Making a man jealous

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make A Man Jealous | 2 Ways To Make Him Jealous!
Video: How To Make A Man Jealous | 2 Ways To Make Him Jealous!


It is said that in love and war everything is allowed. In the battlefield of love, there are few more potent weapons than jealousy. If you do the right thing, you can use this weakness to your advantage. Whether you want to play hard-to-get to hook up a new flame, get your boyfriend on display a little more passion, or get your revenge on your cheating ex, follow these steps. Your husband will eat from your hand in no time. If it is an ex, you have to try a little harder for this method.

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Part 1 of 3: The preparation

  1. Make sure he has feelings for you. Jealousy only works if the man in question has feelings for you. If not, it will be extremely difficult to make him jealous. The good news is that any guy you've dated or been dating is almost certainly interested in you. The same goes for men who have flirted or flirted with you. Of course, if you're not sure, you can always just try to make him jealous.
    • While it's impossible to be 100 percent sure without asking him that he feels something for you, there are signs that can betray his feelings. If he pays extra attention to you in a group, or tries his best to ignore you in a group, or if you see him staring at you a lot, chances are he's in love with you.
    • If you play your trump card well, you can make him jealous by making him more interested in you. However, this is more difficult if he didn't seem interested in you from the start.
  2. Looking your best. If you want to make the boy jealous, don't go out in your sweatpants and your hair at 6:30. You don't necessarily have to wear a mini skirt and stiletto heels, but you do have to do your best to look your best. Make sure he sees you. Dress up your hair, wear flattering clothes, and try to look like you're spending time on your appearance.
    • This means that you have to look like the best version of yourself; try not to look like a celebrity or a supermodel.
  3. Show him you're having a good time. The best thing you can do is have a really good time without him. Show him this. Laugh with your friends, dance at parties, or do something else that makes you feel happy and free. Whatever you're doing, give it your undivided attention, and the boy will notice that you're really having a good time. And that you don't think about him at all! Is there anything that could make him even more jealous?
    • If he sees you looking at him, or that you're working hard for him, he's not likely to get jealous. Make him think like you're not thinking about him at all. It will drive him crazy.
  4. Stay busy. Do the things you enjoy doing. If you're busy and having fun, and so don't always have time for a guy, he'll get jealous little by little. This tactic is especially effective with ex-boyfriends. It shows him that you just moved on with your life, and that you may be even better off now that he is no longer part of your life. And even if this tactic doesn't work, you still benefit. If you don't occupy yourself, you will become obsessed with him - he will soon notice.
    • If you have nothing to do and really can't think about anything but him, make sure to fill up your schedule.
    • When he sees that you are busy and doing things that you enjoy (not including him), great. His interest will be all the more aroused.

