Making a fake pregnancy belly

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 20 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fake Pregnancy Belly: How-To DIY : BFX
Video: Fake Pregnancy Belly: How-To DIY : BFX


How can you fake a pregnancy belly? Do you need a pregnant belly that is not too expensive and that you can put together very quickly? Then read on. This also applies if you want to look seven or eight months pregnant. Faking a pregnancy

To step

Method 1 of 3: Using a helmet

  1. Choose a helmet that can serve as a pregnant belly. Do not use a helmet with a visor that will make your stomach look bumpy and strange. A bicycle helmet will probably work best for this. They come in many different shapes that should all work just fine as a fake belly, but if you have the chance, try out a few different shapes to see which one is the most compelling pregnant belly in your opinion.
  2. Apply masking tape to the top of your helmet to flatten the ridges. You don't want your belly to look bumpy, so make sure to apply as many layers of tape as needed to make the helmet completely smooth. By the time you are done, there should be no signs of ridging.
  3. Attach or remove any hanging straps from the helmet. If you don't plan on using the helmet for anything else, you can carefully cut the straps with sharp scissors - which might be a waste of a good helmet! You can also just put the straps in the helmet and then stick them to the dome with a little masking tape, but make sure they stay in place and do not hang from the bottom of the fake belly. You can also keep the straps on and use them to attach the belly to your torso.
  4. Secure the helmet to your torso. There are a few different ways you can keep the helmet in place and you can even combine some of these ideas. You don't want your belly to slip around you or fall off!
    • Wrap an elastic bandage (such as a stretch bandage) tightly around the helmet and your back several times, layering as many times as you need to secure the helmet and keep the bump looking smooth when you put a shirt on over it .
    • Secure the helmet with some masking tape from step 2.
    • Wrap some tight bandeaus over the helmet to keep it in place.
  5. Wear a shirt that matches your fake pregnancy belly. If your shirt is too tight, it may be obvious that the belly is a bit of a strange shape. Better to choose a looser and smoother shirt for this.

Method 2 of 3: Use two blankets

  1. Choose two blankets of medium thickness and size. They should be about the size and weight of a bedspread - not as big as a sheet, not as thin as a sheet, and not as thick as a comforter or quilt. These two blankets will shape the size of your pregnant belly.
    • Don't use throws with long fringes, as this can make your tummy look weird.
  2. Fold the first blanket into a diamond shape. This will be the outermost layer of your belly and you will use it to smooth out the belly and add bulk.
    • Lay the blanket flat on the floor or on a wide surface such as a bed or table.
    • Gently fold each of the four corners towards the center of the blanket until all four corners touch. Do you remember making snacks as a child? Imagine folding the blanket with the first step.
    • The result should be an uneven diamond or a square, depending on the original shape of the blanket. Don't worry if it's not a perfect square - it doesn't matter.
  3. Make a ball of the second blanket to create the size of your fake belly. It shouldn't be a perfect circle, just a bit wide to better imitate the shape of a pregnancy. Make sure to keep one side flat and smooth while the edges are on the other. You have to put the smooth side out so that no one can see that your belly is actually made of blankets!
  4. Fold the first blanket over the second. Combining both blankets adds bulk to your belly, but you have to make sure it looks believable. Carefully perform this step so that your belly doesn't disintegrate after a few minutes of wear.
    • Place the second blanket in the center of the first.
    • Take the four outer corners of the first blanket (not the four that are folded to the center) and fold them over the second blanket, creating a small wrap around it.
    • Secure the ends together with masking tape and use enough tape to make sure the ends do not come loose.
  5. Secure the blankets to your torso. You can follow the same basic procedure as attaching the helmet to your torso in the previous method.
    • Wrap an elastic bandage (such as a stretch bandage) tightly around the blankets and your back several times, laying as many layers as you need to secure the tummy and keep it looking smooth.
    • Secure the blankets with some masking tape.
    • Wrap some tight bandeaus over the blankets to keep them in place.
  6. Put a shirt on over the fake belly and you're done. While the blanket doesn't have the hard edge that a helmet could have, it could look a bit lumpy if you haven't been able to get it as smooth as you'd like, so it's probably best to loosen it up anyway. shirt.

Method 3 of 3: Using a beach ball

  1. Choose a beach ball that is the right size. These balls come in all sizes, so choose one that is neither too small nor too big. The "standard size" beach ball will probably work best for this project.
  2. Half-inflate the beach ball. Blow into the air connection, making sure that no air escapes until the ball is about half to three-quarters inflated. You can adjust this to how big you want your belly to be.
    • If you prefer a huge stomach, go ahead and blow the ball all the way up. It looks cartoonishly great for a pregnancy, but maybe that's just what you want to achieve with your costume.
  3. Secure the beach ball to your torso. Again, you can use stretch bandages, bandeaus, or a tight camisole for this. Since a beach ball isn't nearly as heavy as a helmet or two blankets, you don't have to do much to keep it in place - a single tight bandeau or camisole should suffice.
    • Make sure the air nozzle is pointing down. If it points out or up, it will show through your shirt, and if it points towards you, it will irritate your skin and start to hurt after a while.
  4. Wear a loose-fitting shirt over the beach ball and you're good to go. You could even put on a tighter shirt with this method! Try out a few different shirts and decide which one best suits your fake belly.


  • If you want to fake twins, go for a slightly bigger belly and hold the belly regularly. It would seem like you are paying more attention because you have two babies.
  • Pay attention to how pregnant women walk, sit and bend over.
  • Stagger and keep your legs wide. Spread your legs when you sit down.
  • Rub your stomach regularly and smile. (Don't just do this when someone is looking at you, because then it will be obvious that you are pretending).
  • Be aware of how you sit and bend over.
  • Small detail: add a bulging belly button. It makes it more realistic.
  • If you for real If you try to trick someone into believing you are pregnant, print an ultrasound from somewhere online and go to maternity and baby clothing stores (you might run into someone).
  • Put some blush on your face (dark red bronze). You may also want to put some blush on your arms as some pregnant women undergo a change in skin color.
  • Watch how pregnant women move online. Practice the movements with the "hump" on. Practice in front of people!
  • Pregnant women are usually quite grumpy. If you are going to behave pregnant in public (or anywhere with people), you should respond sensitively and / or defensively to certain comments and may be inclined to cry when something emotional happens. Also, pregnant women usually have pain and sometimes their ankles are swollen, so sometimes walk with your hands on your lower back and occasionally complain about your back and ankles. You can also talk about a few complaints about your extra weight and act tired. Another trick is getting out of chairs and couches with difficulty.