Have a séance

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Relax Every Day With Sac Dep Spa #0233
Video: Relax Every Day With Sac Dep Spa #0233


A séance is a gathering where the living want to come into contact with the inhabitants of the spirit world. Usually, a group of benevolent people will gather to create a welcoming atmosphere and invite spirits to answer questions or convey messages from those who have passed on. The only rule for holding a séance is that everyone present must believe that it is possible to communicate with the afterlife. While communicating with ghosts can be terrifying because we often fear what we cannot fully understand, most people who have attended a successful séance are left with a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world beyond what we can see or touch.

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Part 1 of 3: Creating a spirit-friendly atmosphere

  1. Invite people who believe in the spirit world. A séance is much more powerful when everyone present actually believes it is possible to communicate with spirits. If there is even one person who is skeptical or thinks it is all comical, the power of the séance will be weakened. A séance is built from the collective positive energy of the participants, also known as "sitters," so make sure each invitee really gets ready for a supernatural experience.
    • Maybe you can invite people who have lost someone they want to connect with. A séance is an opportunity to communicate with loved ones on the other side.
    • Don't invite people who are very afraid of ghosts or who tend to get nervous when unusual things happen. This can disrupt the seance.
  2. Ask the sitters to prepare questions. Knowing what questions to ask the spirits can give the séance more structure. Rather than just asking the spirits to come and make themselves known, people can try to summon the spirits of specific individuals to obtain information that would otherwise be impossible to obtain.
    • For example, someone whose grandmother has passed away might plan to summon her grandmother's ghost and ask if everything is okay.
    • Keep in mind that people should not expect to receive clear, direct answers to their questions. The ghosts don't communicate in the same way that humans do with each other.
    • "Yes" or "no" questions generally give more satisfying results than questions requiring a more elaborate answer.
  3. Consider having the séance lead by a medium. If there is someone in the group with experience in conducting a séance, or who is more psychologically gifted than the others in the group, he or she may be the right person to chair the séance as the medium. A medium opens the séance with a prayer, invites the spirits to the group and asks the questions to the spirit.
    • A medium is not a requirement, but it can help to have an experienced person who can lead the group, especially if there are beginners among those in attendance.
    • If you want to hold a séance, but you don't know anyone who qualifies as a medium, you can hire a professional medium to make the experience possible. If you choose that route, be sure to find out how credible it is and make sure the price is reasonable.
  4. Choose a quiet room to use. It is important to keep the séance in a place where the chance of interruptions is as small as possible. Choose a quiet place where you can dim the light. Make sure it's a comfortable room and not full of distracting electronics, garish art, or other objects interfering with the experience.
    • Many people mistakenly believe that a séance should be held in a haunted environment. The room or building you choose doesn't have to be haunted. Spirits come wherever they feel welcome, when you invoke them.
    • You can hold the séance in a place that is of spiritual significance to you and the others in attendance. For example, you can keep it in the house of a loved one who has passed away if you wish to contact them through a séance.
  5. Prepare a table with candles on it. The typical set-up for a séance is circular, so it is best to use a round table, but it is not required. Cover the table with a tablecloth and place several candles on it. Candles help create a spiritual atmosphere better than electric light. Divide a number of chairs with a straight back around the table for your guests.
    • If you feel it can improve the atmosphere, you can also use incense and some instrumental music to create a spiritual setting.
    • If you would like to sit in a circle, but you don't have a round table, put a few comfortable pillows in a circle on the floor, and place the cloth and candles in the center of the circle.
  6. Consider using ghost contact aids. All you need to hold a séance is the presence of benevolent sitters, but some people like to use special equipment that makes it a bit easier to communicate with spirits through objects, so you may want to add several options. keep the hand.
    • For example, you can use a Ouija board to help you ask questions and spell out the answers.
    • Even something as simple as a glass of water can be used as a means of communication. You can also ask the mind to let you know that it is present by disturbing the water.
    • Recording the session can add an extra layer of communication. Recordings often pick up sounds or images that are not heard or seen by the people present. Consider placing a video camera or tape recorder to record what is happening.