Part 2 of 3: Taking action

  1. Flirt with other guys. There is nothing that drives a man as crazy as a girl who is interested / involved in / with other men. Many men are naturally very competitive: so if men notice that there are other hijackers on the coast, they may (sometimes even out of the blue) become interested in you. Make sure the man in question notices that you are flirting; so do it when he's around, or when you know he'll find out.
    • However, if you're flirting with a lot of men in a short amount of time, then he can get through your trick. Especially if you are normally not that flirty at all.
    • Don't be too obvious. He may start to think you are "easy." You don't want to make that impression on him, do you?
    • Realize the difference between casually flirting and keeping someone on the line. Don't flirt too much with someone you know likes you, and certainly don't do this just to get someone back. You don't want to make sure you have to shatter the other boy's hopes.
  2. Date other guys. When you actually start dating other men, you take flirting to the next level. And the same also applies to the jealousy you want to arouse. Especially if you are just dating someone or just broke up, socializing with others is an excellent way to maintain your independence. In addition, the man will try a lot harder to get you (back), or at least regret a lot that he let you walk. Obviously, you shouldn't start dating guys you don't like at all, just to make your ex jealous. That way you are only hurting people. In addition, the situation can become a lot more complicated than it needs to be.
    • If you and your new date happen to be around the guy who's trying to make you jealous, act as normal as possible. Show him you're having a good time. Don't laugh hysterically or try too hard to show that you're "oh so great without him."
  3. Try to ignore him a bit. If he and someone else are on the bus together, the other person greets you. Don't say anything to the guy who's trying to make you jealous. If he responds immediately, he likes you. If not, he probably doesn't care. You don't have to be rude or ignore him completely, especially when he kneels down. But you also don't have to go the extra mile to speak to him or to let him know that you see him. On the contrary.
    • If he sends you a lot of text messages, don't return immediately. Let your answer wait a day or two. This way you show him that you have better things to do than ASAP. respond to his messages (even if you don't have one at all!).
    • If he passes you in the hall and says hello, you can greet him back. But don't slow down to talk to him; you have things to do!
  4. Hang out with your male friends. Even though you don't actually go on dates, it makes sense to have some boy friends to hang out with. Even if you are in serious business, there is nothing wrong with having a few male friends. If you hang out with them, however, the man in question will at least get a little bit jealous and nervous.
    • If you shut him out completely, he'll get really jealous. Pretend you don't care about him. You will soon have the perfect jealousy plan!
  5. Make him sweat a little. If you always make yourself available to him, you lose some of your mystique. And mysticism can cause jealousy. For example, don't always answer his phone calls. If you call him back a few hours later - and you should if you're really interested in him - be a little vague about what you were doing. Say you were out with a friend, or that you were just busy. By not answering right away, he will start to wonder what you are doing, and with whom.
    • In that same vein, you can occasionally reject him when he asks you to do something. Tell him you have other plans, even if you don't.
  6. Use social media. You don't have to post a photo shoot where you are playing volleyball with ten hot guys. You can use your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or whatever to show him that you can live a great life without him. It doesn't matter if you post a photo with the guy you know, mention a spectacular party or museum you visited, or say how much you love your best friends. Social media can make the boy jealous. It can also irritate him that you have an entire life that he is not a part of.
    • Just don't post too much or he'll start to think the opposite - namely that you have no life at all. Posting something two-three times a week is more than enough.
  7. Don't try too hard. A lot of men, believe it or not, feel it when you try to make them jealous. Sometimes a sweet smile at another boy is enough to make him jealous. It's the little things that actually make the guy you want to be jealous of. So don't try too hard. Just show him that you don't need him to have fun.
    • If he's in the same room as you, keep doing what you're doing. If you throw your personality completely overboard to make him jealous, he will see it in no time.

Part 3 of 3: Knowing what to say

  1. Talk to him about other guys. You cannot do this too clearly. Don't say something like, "I spent all weekend with Mark-Mark is so hot!" If you do this, he will immediately notice that you are trying to scare him a bit. Rather say something like "You know the Arctic Monkeys? Mark burned their latest CD for me, and I haven't dropped it yet." If you do it so subtly, he'll get jealous more quickly than if you keep rattling about all the guys you don't know.
    • Don't mention names too often. If you drop another boy's name once or twice during the conversation, that's enough.
  2. Don't be a complete bitch. While making a man jealous takes you not to be the sweetest person in the world, don't overdo it either. If you're openly mean to him, talk too much about other guys, or don't act like a lady, he's bound to turn you off at some point. In addition, the other people in your life will also become irritated by your behavior.
    • You can be a little mean, especially if you want to recapture him. But never lose sight of your own real self.
  3. Keep your conversations short. If you do end up talking to the guy you want to make jealous, don't give him all your time. Talk to him for a few minutes, then tell him to go. Whether you have to go to class, have a date with friends, or are not going to do anything at all - it doesn't matter. If he thinks he can talk to you for hours until he must go, three times guess who is in power in the relationship? (At least not you.) Even if you really like him and can't resist his baby blue eyes, you should cut the conversation off every now and then.
    • Also, don't give him your undivided attention when you talk to him. Show him that you have other things on your mind.
  4. Keep your plans mysterious. If he asks you what you did last weekend, put on a flirty smile and say something like "It was ... really great." You can let him guess what you mean by that. He's probably more likely to suspect that you went to a movie with another kid than that you attended your Aunt Jannie's 50th birthday. If you have to go, you do not have to mention that you have to go to the dentist. Better say something like "I'm late for um ... for something I need to go to." He may start to think it's a date, and who are you to tell him otherwise?
    • Don't act like an open book if you want to make him jealous. Let him guess what you should do. Let him make up his own scenarios, they can make him jealous too!
  5. If your ultimate goal is to start dating him (again), don't try too long to make him jealous. If you want to make someone jealous for breaking your heart and you want them back, it's okay. But if you want to make someone jealous because you like them and think this strategy is effective, know your limits. A little flirting and making jealousy is fine, but don't take it too far. He might just start to think you're not interested, that you're not nice, or that you're the type to get into bed with everyone. If you and he are starting to feel a real connection, limit your envious antics.
    • If you're dating him, you can still make sure he stays alert. However, there are better ways to do this than by making him jealous! If you want to start a relationship with him, it should be based on a foundation of trust; not on a foundation of doubt and suspicion.


