Create a multireddit on Reddit

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Multireddits combine multiple subreddits in one feed. Usually they combine subreddits with similar topics. For example, instead of following ten gaming subreddits, you can combine all of those subreddits into one multireddit to see all of their new posts at once. You can keep your multireddits private, but you can also share them with others.

To step

Part 1 of 2: Creating a multireddit

  1. Open the multireddit tab on the front page. Go to your front page by clicking the Reddit icon in the top left. Now move your cursor to the left edge of the page, to the narrow vertical strip. Click to expand the multireddit tab.
    • You can only open this tab from the front page.
    • If you're using the Reddit mobile app, these links may be elsewhere. Look through the options or ask for help in the app's forum.
  2. Click the "Create" button. This is a small gray button that you can find under the example multireddits.
  3. Type a name for your new multireddit. A text box will appear when you clicked "create". Enter the name of your new multireddit here.
    • Names cannot contain spaces.
  4. Add some subreddits. You will now see an empty multireddit. Find the "add subreddit" text box on the right side of your screen. Type the name of a subreddit here and hit enter. Repeat this for every subreddit you want to add. For every subreddit you add, you will see that subreddit's posts in your multireddit feed. This is what multireddits do: they combine posts from multiple subreddits into one feed.
    • You don't have to type the "/ r /" at the beginning of the subreddit name.
    • After you add one or two subreddits, the page itself will recommend more subreddits under the heading "people also added:". Click the + next to the subreddit name to add it, or click the name itself to open the subreddit in a new tab.
  5. Add a description (optional). Click edit description, just above the text box where you added subreddits. Describe your multireddit, and click save.
  6. Visit your multireddit. To access your multireddit, open the multireddit tab from the front page and click on the name of your multireddit.
    • You can also open your own multireddit by entering the URL. For example, if you've created a WikiHow multireddit, you can visit it by navigating to Other people cannot use this link.

Part 2 of 2: Sharing multireddits

  1. Set your multireddit as public. Go to a multireddit that you have created. Go to the panel on the right, under the name of the multireddit, and select the bubble next to "public". Now other people can visit your multireddit.
  2. Share the URL. Anyone can visit a public multireddit. The URL always has this form: of multireddit administrator)/m / (multiredditname).
    • For example, if your username is "durkheim" and you created a multireddit called "wikihow", the public URL would be
    • If you're sharing your multireddit on Reddit itself, you can use the shorter version: / u / durkheim / m / wikihow.
  3. Share multireddits in the multihub. Go to / r / multihub / to see other public multireddits, and to link to your own multireddit.


  • You can of course create more than one multireddit. Any multireddit you create will appear on a list in the multireddit tab.
  • You can change the name of your multireddit, but this also changes the URL. Old links to that multireddit will therefore no longer work.
  • On someone's profile page, you'll see all of their public multireddits on the right.