, paid) before any serious customization is possible.
  4. Build your site. You put together your website with the help of the provided templates, or with a site that you design yourself (or have it designed). What you do will be based almost entirely on the market you are trying to reach. Again, although you end up offering a personalized service like "Cleavon's Auto Repair Site," or creating a totally web-focused site like "Sara's Delicious Recipes," the goal is to keep people on your site. That means “content is king” - as it has always been.
    • If you provide a service, your site may have content specific to your specialty. Cleavon, for example, may have some simple articles about changing oil, changing a flat tire, or an FAQ about all those little noises a car can make. For example, in addition to recipes, Sarah could provide conversion tables for sizes and weights, the differences between different types of flour, and funny stories of kitchen disasters and successes. In either case, you give visitors a reason to hang around - and click ads - by offering more than the basic service!
  5. Keep it fresh. Don't post one or two articles and then give up. Remember this is your income stream we are talking about developing so think about it as your job - part time or full time, you will be there every day only one have to put in time if you want to see the payment checks arrive.
    • The more you write, the more interesting your site will remain. The more interesting your site will remain, the more people will follow it. And more importantly, the more relevant your site will appear in the ad placement algorithms. More ads = more clicks = more money. Never lose sight of that goal.

Method 2 of 2: Start advertising and promotion

  1. Sign up for Google AdSense. AdSense will place advertisements for goods and services that are relevant to your site visitors, based on the content of your site. You get paid every time an ad appears on your site or when an ad is clicked.
    • You get paid a very small amount for each impression (view) or click. Therefore, the more traffic you generate, the more clicks and impressions you will have and the more money you will receive.
  2. Promote your site. Every time you post, every time you make a change, every time you change a point to an exclamation point or correct "one" to "one," let the world know through Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, LinkedIn and the rest of the Social Media world. The key is to spread the word.
    • Create accounts on all of the above networks, and make sure you have prominent links to your website on all of them.
    • Also start an email campaign. Publish a "best of my site" HTML email once a week — regularly enough for people to enjoy the content, but not so often that it looks like spam.
  3. Pay attention to your grades. Find which ads work best, and post more ads and pages like this one.
    • By refining your process, each visit will have a higher monetization value. Always remember, the longer they stay, the greater your earnings will be. Good luck!
  4. Join as an affiliate. Companies use affiliate programs to increase their online sales, and most of these affiliate programs are free to sign up with. Every time a visitor buys an article via the affiliate link on your website, you earn affiliate commission.