Using an oven grill

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Many modern chefs avoid the oven grill because they don't know how to use it. However, the oven grill is a useful tool for preparing food or making toast in a matter of minutes. First place an oven rack at the top of the oven. Then turn on your oven grill. Let it preheat for five to ten minutes before placing the food in the oven. Make sure to use sturdy metal or cast iron pans when grilling your food.

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Part 1 of 3: Turning on the oven grill

  1. Find the oven grill. Older gas ovens have a drawer at the bottom of the oven that houses the roasting oven. This compartment is commonly referred to as the "grill drawer". If your oven doesn't have a grill tray, the grill is just inside the oven itself. Usually at the top of the oven.
  2. Place the oven rack. Most recipes ask you to place the wire rack 3 to 4 inches from the grill. To do this, move the oven rack to one of the two top positions of the rack. Use a ruler to measure the distance from the rack to the top of the oven.
    • If your oven has a grill tray, you cannot adjust the height.
  3. Turn on the grill. If you have a gas oven, the grill setting is the last setting on the temperature dial. Depending on the model, an electric oven may have a "grill" button or grill option on the temperature switch. To turn on the frying pan, press the "grill" button or turn the rotary switch to the "grill" position.
    • Some newer electric ovens have different roasting settings. If the recipe does not indicate a temperature, use the highest setting.
  4. Preheat the oven. Close the grill drawer or oven door. Let the oven preheat for at least five minutes before grilling anything in it. Some meat recipes call for a longer preheating time to better sear the surface of the meat.

Part 2 of 3: Using the oven grill

  1. Use the correct pans. Do not place glass or Pyrex dishes under your grill. These materials can crack or explode when exposed to the high temperatures in a grill. Instead, use sturdy metal or cast iron pans. For instance:
    • Cast iron pans are usually preheated with the grill. These pans are very suitable for searing meat.
    • Metal baking trays can be lined with foil and used to toast toast or vegetables.
    • Grill pans consist of a baking tray with a grid on top to circulate the heat and collect the fat. These baking trays can be used for any type of dish.
  2. Place the food under the burner. This method only applies to gas ovens. When the grill is on, carefully look inside the oven to find the burners. When placing food in the oven, try to center it directly below these burners.
    • Electric ovens have heating elements instead of burners for cooking food. These heating elements are usually evenly distributed across the top of the oven.
  3. Leave the door ajar. Leaving the oven door or grill drawer slightly open will allow the air and heat to circulate evenly. However, not all ovens work with an open door. Consult your oven manufacturer's manual to find out what works best for your oven.
    • If there are small children in the house, keep the oven door or grill drawer closed to prevent accidents.
  4. Keep a close eye on your food. An oven grill is used at high temperatures to quickly sear food. That's why most recipes ask you not to heat food for more than 5-10 minutes. If you let the food overheat, it can burn or even catch fire. This certainly applies to dry food such as toast. If food catches fire, do the following:
    • Turn off the grill.
    • Leave the oven door or grill drawer closed. If the door is open, close it. This will cut off the oxygen supply to the fire.
    • Let the fire go out on its own. Open a window to vent the smoke.
    • Keep an eye on your oven. If the fire spreads or the flames start to come out of your furnace, evacuate your house and call 911.

Part 3 of 3: Grilling your food

  1. Grill a steak. First, place a cast iron skillet in the oven grill. Preheat the oven for 15-20 minutes with the skillet in it. Then place a seasoned steak in the hot cast iron skillet. Cook the steak for three to five minutes per side. After the steak is cooked, let it rest for at least five minutes before serving.
    • Rub the steak with olive oil and sprinkle with a layer of salt and pepper.
    • Let the steak come to room temperature on the counter before grilling it.
  2. Toast garlic bread. Cut a baguette into large pieces about 1 to 2 inches thick. Then spread a generous amount of seasoned butter on each slice. Place the bread on a foil-wrapped baking tray and toast it for five minutes. Keep a close eye on the bread to make sure it doesn't burn. Make a savory seasoned butter with the following ingredients:
    • 5 tablespoons of softened butter
    • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
    • 3 cloves of crushed garlic
    • 1 teaspoon of dried oregano
    • Salt and pepper to taste
  3. Grill sliced ​​vegetables. This cooking method softens the vegetables and gives them a smoky, charred flavor. First, stir thinly sliced ​​vegetables in olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Then place the vegetables on a foil-lined parchment paper and roast for 20 to 25 minutes, turning them over every five minutes. This method is suitable for many vegetables, including:
    • Carrots
    • Peppers
    • Onions
    • Zucchini
    • Potatoes
  4. Give a casserole a golden brown crust in the oven grill. Use your grill to coat the top of a casserole with a golden crust. First prepare your favorite casserole as usual in the oven. As soon as the almost dish is almost done, place it under the oven grill. Roast the casserole for another three to five minutes before removing it from the oven to cool.
    • Let the casserole cool for five to ten minutes before consuming it.