Hooking a roach

Author: Christy White
Date Of Creation: 9 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
RoboRoach (beta) Surgery Instructions
Video: RoboRoach (beta) Surgery Instructions


For anglers, "roach" refers to any small fish used as bait. This may or may not be part of the roach family. Roaches are popular bait fish for such species as bass, lepomis macrochirus, pomoxis, trout, broad-mouthed bass, pike and muskellunge. Roaches are most effective as bait when properly hooked; the correct way to hook a roach depends on how you are going to fish.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Crocheting a roach

  1. Don't put too many roaches together. Too many baitfish in a small bucket creates competition for the available oxygen in the water and increases the amount of ammonia from excrement.
    • A 3.79 L roach bucket can house up to 6 dozen chubs from 19.1 to 25mm, 4 to 5 dozen nutropis hudsonius from 50 to 88.9mm, and 1 to 1.5 dozen chubs from 88.9 mm or larger.
    • For very large baitfish, such as sucker carp from 25 to 45.72 cm, a bucket of 18.93 L is recommended.


  • If you know a little about the area where you will be fishing, you can catch your own roaches with a net. This is a good way to fish for rainbow trout. Be aware of the rules regarding roach catching in the region where you will be fishing before doing it.
  • If you hook the roach through the back, be careful not to hook too deep or you will hit the spine and paralyze and kill the fish. This instantly removes any swimming action the roach would deliver. If you do this accidentally, get a new roach.


  • Many regions have regulations regarding the use, transport and disposal of roaches and other bait fish due to the presence of viruses such as viral hemorrhagic septicemia. Contact the relevant authorities in the state, province or other region where you plan to go roach fishing to familiarize yourself with and follow the regulations.