Getting beautiful skin without make-up

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
the TRUTH about being UgLy WiThOuT mAkEuP (yeah, you’ve been lied to)
Video: the TRUTH about being UgLy WiThOuT mAkEuP (yeah, you’ve been lied to)


There are many ways to look beautiful. One way is to use cosmetics for a youthful, radiant appearance. But that's not the only way. If you are allergic to makeup, have sensitive skin, or simply don't care about makeup, you have several options for keeping your skin looking smooth and even.

To step

Part 1 of 3: Maintain a regular skin care routine

  1. Wash your face every morning, evening and after exercise. As part of your normal skincare routine, you should wash your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser in the morning and before going to bed. Remember, a gentle cleanser is alcohol-free: alcohol can cause dryness and flaking. You should also wash your face after exercise to make sure your sweat doesn't clog your pores or irritate your skin.
    • Always use lukewarm - not hot - water when washing your face. Hot water can dry you out and cause flaking and irritation.
    • Resist the urge to scrub. Use your fingertips and a gentle touch to wash your face. This will limit irritation, dryness and blemishes in your skin tone.
  2. Hydrate every day. Moisturizing skin creams help keep your skin from looking dry, uneven, tight and flaky. They can also help keep skin looking more youthful and radiant. Hydrating properly can also limit breakouts. Moisturize immediately after washing your face or after a shower to avoid washing away your skin's natural moisture.
    • If you are prone to oily skin or clogged pores, look for moisturizers that are "non-comedogenic" to keep your skin clear.
  3. Exfoliate once or twice a week. Removing dry, flaky skin cells will give your skin a more youthful and radiant look. Scrubs often work with micro-grain crushed fruit seeds to scrub your pores and remove dead skin.
    • If you have skin problems such as rosacea, extremely sensitive skin, or acne, you may want to avoid exfoliating. Scrubs can be irritating to such skin types.
  4. Take shorter, cooler showers. Hot showers can strip and dry the skin, making it look older and less healthy. Shorter, lukewarm showers help keep your face healthy, as well as the rest of your skin.
  5. Use sunscreen daily. Applying an SPF 30 sunscreen per day will help prevent skin damage such as fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration. The sun can also aggravate acne, so it is important to protect your skin. Reapply the cream every few hours as needed, especially if you sweat or swim.
    • If your pores get clogged easily, look for a sunscreen that says "non-comedogenic" on the label. That means it is not oil-based and less likely to clog your pores.
  6. Use an anti-wrinkle cream. Anti-wrinkle creams cannot undo wrinkles, but they can sometimes mask their appearance and thus leave the skin looking smoother and younger. Don't expect too much from anti-wrinkle creams, but they can make your skin look healthier for a while. Look for ingredients such as retinol, tea extracts, niacinamide and vitamin C. These ingredients can help improve skin elasticity and remove damaged skin cells.
  7. Don't touch your face. Touching your face can spread bacteria and skin oil. These can cause pimples, infections or scarring. If you want clean, clear and radiant skin, it is important not to touch or rub your face.
  8. Be careful not to squeeze a pimple. It can be tempting to get rid of blemishes by squeezing them. However, this can simply lead to more acne outbreaks and increase your risk of scarring. Have patience and let the pimples clear up on their own. In the long run, this will make your skin healthier and look better.

