Write a personal profile

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 17 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to write a personal profile - Workindenmark
Video: How to write a personal profile - Workindenmark


Maybe you are trying to create a catchy, informative profile on a social media platform such as Facebook or Twitter. Or you may need to write a concise, well-written profile for a job or a scholarship application. Both types of profiles contain similar information, but a social media profile will be less formal than the personal profile for such an application.

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Method 1 of 3: Write a personal profile for social media

  1. Determine how much space you have for each social media platform. While some of these platforms give you a lot of leeway for a lot of words, the most effective profiles are still concise and purposeful.
    • Facebook: An “about you” section, including the free “Write about yourself” text box, a “favorite quotes” section, and work and education with “professional skills”. There is no limit to the number of words.
    • Twitter: A 160 character bio, and space for a link and your location.
    • LinkedIn: A space for a headline and a space for a summary. There is also a space for your resume and skills.
  2. Look at examples of strong profiles on social media. View various social media profiles on different platforms that have used a word count limitation to their advantage.
    • Hillary Clinton's Twitter profile: “Wife, mom, lawyer, women & kids advocate, FLOAR, FLOTUS, US Senator, SecState, author, dog owner, hair icon, pantsuit aficionado, glass ceiling cracker, TBD ....” With 160 characters, Clinton has been able to incorporate factual details as well as humorous details. Her profile is informative, but also entertaining and unique.
    • A short but sweet Facebook profile: Browse your friends' Facebook profiles and look for people who have avoided it endlessly by rattling in their "about you" section and the "write about yourself" box. If a girlfriend is trying to create a professional profile on Facebook (which is smart, since employers can do a search on Facebook), see if she's using appropriate content that is also interesting and personal. Ask yourself, if I didn't know this person, would I want to be friends with her based on her Facebook profile?
    • A LinkedIn profile of a specialist in Corporate Communications: “Although I am a PR person by profession, I will always be a reporter at heart. I am unable to promote anything that I do not believe in myself. I am passionate about discovering unique and irresistible ways people use a product, service or site and enjoy knowing that I can help thousands of people tell their story. ” This introductory section is specific, assertive and professional. But the author has also added personal details about herself to add some personality to the introduction.
  3. Keep it short and informative. Most personal profiles on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ allow a limited number of characters to describe yourself. So it's important to keep the word count limited and KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetie.
    • A good personal profile for a site like Twitter, with its emphasis on short, quick tweets, can become almost a post-modern work of art. While it can be challenging to cram your personality into a very small profile, think of it as an exercise in copywriting. Or an attempt at a six-word biography - a “six-word memoir”.
  4. Include basic information about yourself. Start by making a list of your basic information, such as your name, what you do (or what you are good at), where you live, and any links or tags to other social media sites such as your blog. Remember, readers want to know what to expect from your social media account and what added value you can bring to their newsfeed, Twitter feed or LinkedIn feed.
    • If you are creating a profile for Twitter, make sure to include any other Twitter accounts you have. For example, if you create a profile for your personal Twitter, but also maintain a Twitter account for your company, include the account (@ExampleCompany) at the end of your Twitter profile.
    • For example, a standard Twitter bio could be, “Jane Doe, California writer. Also tweets for ABC Press @ABCPress ”.
  5. Include your interests, your background, and a little humor. How much or how little personal details you include in your profile will depend on the social media platform you are writing the bio for. Often times, social media profiles work well when they show a sense of humor.
    • This could be, for example, a witty explanation, such as Hillary Clinton's “pant suit aficionado” note, or humor with self-deprecating humor, such as a writer who “regrets / doesn't regret correcting your grammar” or a student who is “addicted” to caffeine in all its forms ”.
    • Facebook has no limited space, so you can elaborate on your interests and your background. If you create a professional Facebook profile, it can be designed in much the same way as your LinkedIn profile or your Twitter profile. Don't be afraid to reuse a well-written profile on another site.
    • Twitter does have limited space, so you'll want to say as much as possible in as few words as possible. You can keep your profile short, such as, “Jane Doe, California writer. Also tweets for ABC Press @ABCPress ”. Or you can expand it by adding personal preferences and some humor, such as, “Jane Doe, word addict, is living a dream life in California. Discover more of my witty (but neat) tweets @ABCPress. ”
  6. Be unique but avoid buzzwords. Now that you have your basic information you can adjust it to give it personality. But stay away from buzzwords, words that readers see as overused words.
    • LinkedIn recently published a list of buzzwords to avoid. The danger of using buzzwords such as "responsible", "creative" or "efficient" in your profile is that you end up sounding rather generic or boring.
    • Think about other terms or statements that better reflect who you are. For example, in the Corporate Communications LinkedIn bio, the author avoids buzzwords by extending her personal approach to PR: I am passionate about discovering unique and irresistible ways people use a product, service or site and enjoy being able to to know that I can help thousands of people tell their stories. This sentence is more appealing than "I am a responsible, creative PR person who gets the job done".
  7. Adapt your profile to your audience. If you are creating a profile for a personal social media account, you can use humor, slang, and phrases. If you're creating a profile for a professional social media account, you may want to be more formal and tidy in your language. It's important to adapt your bio to your audience, and to think about how you want your followers or readers to see you.
    • For example, a Twitter bio for your personal account could be: “Jane Doe, word addict, lover of west coast life, 24/7 sun and tacos. Also responsible for witty tweets for ABC Press @ABCPress ”.
    • A Twitter bio for a professional page can be more formal. While most of the pros on Twitter still keep their tone fairly casual and light. For example: “Jane Doe, enthusiastic with words, based in California, also tweets for ABC Press @ABCPress”.
  8. Often work on your bio again. As your skills, interests, and experience develop, so should your bio. Check every few months to make sure it still reflects you.
    • Overhauling your bio to include sharper, funnier descriptions and language will also get you more readers and followers. Paying attention to your personal profile on social media will also show your current followers that you care about how you present yourself, and that you do it well.

