Avoid static shock

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Getting Zapped By Static
Video: How to Stop Getting Zapped By Static


A static shock is the result of the redistribution of electrical charges between different materials. Although relatively harmless, static shocks can be annoying and even painful. Fortunately, there are several methods you can use to reduce the chance of a static shock, such as changing your wardrobe and changing your surroundings.

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Method 1 of 3: Changing your wardrobe

  1. Change footwear. When two materials come into contact, static electricity is generated. Often times, sanding soles over fabrics and other surfaces causes an electric shock. People tend to build up an electrostatic charge when walking around, but certain types of shoes can increase or reduce the risk of shock.
    • Rubber is a powerful insulator. If you have a carpet or work in an office with carpet, wearing rubber shoes increases the risk of static shock. Instead, opt for shoes with a leather sole.
    • Wool is a good conductor and can build up a static charge by rubbing against fabrics. Then choose cotton socks instead.
  2. Be careful with fabrics. The type of clothing you wear can increase the risk of static discharge. Certain substances conduct electricity better than others and should be avoided.
    • Generally, even with similar materials, layering can increase the likelihood of a static shock because materials with different electron charges can react with each other to produce a static charge.
    • Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester, conduct electricity well. Limiting clothing made with such materials in your wardrobe can reduce the risk of static shock.
    • Wool sweaters, and wool clothing in general, tend to produce more static. Then prefer cotton, if possible.
  3. Invest in anti-static wristbands. Some companies sell wristbands that you can wear to reduce the risk of static shock. If changing your clothes and footwear doesn't work, this could be a wise buy.
    • Anti-static wristbands work using a process called passive ionization. The conductive fibers in the bracelet conduct charge in your wrist, reducing the tension in your body and thus the intensity of the static shocks.
    • Such bracelets are relatively inexpensive. They usually cost less than $ 10.

Method 2 of 3: Prevent static shock at home

  1. Dampen your home. Static shock is more common in a dry environment. Keeping your home moist can reduce the risk of it.
    • Ideally, the relative humidity in your home should be above 30%. You can measure your home's humidity with a humidity thermometer (available for purchase online or at a hardware store.
    • Increasing the humidity to 40 or 50% can help reduce static shocks. Try to aim for this percentage.
    • Humidifiers change in price. Large humidifiers designed for larger rooms can cost more than $ 100. However, a single room humidifier doesn't have to cost more than $ 10- $ 20.
  2. Treat your carpet. If you have carpet instead of wooden floors at home, the risk of static shock is higher. Certain measures can be taken to make your carpet less conductive to static electricity.
    • Rubbing the carpet with rubber fabric softener sheets can prevent static build-up, but such methods have no permanent effect. Repeat this treatment once a week.
    • You can also place cotton rugs on areas of the carpet that you often walk on, as cotton is less likely to conduct electricity and cause static shocks than other fabrics.
  3. Adjust your sheets. If you get electric shocks in bed, changing your bedding can help.
    • Choose materials such as cotton instead of synthetics or wool.
    • Avoid laying sheets on top of each other, as substances that rub together can cause static build-up. If your bedroom is warm enough, you may want to leave out your top sheet or blanket.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid static shocks in public

  1. Apply moisturizer before going outside. Dry skin, especially dry hands, increases the risk of a static shock.Always moisturize your skin before going outside.
    • If you wear tights or silk underwear, make sure to moisturize your legs before getting dressed for going out.
    • Keep a pocket-sized bottle of lotion with you in a purse or backpack, in case you notice your skin getting dry during the day. Make sure you have lotion with you during the months when dry skin is a common ailment.
  2. Take precautions when shopping. Many people experience static shock when shopping. There are measures you can take to lessen the effect.
    • When pushing a cart, hold on to something metallic like your house keys. This releases any energy you build up before touching anything with your bare hands.
    • Wear leather shoes instead of rubber shoes when shopping, as the former are less likely to conduct electricity.
  3. Avoid static shock when getting out of the car. Static charge is common in cars. There are ways to avoid getting a shock when getting out of the car.
    • Being in the car generates electrostatic charges due to the constant friction and movement caused by the movement of the car itself. When you leave the seat of your car, you take some of this cargo with you. Your body's charge rises when you leave the car.
    • The voltage is released when you touch the car door, causing a painful static shock. You can prevent this by holding a metal part of the door frame when you leave your seat. The tension will disappear painlessly into the metal.
    • You can also hold your keys before touching the car door so that the tension can move to the metal in your keys without experiencing a painful shock.


  • Electric shock is most common when the air is dry, which often happens in winter. Take extra precautions at this time of the year.