Attract a woman

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect
Video: How To "Attract" Women WITHOUT Saying A Word | The C-Zone Effect


Attracting a woman is the first step in getting into a relationship or on a date. If you want to charm a woman, you have to make her feel special, not take yourself too seriously, and relax while winning her over. It's all about making it look effortless, while finding a way to really impress her. If you want to know how faster you can pick up a woman than she can say, "You remind me of George Clooney," follow these steps.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Making sure she notices you

  1. Don't try so hard. If you want to seduce a woman, you have to make your charms look effortless. If you clearly have to pull out all the stops to impress her, do flips or walk on your hands, or try every joke in your arsenal, she will quickly catch on to your tricks. Instead, take a deep breath, relax, and let your magic work on her. Speak slowly enough for her to hear you, don't look like you're clinging to every syllable she says, or comment on the fact that your joke hasn't arrived, if it does. Just be yourself and the rest will follow.
    • Remember, if you really want to charm a woman, you need to show her that you are comfortable with who you are. If you're grinning from ear to ear, sweating and fidgeting nervously, she won't be charmed by you.
    • Keep your body language calm and relaxed. Keep your hands at your sides or use them to make a gesture, stand up straight and look at the woman instead of the floor.
  2. Look at yourself. Women like men with a good sense of humor who are also able to laugh at themselves. If you want to charm or win over the woman, you have to show that you don't take yourself too seriously and that you are confident enough to enjoy yourself. If you know that you are wearing a ridiculously pink shirt, that you have a cute gap between your front teeth, or that you are known for being clumsy, do not try to hide these cute qualities from the girl, but show that you are comfortable feels who you are with, with all your flaws.
    • This does not mean that you should burn yourself to the point that you seem insecure. Just make innocent jokes about yourself, or show that you can laugh when the woman is joking - that's enough.
    • Remember, a woman doesn't want to hear really crude humor. The joke about yourself can go way too far.
  3. Be a little weird. This is another way to seduce a woman. You don't always have to be completely serious. Talk about your embarrassing nickname to your puppy, show your ability to juggle. Pull a 20 cent coin from her ear (okay, maybe not). Don't be afraid to be a little weird, and the woman will be charmed by your childish approach to the world. This doesn't mean you have to come across as immature to be a little playful and weird.
    • If you're in a place where a weird song like "The Macarena" is playing, don't be afraid to show off your dance moves.
    • If you're too obsessed with looking cool, she won't open up to you. You don't have to go all the way, but if you put up too many walls, she won't feel like she's getting to know you.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. A real lady pays attention to her appearance, so you should do the same. You don't have to look like George Clooney, but you have to make sure your clothes are appropriate for the occasion, ironed, smelling fresh and generally flattering. If you think that stubble is making you look more mysterious, that's fine, but in general, make sure your face and hair are well-groomed and that you shower before going out to meet women.
    • You don't have to be obsessive about your appearance to charm a woman with the care you take with your appearance.
    • You can wear a little cologne, but not so much as to overwhelm the woman.
  5. Smile. Don't underestimate the effect a big, charming smile can have on a woman. While you don't have to grin from ear to ear, you should smile at the woman when you first meet, and whenever it's appropriate to smile when you talk. As long as you don't look nervous, she will understand that you are comfortable enough to smile when it feels good and you don't feel too cool to show her some positive energy.
    • Don't just smile at the lady. When she sees you smile at others, she'll see what a welcoming, positive guy you are.
  6. Be charming with those around you. If you want to please a lady, you can't just focus all your attention on her and ignore the people around you. She needs to see that you're the kind of guy who can be charming with just about anyone around him, and that's really impressive. You have to enchant older people, young, bored kids or even the shyest person at the party with your charms. Find something everyone can talk about and make that person feel special, carefree, and comfortable so that they want to open up to you.
    • While you shouldn't ignore the lady to do this, seeing your charming way of interacting with everyone in the room will make her even more charmed by you.
    • Just make sure you don't try to please too many other ladies. The lady should always feel special, even when talking to other people.
    • Another way to charm the people around you is to effortlessly connect them. Say something like, "Marie, do you already know Jan? He just got a new dog and could use some advice ... "
  7. Speak a foreign language. Do you know a little French? Un poco Español? If you know a few words in a foreign language, show it without it getting too annoying. Don't overwhelm the woman with every language you know a few words of, but when she finds out that you've lived in France for a while, or that your dad is from Madrid, conjure up a few sentences that will make her swoon . Sure, this is a cheap trick, but if you use it at the right time, the lady will be completely charmed by you.
    • Only try this if you are really confident in your language skills. Don't get lost in a few words if you really don't know much more Spanish than you know tequila must pronounce.
  8. Be sexy, but out of reach. You don't have to be Hugh Grant or even Brad Pitt to be sexy. Sexy is confidence and the aura that surrounds you. It comes with self-love (not narcissism). Being sexy is just being out of reach and feeling good about yourself. A beautiful smile is always good, as is a nice scent. Humans respond to the five senses - important senses in this case are smell and touch.
    • If you want to look out of reach, don't be too needy. The lady needs to see that you enjoy her company, but that you won't break down without her.