Method 2 of 3: Write a personal profile for an application

  1. Understand the role of a personal profile for a job application. The purpose of a personal profile is to capture the attention of readers as soon as they start reading your resume. Along with your cover letter, it's your chance to hold their attention, showcase your key skills and accomplishments, and invite the employer or reviewing committee to learn more about you.
    • Your personal profile is a brief introduction to the skills and experiences mentioned on your resume. It shouldn't emphasize or repeat all the details in your resume or cover letter.
    • It must be between 50-200 words, or no longer than 4-6 lines.
    • It should be at the beginning of your resume.
    • If you are unsure of your career goals and other goals, it is better to leave out a personal profile at the beginning of your resume. No personal profile is better than a vague or boring profile.
  2. Write your personal profile last. If you're struggling to shorten your career experiences and goals to a few sentences, focus on your resume and cover letter first. Then, based on the information in your resume and cover letter, address the personal profile. You will have a much better idea of ​​what your key skills, experiences and goals are, and of your value as an applicant.
  3. Use the 1st person. While the 3rd person is always an option with a personal profile, using the 1st person will make your profile stronger and more direct. Your personal profile should be about you and your specific set of skills, so using “I” instead of “he” or “she” will provide a clear, assertive profile. But this does not mean that you should start every sentence with “I”. A good personal profile will combine your skills and goals, but don't overuse “me”.
    • For example: "As a highly motivated editor at renowned publishing house ABC Press, I have a good track record of providing expert editing services on a variety of topics and writing styles, including technical documents and educational texts."
    • Using "If ..." as an opening in the sentence avoids using "me" too much in the personal profile. It also allows you to emphasize what your current professional role is and the skills you have developed in your current job.
    • If you don't have a current job or role, you can adjust the opening line so that it plays in the past tense.
    • Avoid switching between the first and third person in the same personal profile. Choose a shape and apply it consistently.
  4. Name an important experience, achievement and contribution. Think about any past experiences such as work experience, a school related experience, a prize, an internship period, etc. that you want to highlight. Don't be afraid to boast about your achievements as this will entice your reader to pay attention to your application.
    • For example, if you want to highlight a recent internship that you have completed or are doing, you can write: During my recent internship at the nonprofit Literary Arts organization, I worked with the head of the Writers in Schools program to create content contribute to various projects, such as their award-winning reading series and their educational outreach program, and lead my own research by interviewing guest writers, creating online copy for their readership, and editing educational materials for their outreach program. Attracted by my excellent communication skills, I have developed and maintained successful working relationships with the staff and participants at Literary Arts. ”
  5. Determine your career goal or purpose. It is important to be clear about where you are working towards in your career and what you hope to gain from the position. Make sure your career goal can be traced back to the position. This shows that you understand what the job entails and how it will help you achieve your career goal.
    • For example: "My goal is to occupy a position at a top publisher, where I can add direct and strategic value and further develop my current skills."
  6. Avoid buzzwords. Check LinkedIn's buzzwords list to avoid them. Replace any buzzwords such as “dynamic”, “extensive experience” and “team player” with terms that are more specific to your resume and career goal.
    • A lackluster personal profile filled with buzzwords could be: “I am an energetic and dynamic person who loves a challenge and achieving personal goals. My current career goal is to work in the publishing world because I love to read and write. ”
    • A more specific, interesting and successful personal profile could be: “I am a motivated and detail-oriented professional editor, with the aim of occupying a position at a top publisher, where I can bring direct and strategic value and further develop my current skills. During my recent internship at the Literary Arts organization, I worked with the head of the Writers in Schools program to contribute content to various projects, such as their award-winning reading series and their educational outreach program, and interviewing my own research led by guest writers, create online copy for their readership and edit educational materials for their outreach program. Attracted by my excellent communication skills, I have developed and maintained successful working relationships with the staff and participants at Literary Arts. ” I am a reliable, hard-working editor and would like to improve my skills at ABC Press. ”
  7. Check whether your personal profile matches your resume and cover letter. Review your personal profile when it is ready to make sure it matches the skills and experiences discussed in your resume and cover letter. Rather than repeating points in your resume, your personal profile should serve as a summary of your career goals and skills.
    • Read it out loud to judge the form and tone and check if it has less than 200 words.
    • Pin it to the top of your resume and send it along with your cover letter.

