Have a pleasant facial expression

Author: Tamara Smith
Date Of Creation: 23 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Having a pleasant expression is a small change that can have a very positive impact on your life. It can be the difference between making or not making friends, finding a job, starting a relationship, or getting help. To have a pleasant facial expression, you must first be aware of your face. Then you can make small changes to make yourself a more comfortable expression and make it a habit.

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Method 1 of 3: Be aware of your facial expression

  1. Know the natural expression on your face. A resting facial expression is not always directly related to how you feel. A lot of people just look serious. This creates a less inviting attitude. Take a picture of your resting face and look at its expression.
    • Would you easily start a conversation with someone who has roughly the same facial expression?
    • If you were on a bus and introduced yourself to someone, would this facial expression prompt you to have a conversation?
  2. Ask other people. When you look at a picture of your face, you get prejudiced feelings. The best way to get a sense of your true soothing facial expression is to ask others. If you feel comfortable, ask someone who doesn't know you as well. Your family and friends have gotten used to your face and can usually sum it up as "it's just your face." Asking strangers what kind of emotion you are conveying through your face will elicit the most truthful response.
  3. Learn to use the muscles of your face. The easiest way to do this is to learn to wiggle your ears. Look in the mirror and start practicing. You will likely find yourself lifting your eyebrows, squinting your eyes, and opening and closing your mouth a lot. You all use different facial muscles for this. Keep practicing until you can wiggle your ears as this shows awareness and control of your facial muscles.
    • Knowing how to make minor adjustments to your face will help you control your muscles to create a pleasant expression.
  4. Know your own nervous habits. Nervous habits can prevent you from showing a pleasant facial expression. Nail biting or a nervous expression can be considered unprofessional because it makes you look disinterested and distracted.
    • If you constantly and involuntarily raise your nose, blink your eyes, squint, grimace, or pull your mouth, it is possible to limit this through hypnosis.

Method 2 of 3: Make changes

  1. Practice at home. Look in the mirror and practice your facial changes at home. Pay attention to the way you notice your change in mood when you change your face. Don't forget which tricks you like most so you can practice them for a pleasing expression on the face.
    • Take a pen and clamp it between your teeth to create a smile. Do you find yourself feeling happier?
    • Now take the pen and hold it between your protruding lips, creating a frown. It will make you feel unhappy.
    • Practice vowel sounds. A long "e" forces a smile, "ah" creates a facial expression of surprise. Both arouse pleasant feelings.
  2. Try to look interested. Pay attention to the tilt of your head. A slight tilt of your head is an unconscious sign that you are interested and paying attention. This encourages a pleasant attitude.
    • Avoid constantly checking your watch, phone, or how others respond.
  3. Relax your eyes. Make eye contact and relax your eyes. Relaxing your eyes is different from squinting, and something to practice in the mirror. The most inviting eyes are completely open, yet relaxed.
  4. Keep your mouth relaxed. Neutral lips or a furrowed pout are much less inviting. Hold your lips slightly apart to relax your facial muscles and convey a warm radiance. With your mouth relaxed, turn the corners of your mouth up.
  5. Feel pleasant inside. If you try to force a nice expression on your face, it will often be noticed by other people. This arouses suspicion. The best way to avoid this is to actually feel what you want to radiate. Take time each morning to think about the reasons why you might be feeling good. Take a moment to appreciate those reasons and carry this feeling with you throughout the day.
    • Think of friends and family.
    • Consider your recent achievements.
    • Start following Instagram pages with positive quotes.
    • Buy a daily calendar with a cute animal on every page.

Method 3 of 3: Feel comfortable and smile

  1. Laugh when appropriate. Laughter has a two-sided effect: you look friendlier and you feel more comfortable. Smiling reassures others because it makes you look relaxed. When you smile, you tighten the muscles in your cheeks, reducing blood flow to the sinus cavities. This cools the blood flow in your brain, which in turn leads to pleasant feelings.
  2. Focus during uncomfortable situations. If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, don't forget to keep your face pleasant. By simply placing the muscles of your face in the pattern of friendly emoticons, you can already get that feeling. In other words, your facial expression affects your mood.
  3. Have faith in your appearance. Constantly fiddling with your clothes or doing your hair right every minute will result in a less pleasant expression. People will notice that you feel uncomfortable and start to question your facial expression. A confident attitude to support your pleasant expression will give you an attitude that makes others feel comfortable and involved.