Show a girl that you like her

Author: Morris Wright
Date Of Creation: 26 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)
Video: How To Tell A Girl You Like Her (Without Getting Friend-zoned)


If you want to develop a romantic friendship with a girl but you don't know how to get started, here are a few tips that can help break the ice.

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  1. Be friends first. Try to get the hormones under control and see the girl as a person, not a conquest. Your first goal is to learn more about it her get to know not just what she looks like, how cool that can be.
    • Work with her on a physics or history project. Be easy to work with, do your best and listen to what she says. This can lead to a blossoming friendship.
    • Choose her when you choose teams during sports. After the game, assure her that she did well and that it was fun playing with her.
    • Form a strategic friendship with one of her other friends. It doesn't matter who that girlfriend is, as long as you don't flirt with her openly. The girlfriend can give you the opportunity to meet.
  2. Say hello when you see her, but don't overdo it or you'll come across as a creep.
  3. Make eye contact and smile. Eye contact is a great way to let a girl know that you like her without telling you. Look into her eyes, don't look shy or let your eyes wander down. If she looks you in the eye, smiles back, or blushes, you might have a chance. If she frowns or looks up at you with a look like "what are you doing?", Keep quiet for a while. Keep in mind that she might get a lot of attention from men, so that she automatically looks at a stranger. Don't give up if she frowns a bit, she might just have a pebble in her shoe or something. Please wait and try again later.
  4. Introduce yourself. Don't run to it, take your time, remember you're building a friendship. Being too aggressive is likely to scare her.
    • A very simple introduction works fine. You can say: "Hi, my name is [Name]. Nice to meet you." You don't always have to have a special opening line to impress.
    • If you're a bit shy, you can go up to her and say something like: "I'm sorry if I'm a little clumsy, but I get very nervous around pretty girls. My name is [Name]." Maybe she'll melt if you do this casually.
    • If you're feeling a little more confident and want to spice up your introduction, try something like: "I hope you understand how hard it is to find the courage to talk to the prettiest girl in the school. I'm [Name]. How are you?"
  5. Start a conversation. Talk about a safe topic, such as school or the weather, and then ask her about herself. Do listen to her answer! Don't talk too much about yourself. Focus on her.
    • Avoid conversations about religion, politics, or other sensitive topics. You better not talk about religion and politics because we have very strong feelings about that and they divide us into parties or groups. That is, if you are religious and she is not, or she is a member of a party and you are not, she may not give you a chance without looking at your other qualities. Save religion and politics for later.
    • Pick something you think she's very interested in. People love to talk about themselves, and by definition she will love to talk about any of her hobbies or interests. If you get her talking about such a topic, you don't have to talk too much yourself and the conversation will feel natural.
    • Pay close attention to what she says. Remember what she says. Show an interest in her as a human. If you really think about what she says and remember it, you can use it to your advantage: it can give you an idea for the perfect gift, or it can be the start of an "inside joke".
  6. Compliment her on something she is good at or is interested in, rather than what she looks like. She was born with her looks, but she deserved her performance. Look for a skill such as drawing, singing or a sport. Be sincere in your compliments.
    • That said, a lot of women make an effort to look good, so if she has a new haircut or bag, it's good to pay attention to that too, especially if she has good taste. The mere fact that you see something new or different about her will show that you are paying attention and like her.
    • Reinforce the way she wants to be seen. Does she see herself as an athlete, a thinker, or a social worker? Then compliment her that makes her feel very sporty, smart, or compassionate. Find out how she wants to present herself and compliment her for that.
  7. Keep paying attention to her. If this is a fleeting encounter and the only chance to show her your feelings, flirt a little more than you normally would.
    • If you're with friends, ask her if she wants to hang out with your friends. If she's busy, ask her if she wants to do that later. This is a perfect time to get her phone number.
    • Break the touch line. Gently touch her hand, arm, or shoulder while talking to her. These are all safe places to touch a girl, if she knows you. If you do it right and she likes you, it will give her goosebumps.
    • Be a little playful with her. If you're friends, tease her gently (make sure she knows you're kidding!) Or ask her to ride your back. Don't come across as needy, but don't be afraid either!
  8. Have patience. These things take time. But if you give her your undivided attention, she'll eventually understand that you like her.
    • In the meantime, take every opportunity to invite her to a dance, go for a swim or walk with her, invite her to a party, or just hang out with her and her friends. Get along well with her friends.
  9. Look for signs that it is mutual. Try to read her body language. Is she leaning towards you? Is she lightly touching your arm? Do they keep eye contact? Is she playing with her hair, smiling or giggling? If so, chances are she likes you too. You made quite an impression on her!
  10. Choose your next step. Once you have completed all of these steps, it is up to you to determine the next step.
    • You can date her if you can. You can really impress her on a fun date.
    • You could gently give her a first kiss, or even the daring French kiss. Just be careful though, as this could ruin the first date, and you'd better save it for later in the relationship.
    • You may actually want to know how to flirt before you start. There is also enough information about this on wikiHow!


  • Ask her yourself. If you let a friend do it, it can have bad consequences, such as not believing you really like her or being embarrassed.
  • Don't use silly opening sentences. They make it seem like you are not interested in her as a person and that you are not creative.
  • Learn to deal with rejection. Some girls just won't like you, that's life. If you really irritate her, just get out of here and don't make it worse.
  • Be confident and be yourself. Self-confidence is important, and personality is a must.
  • Don't overdo it, especially in the beginning it can be quite overwhelming. Also, try not to appear needy.
  • Expect the best but prepare for the worst. Don't be gloomy when you ask her, but don't be overly optimist without perspective.


  • If she tries to kiss you, be careful how quickly you respond - you could make her feel like you were only interested in it.
  • If a girl shows that she likes you (whether you like her or not), be careful about talking to your friends about it. Some friends may tease her to make her feel bad, which isn't very nice. On the other hand, you don't want her friends to make fun of you (be it behind your back or in front of you) if you express your interest to her.
  • Never brag about how your relationship is going to your friends. When she finds out, you will appear immature. Girls really don't want your friends to know they kissed or slept with you, even if you're cool. Actually, part of what makes you cool is keeping what happens between you and her, between you and her.