Method 3 of 3: Write a personal profile for a dating site

  1. Use a recent photo that shows your face. You don't have to waste money on a professional photographer, but a blurry photo from your phone or a photo of you as a child won't tell the person viewing your profile about your current look.
    • Have a friend take a picture of you, preferably on a sunny day. Do not wear sunglasses or hats and do not stand in the shade.
    • Don't forget to smile and look into the camera as if you're happy to see the person behind it. You want your profile picture to look attractive and show you your best.
    • Action photos also work well because they show your interests in an active, direct way. Pick a photo of you playing ultimate frisbee in the park, or dancing at a concert.
  2. Choose a profile name that is not too silly or youthful. Names such as “SpunkyHunk” or “HotMinx” may have been fun names during your studies, but cheesy or sexually explicit profile names will only indicate that you are not interested in a serious contact or relationship.
    • Choose a profile name that shows your personality, but comes across as mature. You can also shorten your name for an easy profile name. For example: "SuperSteph13" or "BradW."
  3. Ask a good friend to help you write your profile. It can be difficult to describe yourself in words. A good friend may know you better than you know yourself and be able to add details that you are unaware of or that you feel uncomfortable about including in your profile.
  4. Be clear about your hobbies. Don't just list hobbies like “walking the beach” or “drinking on the weekend”. These are clichés that won't help you make your profile stand out. Think of interesting hobbies that provide conversation material such as "Member of Rabobank team show jumping riders" or "addicted to traveling in South America" ​​or "Fan of the former Battlestar Galactica".
    • Also try to include social hobbies. Hobbies such as “bookworm” or “internet addict” indicate that you are not a very social person and don't go out often. Bring out your love for sports activities, outdoor activities or public activities such as concerts and art exhibitions.
    • Focus on concrete and specific details, such as your favorite books, movies, celebrities, or sports. Instead of "hockey" write down what your favorite hockey team is, or instead of "thrillers" write your favorite thriller writer.
  5. Be honest and be clear. Honesty is the best attitude when dating, especially online dating. Lying on your profile will make for a very painful first date when it comes to that. So be honest and open about yourself.
    • Be clear in your profile about what you are looking for. Avoid posting a list with very specific and rigid requirements. Instead, try writing a simple statement that starts with "I believe ..." or "I'm looking ..."
    • Instead of, "I'm looking for a tall, strong, vegan and gluten-free man who loves the outdoors and throws me off and will be a father to my three (not four!) Future children." Try: “I believe in love and in a respectful and honest relationship with my partner. I'm looking for someone who shares my interests and is serious about a relationship. ”
    • Also include a playful question or statement in your profile. This will make your profile more interesting and more involved with potential hookups. For example: "If you decide to send me a message, I want to know: What was the highlight of your day today?"
  6. Keep the profile short and sweet. Imagine meeting someone in a bar and only having five minutes to tell them about yourself. Stick to the important points of your biography and your hobbies or interests. Avoid going on about yourself for paragraphs.
  7. Stay positive. While sarcasm can be fantastic in real life, its tone can get a bit lost in an online profile. Avoid a negative or snide tone and always try to be positive about yourself. A profile with a bitter, resentful, I-can't-believe-I-date online can be an immediate turnoff. So, focus on what you do want, rather than what you don't want.
    • Instead of, “I'm NOT looking for a whim or a casual relationship, whatever that means. If you don't dare to commit, stay away. ” Try: “I believe that connection can mean different things to different people, but monogamy is my kind of connection. It's the only kind of connection I'd like to make. You too?"
  8. Check your grammar and spelling. Many people find bad grammar and spelling a turnoff or an indication that you haven't put a lot of time and effort into your profile.
    • Before posting, cut and paste your profile into Word and use spelling checker to make sure your profile is grammatically correct.
    • Be wary of using acronyms such as WLTM (Would Like To Meet) and LTR (Long Term Relationship). Not all users will know these acronyms. If you still want to use them in your profile, here is a list of several general forms:
    • WLTM: Would Like To Meet
    • GSOH: Good Sense Of Humor
    • LTR: Long Term Relationship
    • F / ship: Friendship
    • R / ship: Relationship
    • F2F: Face to Face
    • IRL: In Real Life
    • ND: Non-Drinker
    • NS: Non-Smoker
    • SD: Social-Drinker
    • LJBF: Let's Just Be Friends
    • GTSY: Glad To See You
    • GMTA: Great Minds Think Alike
  9. Review your profile regularly. Try to regularly review your profile and add new information about yourself to keep your profile complete.