Part 2 of 2: Making her feel special

  1. Ask her about herself. If you really want to charm the lady, then you have to make her feel special. Take the spotlight off yourself and focus it on her, showing that you care about who she is and what she has to say. You don't have to make her feel like she's being questioned. Just ask her some low-key questions about where she grew up, what her friends or siblings are like, or what she does for pleasure.
    • If she tells you she has a pet, ask if she has photos.
    • Avoid asking overly personal questions, such as questions about her past relationships.
    • Let her speak. If you find that she feels she's talking too much about herself and starts to feel uncomfortable, find a way to contribute something related to what she's said.
  2. Give her a genuine compliment. The key is sincerity. Don't say something boring like, "You have beautiful hair," unless she has really unique hair with incredible curls, or a color you've never seen before. Instead, dig deeper and tell her something she's never heard before, or something that really makes her feel like you're paying attention (and not just trying to flatter her) so that she likes you even more.
    • If she has incredible eyes or a beautiful smile, tell her.
    • Make it a little deeper. Compliment her personality, such as her sense of humor or her observational skills, if you can.
    • If she wears a nice necklace or earrings, tell them so and you might get the story where or from whom she got it.
  3. Ask for her opinion. Show the lady that you care about what she thinks, not just who she is. She will see that you respect her as an intelligent being with valid opinions. Ask her what she thinks about your outfit, your favorite band, or your favorite TV show. You don't have to ask about the sensitive topics like politics or religion until you get to know each other better. Keep it light, but show her that you care about her.
    • You can even start small and ask her what she thinks about the wine you drink when you're at a party. If a song comes along, ask her what she thinks of the band.
    • If she gives you an answer, don't continue on anything else, but take the time to seriously consider her opinion.
  4. Be a good listener. Something all women immediately dislike is when a man talks to her and nods enthusiastically, but shows that he isn't really listening. If you want to show her that you're listening, you need to do more than nod and say "Yes," at the right time. You have to respond to what she says by asking more questions, or even referring back to something she said earlier in the conversation for bonus points.
    • For example, if she says she loves Ajax, you can say, "Is that because you grew up in Amsterdam? If I had lived there as a kid, I would probably be a die hard fan too ... "
  5. Don't flirt with everyone around you. There is a difference between being charming with other people and flirting with every girl in your field of vision. If you want to win her over, you have to show her that she's the only girl you really have eyes for. You can be charming with other girls, but make it clear that she is the only one you really have eyes for. If you are flirtatious and charming with every girl you see, she'll feel like you don't think she is special at all.
    • Always maintain eye contact with her, even when talking to someone else.
  6. Give her a small gift. Obviously, you shouldn't just give the girl a present there, unless you are good at origami and can make a beautiful flower for her from a napkin. But when you see each other again, you can charm her with a small gift, such as her favorite candy bar, a small bouquet of flowers, or even a copy of a book or CD you told her about. There's no need to spend a lot or she might feel like you're overdoing it, but giving her something suitably small and thoughtful will appeal to her even more.
    • Giving her something with a personal touch will make her feel even more special and truly charmed by you.
  7. Dance with her. Ladies like men who know how to dance. If you've taken a class in ballroom dancing, foxtrot, salsa, or any other form of dance, it's time to show off your moves and hit the dance floor - if one is nearby. But even if you're not a dance master, it's better to hit the dance floor and dance like a fool than pretend you're too cool or too scared to dance.
    • If you are really scared, take some dance lessons. Not only will this enhance your charms, but it's also a great way to meet even more women.
  8. Use her name. This is a great way to seduce a lady. You shouldn't use her name every five seconds or you'll sound like a used car salesman, but you should use her a few times over the course of the conversation so that she feels like you really care about her. Try this trick to win her heart, or basically charm almost any person around you.
    • Something as simple as "See, Marie ..." is enough to make the girl feel special.
  9. Touch her lightly from time to time. A lady will be charmed if you know where to touch her to make her feel special without being pushy. If it really clicks, touch her lightly on the elbow, shoulder, or knee (if she's seated). Don't do this until she's shown a little affection for you or you know she's comfortable with you. She will be charmed by your delicate and smooth gesture.
    • Even a light pat on her hand when she's telling you an emotional story does it for him.
    • Of course, don't touch her inappropriately.


  • Make sure you smell good. Use some body spray, perfume or deodorant, but not too much (spray once should be enough).
  • Confidence and ambition, without arrogance, can help win over a lady.
  • Drugs are simply not an option to gain the confidence to hit on her. Don't depend on drugs for self-confidence.
  • Be completely honest and tell her how much she means to you.
  • Dress appropriately. Wear a suit every time you know you'll see her. Style can make all the difference and all girls love suits. Shirts (with or without buttoned collars) are fine if you don't want to wear a suit.


  • Don't try to pick up on her friends. That is a big mistake.
  • Don't keep another girl because girls can find out very easily.
  • Being inaccessible is okay as long as it keeps you from being clingy or desperate, but don't play with someone's feelings. If she's interested in you and you really like her, don't play games. Be sincere, don't pretend. This is a general rule for everyone.It's devastating to really love someone and be rejected just because that person doesn't want to show emotions.
  • Love yourself. However, limit how much you "love yourself" - you can appear selfish if you love yourself too much.
  • If she's not interested, she's not interested. There is no need to worry about that further.