Part 2 of 3: Welcoming the ghosts

  1. Start the séance when it is almost midnight. This is not an absolute necessity, but the time between 11:30 and 12:30 seems to have special significance in the spirit world. In the physical world, there are fewer disturbances to tranquility around that time and it is easier to get into the right state of mind to be open to supernatural possibilities.
  2. Make sure everyone becomes quiet and turn off any appliances. This helps to get everyone in the right frame of mind to experience the séance. Make sure everyone has been to the toilet, cell phones checked, etc. before starting the séance. Once the session has started, any form of distraction can extinguish the energy and end the séance prematurely.
    • At this point, you can ask your sitters if they are ready to participate in the séance. Feel the state of mind of those present. It's normal for people to be a bit nervous; you may find someone giggling nervously or looking worried. However, if you notice someone adopting a cynical attitude, or looking anxious before you got off to a good start, you could ask that person to skip this meeting.
  3. Sit in a circle and light the candles. Have everyone take a seat and wait patiently until you light the candles in the center of the table. Make sure electric light is turned off or dimmed. Light incense and put on some instrumental music if you wish. When everything is ready, take a look around and make any adjustments if necessary to create the right atmosphere.
  4. Summon the spirits to join. There is no set script for starting a séance, but many people choose to recite a welcome prayer to set the mood for the event. You (or the medium, if this is a different person) should thank everyone for coming and indicate that it is time to start the séance. Ask everyone to take each other's hands and close their eyes, then say a prayer and ask the spirits to join you.
    • Some people pray for protection from evil or evil spirits and ask that only spirits with good intentions enter the circle.
    • You can summon specific spirits right now by mentioning them by name. For example, you could say "Grandmother Margreet, we gathered here tonight in the hope that we receive a sign of your presence. Welcome to our circle and join us when you are ready."
  5. Ask questions and be patient. Or the medium asks all questions or sitters take turns. Either way, ask one question at a time and pause for a few minutes to wait for an answer. Keep everyone still, as the presence of a ghost can be difficult to perceive.
    • Remember that answering a yes or no is more likely to yield satisfying answers. Questions like "Are you here?" and "Do you have a message for us?" are better than "What is it like there, in the afterlife?"
    • Make sure no one breaks the circle while questions are being asked. If someone gets up and leaves or gets distracted in some other way, the spiritual energy will be lost.
  6. Decipher the mind's answers. In very rare cases, a ghost will communicate by having someone within the group translate a message. The medium or other person who is psychologically open can begin to utter words that have been passed down through the mind. Usually, however, the answers will be more subtle and their meaning more difficult to interpret.
    • Pay attention to what is physically happening in the room. When a glass of water mixes, a candle starts to flicker wildly without a breath of wind, or inexplicably slams a door, all of these could be indications that a ghost is present.
    • Listen if there are any unusual noises that have no explainable source.
    • It can help to ask the mind to answer a yes or no question by giving the group a sign. For example, you could say, "If you are my grandmother's ghost, or if you have a message from her, let some water spill out of this cup."

Part 3 of 3: Ending the séance

  1. Continue the séance for as long as you continue to receive answers. A séance can last from 15 minutes to an hour or more. Try to keep everyone within the circle until the ghosts are gone and you no longer get answers to your questions. The closing of a séance usually comes naturally when the spiritual energy in the room eventually dissolves.
    • A séance can be an intensely emotional experience that can trigger a range of different responses. If anyone in the group begins to cry inconsolably, scream, or otherwise express themselves in extreme negativity or fear, have someone escort that person to a less spiritually charged room, or turn the lights back on to end the séance.
  2. Thank the spirits for coming when you are ready to quit. It is always a good idea to conclude the séance, as with any other spiritual service or ritual. End the séance by thanking the spirits for participating in the circle. You can say a prayer to conclude. Also, thank those in attendance for participating and then blow out the candles to formally end the session.
  3. Turn the lights back on and try to process what happened. Allow the others time to quietly withdraw from the spiritual world into the physical world of the now. Talk about what happened during the séance to find out what everyone can learn from the experience.
    • Analyze the signs and answers you get from the ghosts. When that door slammed, could it have been a draft? Or are you all absolutely certain that a spirit was responsible for it?
    • If you recorded the séance, watch and listen to the session. Turn up the volume and listen for voices and sounds that no one noticed during the séance.


  • Make sure you are dealing with a "good" mind and try to avoid demonic beings.
  • Some ghosts are jammed or visitors. Determine this during your initial communication and see if you can be of service to the spirit in some way.
  • Before you end your séance, each in the group should say "Now it's over, go in peace" three times before you let go of each other's hands.
  • When contact is made, check with your friends to lay the foundation for continued trust and credibility.
  • You may have to visit the ghost several times to get a clearer answer to your questions.
  • A good method to get answers to "Yes" and "No" answers is to light 3 candles and arrange them in a row. Clearly mark one of the questions as a "Yes and the other as No", and a question as "I cannot / will not answer" (It helps if they have different colors). Then, instead of asking the ghost to spill water or something like that, just ask the ghost to extinguish the candle corresponding to its answer.


  • Make sure you speak to someone's mind and not a demon. If there is a specific person you want to contact, ask them to confirm their identity. If you have a Ouija board, beware of words like "Soso / Zuzu", "Asag" or "Marax" (these are all three names of demons).
  • If the mind is talking about someone / something as a portal, stop talking. Portals are ways for spirits to enter our world, the world of the living. Suffice it to say that if you don't stop, strange things are going to happen.
  • Your friends can make fun of you and start moving things on the table on purpose.