Picking up a woman

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 3 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Picking Up Girls: Awkward vs Confident
Video: Picking Up Girls: Awkward vs Confident


Do you wish you could make a lasting impression on women over and over again just by talking to them? Did you know that once you get a woman's attention, your interesting, sweet personality will do the rest? This article will show you how to talk to a woman so that she is deeply attracted to you.

To step

Method 1 of 2: The preparation

  1. In the beginning, talk yourself. Of course, this depends on the woman and the situation, but you should avoid (and most men do) that the burden of the conversation is on her by asking unnecessary questions and digging for similarities. Try to talk yourself about 75% of the time, maybe a little less. Your goal is to showcase your fantastic personality. Keep the conversation light, funny and playful. What can you use for opening sentences? There are a lot of them:
    • The Cheeky, Playful Alpha Man:
      • "I know you probably hear this a lot, but you are undoubtedly the most beautiful woman I've seen ... in the last three minutes."
      • "My boyfriend really had to drag me out to go out tonight, but I'm glad he did because seeing you here now was totally worth it."
    • The slightly shy, quiet boy:
      • "Sorry, this is uncomfortable, but I always get shy when I see a beautiful girl."
      • "I'm glad you're still here. I've been trying to get up the courage to talk to you for half an hour, and I was afraid I'd make a fool of myself while I was completely sober."
    • The straight forward:
      • "Hi, I'm [name], what are you doing here tonight?"
      • "This is the part where I introduce myself, and then you laugh and take a drink from me, right?"
      • I tried to make an excuse to talk to you, but I couldn't think of anything. Do you mind that I just tell a funny story of what happened to me yesterday? "
  2. Avoid sensitive topics like work, politics or anything negative. Keep the upper hand in the conversation, but don't be dominant. Make sure it doesn't turn into an interview with questions like: "Where are you from" or "What are you doing here?". Try to tap into your exciting yet controlled side and use that energy.
    • If she taps into a topic that you think is sending the conversation in the wrong direction, gently force it in a different direction. By saying something else that still has to do with the subject, but is funnier and lighter, you can broach another subject.
    • If she keeps coming back to the topics you don't find appropriate, you have two options:
      • Use the energy of that subject, because it appears that she would like to talk about it.
      • Find an elegant, respectful way to end the conversation and turn your attention to someone else. A simple "It was nice talking to you" should be enough.
  3. Maneuver elegantly around obstacles. Many women will say they have a boyfriend if they aren't attracted to you enough yet. At the same time to have many women who say that really have a friend, so here you run into an obstacle. Don't panic, because there is an obstacle to be overcome. You can maneuver around it elegantly.
    • If a woman says she'd rather not talk to you because she has a boyfriend, smile, say you enjoyed talking to her, and move on to the next candidate. Sometimes life is not easy.
    • If a woman says she has a boyfriend and leaves it at that, you can say, "That's fine, I respect that. Do you mind if we keep talking?"If she says yes, you will keep working. There is hope.
    • Don't think that you can separate a woman in a relationship from her partner. You probably don't want to be that kind of guy. If a girl calls her boyfriend, you might want to look further, unless you really want her phone number.
  4. Be independent. Don't care whether she's attracted to you or not. If it does, it's a bonus; if not, you move on to the next interesting girl.
    • If you tell yourself that you need her attention because your ego cannot handle the rejection, you will be hurt very often because you will getting rejected every now and then. If you feel so hurt and disappointed by a single miss, you will miss out on thousands of other possibilities.

Method 2 of 2: Seal the deal

  1. Don't be needy. If the woman thinks for even a moment that she is more important to you than you are to her, you are putting yourself behind. Why? Because people like to have a little bit to work for their reward, because that reward is then tastier.
    • There are many techniques you can use to show that you are not pathetic, but for now the best thing to do is to disconnect this from the result (see above). Remember, as beautiful and funny as she is, this woman is only one of a handful of beautiful, funny women in your universe. If it doesn't work with her, it will eventually work with someone else.
    • Don't shower her with compliments. A single compliment to start the conversation is all it takes to let you know you're interested in her. Because women are very smart, they usually know that without that compliment. So keep smooth talk to yourself and focus on winning her over with your intelligence, humor and your outlook.
  2. Apply "reverse qualification". Here's how it works: Think of something about her that you're sure isn't true. Then say you don't like that quality in a woman. Because the not is true about her, she will let you know that she is not. We call this qualifying, and we do it to appear good to someone. What you're doing here is fishing for her qualifications; unconsciously she should feel more attracted to you because apparently you have similarities with her.
  3. Be relaxed and casual. Your first priority should be to have a good time because talking to a beautiful interesting woman is incredibly exciting. Flirt, tease, be a little cheeky if that's into you, and use sarcasm (throw in a big smile so she knows you're just messing around). Pretend you're talking to a good friend.
    • If she says something you don't agree with, tell her. In other words, don't be a yes-man. If you disagree, don't be mean or offensive; explain your opinion and why you feel that way. If you do this correctly, it will steer the conversation in the right direction and it will become even more interesting. If you're confident enough, you can tease her by saying she's not "cool" if she disagrees (and laugh again guys, laugh).
    • Be calm. Very, very calm. As a captain you know exactly where you want to go and everything you say and do has a purpose. Nothing can harm you, not even a rejection. You expect the best and are prepared for the worst. Why? Because you are even calmer than a poem by Keats!
  4. Remember that decorating girls is all about managing your time. Why waste your time on a conversation that doesn't get you closer to your goal? There are also distractions lurking everywhere that could demand her attention, so every minute counts. With a little practice, you can get her number in seconds.
    • It might be better to talk just a few minutes before asking her number, or asking if she wants to dance, etc. It's hard to stay sharp and funny for a long time, even with all the stops open. Don't stretch the conversation without the end goal in mind!
  5. Finally, always try to gauge her interest. Look for open body language, enlarged pupils, giggles and touches. Whatever her personality or cultural background, women show many of the same signs when they are attracted to someone. With a little practice, you can quickly pick up these signs. Follow your instincts and you'll usually be fine. Thank you for reading!


  • Never force a girl into something she doesn't want. That is the biggest turnoff.
  • Keep practicing! Just talk to a girl on the street. Think of the right body language and the tone you use, they determine your attraction!