Part 2 of 3: Cultivating healthy habits

  1. Stay out of the sun. Sun damage not only increases your risk of skin cancer, but also makes your skin more sensitive to lines, wrinkles and blemishes. To keep your skin healthy and beautiful, use an SPF 30 sunscreen every day, wear hats and protective clothing every day, wear sunglasses, and stay in the shade. The sun causes most skin damage between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so be especially careful at those times of the day.
  2. Stop smoking. Smokers develop more lines and wrinkles than non-smokers. Smoking slows down the body's ability to repair wounds, which can lead to scarring. Nicotine also narrows blood vessels, which prevents your skin from renewing itself properly. In addition, the expressions smokers make (such as puckering their lips) can lead to extra wrinkles around the mouth. Stop smoking as soon as you can so that your skin can regain its youthful, healthy appearance.
    • There are many other reasons to quit smoking as well: smoking increases the risk of cancer - including skin cancer. This is not just a beauty issue, it is also a health issue.
  3. Avoid junk food. Your diet affects the appearance of your skin. Foods that raise blood sugar can lead to acne, wrinkles and irritation. Sugary foods can even reduce skin elasticity, leading to skin sagging. Stay away from processed foods that are full of white flour and added sugars.
    • Getting rid of junk food is easier when you keep lots of delicious, healthy options in your home. Ripe berries, for example, can satisfy your cravings for sweets, and toasted almonds can satisfy your cravings for something crunchy. Consider eating fruits and vegetables daily by adding them to your favorite foods, such as oatmeal, pizza, or sandwiches. The more healthy food, the less you crave unhealthy junk.
  4. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. Foods rich in antioxidants should be an important part of a healthy diet. These foods include whole fruits and vegetables, and are often brightly colored. For example, blueberries, dark green leafy vegetables, nuts and carrots are all excellent foods for maintaining healthy skin. Not only are these foods generally healthy, but they can also help reduce the free radicals in your system, thus limiting damage to the skin.
  5. Stay relaxed. There are links between stress and the appearance of the skin. Stress can make you more sensitive to acne, wrinkles, and bags under the eyes. Staying relaxed will also help you avoid frowning, which can otherwise cause unsightly wrinkles. If you are struggling to handle the stress in your life, consider the following:
    • Meditation. Meditation can help you reduce stress and restore balance in your life.
    • Take a walk outside. Exercising in nature for 20-30 minutes - especially on sunny days - can help you feel more relaxed and happier. However, because it is important to avoid sun damage, you should put on sunscreen, wear a hat and possibly UV protective clothing, and stay in the shade as much as possible. If you go out before 10 a.m. and after 2 p.m., you also have less chance of damage from the sun.
    • Take a deep breath. Find a quiet place in your home where you can sit comfortably and in good posture. Practice breathing slowly through your nose, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Do this for 10 minutes every morning to regain your attention and reduce your stress.
  6. Exercise regularly. A tighter body will make your skin look younger and less flabby. Some studies also show that people who exercise have healthier, younger skin. It's unclear how much you have to exercise to get younger skin. However, it is generally recommended that you do at least 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week and strength training twice a week.
    • Strenuous aerobic activities include running, swimming, and cycling. You can get the same benefits by spending twice as much time in lower impact aerobic activities, such as walking 150 minutes per week.
    • Make sure to shower and wash your face after exercise: sweat can irritate the skin and cause clogged pores.
  7. Make sure you get enough fluids. Drink eight glasses of water a day to help your skin feel less tight, dry and flaky. While the exact link between fluid intake and skin appearance is unclear, getting enough moisture for overall health remains important - it certainly won't harm your skin.
  8. Get plenty of sleep. The idea of ​​a "beauty sleep" is not a myth. Too little sleep can lead to sagging skin, bags under the eyes, discoloration and signs of aging. The skin repairs itself at night, which means you have to give your body time to heal and recover while you rest. Try to sleep at least 7-8 hours a night to give your skin a youthful glow. If you have trouble sleeping at night, make sure you do the following:
    • Have a regular sleep routine that you go through every night.
    • Avoid bright screens - such as telephones, televisions, and computers - before going to sleep.
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol in the evenings.
    • Provide a cool, quiet and dark place to sleep.

Part 3 of 3: Treating skin problems without makeup

  1. Minimize acne without makeup. There are ways you can reduce the size and redness of blemishes without resorting to makeup. In fact, makeup can sometimes make acne worse. If you have a pimple, you can try the following:
    • Use a cold compress or ice cube. The cold can help reduce the redness and inflammation of a pimple.
    • Use a green tea bag. Green tea can help reduce the size of a pimple.
    • Use tea tree. Tea tree oil naturally has antibiotic properties and can help prevent the spread of acne.
    • Take preventive measures. The most effective way to minimize blemishes is to prevent them. Keep your skin clean, hydrated and free from irritants to look good without makeup.
  2. Reduce eczema without makeup. Eczema (or atopic dermatitis) causes dry, flaky, itchy skin. There are many ways you can reduce flares of eczema and soothe your dry, red skin without resorting to makeup. This can be done as follows:
    • Take an oatmeal bath. Soaking in a bath along with sodium carbonate and uncooked oatmeal can soothe irritated skin and reduce the redness caused by eczema.
    • Keep your skin hydrated. Use a moisturizer twice a day, place a humidifier in the house and apply wet compresses to the affected areas. All of these techniques will keep your skin hydrated and prevent you from scratching, which will otherwise only worsen the condition. Make sure your moisturizer doesn't contain fragrances or salicylic acid - these chemicals can make your condition worse.
    • Talk to your doctor about corticosteroids. Cortisone cream and oral corticosteroids can help stop the itching and reduce the number of eczema flare-ups. However, side effects can occur, and many of these drugs are not sold without a prescription. Talk to your doctor or dermatologist about whether a prescription corticosteroid is the right choice for your condition.
  3. Reduce rosacea without makeup. Rosacea is a condition that leads to unwanted redness and bumps on the skin. There is no direct cure for this, but it can be medically controlled. The most important thing to do is to avoid the triggers that make rosacea (couperose) worse, such as the sun, alcohol, fragrance, and scrubs. It is also better to take lukewarm showers rather than hot showers so that your skin is protected.
    • Topical antibiotics (such as metronidazole) may also be helpful in controlling mild rosacea. Talk to your doctor about possible medications.
  4. Ready.


  • Have faith in yourself. If you look happy, healthy, and confident, others will respond and may never notice that you are not wearing makeup.


  • Always read product labels and follow their instructions. Some skincare products can irritate your eyes, combine poorly with other products, or increase your risk of sunburn.
  • Some skin conditions cannot be treated at home. If you have cystic acne, rosacea, warts, or other skin conditions, you should talk to a dermatologist about a specialized skincare routine.
  • See a dermatologist right away if any skin product causes irritation, redness, or a rash. This could be an allergy, in which case it is important to discuss alternative products with a doctor.