  • Don't overdo it, don't reject him completely - this won't give him any hope, and make him stop caring.
  • Don't let it show you're trying to make him jealous. If he suspects you're trying to make him jealous, your plan will fall apart. If he asks if you're trying to make him jealous, pretend you have no idea what he's talking about. Or, if it's an ex-boyfriend, tell him how incredibly self-centered he is - does he really think you're flirting with others for him ?!
  • Always try to make it seem like you're having more fun without him. Laugh, smile, and talk to others. He will naturally become jealous.
  • Always try to look presentable when you are with him.
  • If he asks you where you've been, say you were out with a friend. This will make him suspicious. He's going to wonder who you were out with, and if they were a man.
  • Talk about the guy you're dating if he (the one you want to make jealous) is around. Just don't overdo it.
  • Remember, it's hard to make someone jealous who didn't see it in you at all. And if he already has someone else, your efforts won't make friends.
  • Don't be afraid to approach him.
  • This can also be a great way to find out if he likes you. If he doesn't care, chances are he isn't interested in you.
  • If you're the type of girl who responds to calls and texts right away, stop. If you don't respond immediately, he will become curious (or even a little suspicious). Eventually he will contact you, but let him wait a while. This will make him wonder where you were and what you were doing. And why he wasn't there.


  • Don't take it too far. If you do this, some men will think you don't like them.
  • Sometimes a man can feel unwanted, which is why he is not interested in you. Be careful not to go too far.
  • If you're trying to make a guy jealous by spending time with other guys, he might take it as a sign that you're no longer interested in him. Despite his feelings for you, he may take this as a "hint" to leave you alone. You may take his passivity as proof that he doesn't like you. Despite your feelings, maybe you will also look further. So, when games are played there can be confusion. Wrong signals can be sent, so you run the risk of losing someone you really wouldn't want to lose.
  • Jealousy can hit some men very hard. It can make some mean, obsessive, or even violent. So do your best not to make a guy too jealous, especially if it looks like he is having a hard time with it. If you know that the boy in question has a history of violence or abuse to his name, definitely try to make him jealous. If you ever feel threatened by a man (or anyone, actually), stay away from him. Report it to the police if he threatens or stalks you.
  • On the other hand, some guys respond to jealousy simply by giving it up. If you try to pique a boy's interest by making him jealous, he may decide that you're not worth it.
  • If you find him in the hallway, don't look at him. If you normally do, he will consider this strange. It will make him think.
  • Remember, if you're trying to make a guy jealous, you're playing a game. Be prepared that he can bounce the ball back. He can just go out and spend time with other women. This can lead to adultery and cause pain to anyone involved.
  • Don't be too blatant. He will start to think that you still have feelings for him.
  • There are also men who just love to hunt. These guys can lose interest in you once they know they don't have to worry about whether or not you will abandon them.
  • Be warned. Some men, especially men from cultures other than Western, can blame this behavior. They can turn violent, or show you the door without blushing.
  • If he's around you, flirt with other guys. Touch them lightly on the arm, blink your eyelashes, or anything that upsets the guy you want to make jealous.
  • You need to understand that men have certain personality types. So the "jealous boy" will respond to your treatment. So how's the guy you use to make someone else jealous? Has it been used before? If you use someone like that, the type who gets used to it quickly, you can show a selfish, numb side of yourself that you don't want at all. You'll instantly ruin the reputation of the guy you're using, he'll be listed as someone trying to steal other boys' girlfriends.