Make a mirror selfie

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 22 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How NOT to take a Mirror Selfie from a PHOTOGRAPHER
Video: How NOT to take a Mirror Selfie from a PHOTOGRAPHER


Mirror selfies are a great way to capture an awesome outfit or perfect haircut, especially if you don't have anyone to take the picture for you. To master the mirror selfie, start with a tidy space, the right mirror, and good lighting. Then pick an attractive pose and decide what kind of selfie you want - one where you can't see the phone, for example. Get ready for your personal photo shoot!

To step

Method 1 of 3: Prepare the site

  1. Find an appropriately sized mirror, such as a full-length mirror for a full-body selfie. Choose a mirror large enough to fit as much of your body as you want into the shot. For example, a small wall mirror works if you only want a selfie of your face, while you need a larger mirror if you want to take a picture of your whole body.
    • Keep in mind that you can crop your selfies too. If you only want your face in the picture, but you only have a giant wall mirror, cut the rest of your body out of the picture after taking it.
  2. Clean up the room visible in the mirror, if possible. If you're taking your selfie in your bedroom or your own home, make sure that the space shown in the photo is tidy and clean. For example, clean dirty clothes from the floor, make your bed, and check to see if anything that could be embarrassing - like a celebrity's life-size poster - is hidden.

    Tip: Don't forget to clean the mirror too! Wipe it off with a cloth and glass cleaner to remove stains or smudges.

  3. Find a place that has good natural lighting or that is well lit. Natural light is most flattering for photos. To take advantage of this, open the blinds or curtains of windows to let in more light and try to take a photo during the day when it's sunny outside. At night, create natural lighting by turning on soft, warm lights instead of bright skylights.
    • Avoid fluorescent or bright white light that dulls your skin.
    • Make sure the light is not directly on your back or you will only see a silhouette. If possible, adjust the light so it shines to you from the front.

Method 2 of 3: Perfecting your pose

  1. Look at the camera instead of the mirror to avoid looking corny. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror when taking the selfie, keep your eyes on the screen of your phone. This not only ensures that you get a good photo, but it also prevents you from looking clumsy or forced.
    • Don't put on a big smile either. Instead, try a light grin or pout for a cooler look.
  2. Place one leg in front of you or cross your legs to look thinner. Imagine taking a step forward to get into one of these leg extension poses. Step forward slightly to one side or put one foot in front of the other.
    • You can also point with the toe of your foot that is in front. This will make your legs even slimmer.
    • Don't go too far forward or too far out; you might look a little unnatural.
  3. Stand forward with your legs slightly apart to show off your outfit. To emphasize your clothes, place your feet hip-width apart and straighten your shoulders so that you are looking straight at the mirror. Stand tall with your shoulders back so you don't look lanky in the photo.
    • You can do whatever you want with your arms. Let them hang naturally at your side or, for example, place a hand on your hip for a bolder pose.
  4. Try a variation, such as sitting in front of the mirror for a unique selfie. Mix up your mirror selfies by getting creative. For example, sit cross-legged on the floor in front of the mirror or put one foot on the sink, if you take the selfie in the bathroom mirror.
    • If you're in the bathroom, you can also try sitting on the sink for a playful photo.

    Tip: To get inspiration for unique selfies, browse the # mirror selfie hashtag on Instagram to see what others are doing.

Method 3 of 3: Take the photo

  1. Hold the phone at your face at a slight downward angle to look slimmer. Make sure the phone is no lower than chin height. Then create the illusion of length and height by tilting it down slightly so that you appear taller.
    • The higher you hold the phone, the longer and slimmer you will appear.
    • Play with different angles and heights to determine what works best for your selfie.
  2. Hold the phone aside and tilt it if you don't want it in the picture. To take a selfie without viewing the phone, stretch your arm out to the side and angle the phone toward your body. Check the screen to make sure the angle is correct and the phone is out of view of the mirror before taking the photo.
    • You can always cut the phone out of the photo afterwards.
    • If you don't want to stretch your arm that far, move closer to the edge of the mirror. This makes it easier to angle the phone so that it is out of sight.
  3. Place your phone in front of your face or tilt down to hide your face. If you don't want your face to show, hold the phone directly in front of it so everything but your hair is covered. To take a headless selfie, place the phone under your chin and tilt it down until you can't see your head in the photo.
    • Opt for a headless selfie to make your outfit the center of attention.
    • Hide your face in a selfie if you don't want to worry about what your facial expression looks like.
  4. Stand against the mirror and use the front camera for a cool, double shot. Lean against the mirror and switch the phone to the front camera, which you use to take a normal selfie. Hold the phone out in front of you so that the photo captures both you and your reflection for an artsy effect.

    Did you know?

    You can get a similar effect from it two mirrors to place that you will stand in between. You will be reflected in the mirror behind you when you take the selfie.

  5. Take lots of photos in different poses and angles. Don't assume you've gotten a good one after just one or two selfies. Take multiple photos in all different poses or while holding the phone at different heights and angles. This ensures that you have at least one that you like and that you have quite a few options to choose from.
    • To automatically take more than one photo at a time, use burst mode by holding down the shutter button or volume button when you're ready for your selfie.
    • When you have a pose that you like, take multiple photos of it, making small adjustments each time. For example, if you like cross-legged, take a picture with one hand on your hip and another with your hand in your pocket.