Making a girl like you (LGBT)

Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


If you're bisexual or lesbian and like a girl, here are a few tips. Before we begin, we must recognize that "bisexual" can mean different things to different people. Some bisexuals define it as attraction to both men and women, while others define it as attraction to both binary and non-binary genders. Make sure you know what a label means to that person so that you don't offend them.

To step

  1. Find an attractive girl at school / work.
    • If you're straight, don't force yourself to be attracted to the same sex! You can try it out, but it won't work because you can't choose who you like. If you've already found a girl you like, skip this step.
  2. Get to know her.
    • Unless she's your best friend! But if you've just gotten to know her, get to know her even better and try to be her best friend.
  3. Flirt. Flirt a little bit, but don't let her think you like her. Smile a little, smile calmly and cute and make her laugh. Maybe if you get to know her well enough you can go out!
  4. Ask her if she likes girls.
    • If you've gotten to know her really well, ask her if she's bisexual or lesbian. Don't do this if you think she doesn't trust you (enough) yet, but if you trust her you can ask her. To gain her trust you can tell her a secret; not a big secret, but one you feel comfortable sharing.
  5. Ask her out on a date.
    • That's part of liking each other; to date! If you feel like she's a good / best friend of yours right now, ask her out on something mundane like "let's get coffee" or go to a basketball game together! Find out her interests first, then take her to something that fits her hobbies!
  6. Get her phone number. You need to be able to call or message her to become better friends.
  7. Find her on social media.
    • Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and so on. Ask her to add / follow you on a social media site; that way you can get to know her better.
  8. If she's a really good friend, tell her how you feel! Do not be afraid.


  • Be sweet, of course.
  • Don't force yourself to be attracted to women if you aren't.
  • Understand different sexualities.
    • Hetero - attraction to the opposite sex
    • Gay - same-sex attraction
    • Bisexual - Attraction to more than one gender
    • Asexual - no sexual attraction to any gender (although romantic attraction is possible)
    • Pansexual - attraction to all sexes / attraction regardless of gender
  • Make yourself beautiful, wash your face, take care of your teeth, shower, make your hair beautiful, get your makeup done (don't wear makeup unless you feel good about it).
  • Remember, if you like an asexual girl, she can still like you too. Asexuality just means that she doesn't feel any sexual attraction. She may still feel romantic attraction, and she may like you too. Talk to her and see if she is interested.


  • Romantic attraction can be different from sexual attraction. Remember that it is possible to fall in love only with men and only be sexually attracted to women at the same time. Make sure you know this person's romantic orientation if you want to be in a long-term relationship.
  • If she's not part of the LGBT + (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) community, don't try to impress her; she probably has no interest in women. Don't force yourself to like a girl if you don't feel like she's the right one.