Cleaning a leather jacket

Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Bring Your Leather Jacket Back To Life In JUST 8 Minutes!
Video: Bring Your Leather Jacket Back To Life In JUST 8 Minutes!


A good quality leather jacket always remains in fashion. To keep your jacket in good condition, you will have to maintain the material. Unlike other garments, you cannot simply put your leather jacket in the washing machine when it is dirty, as this can cause the leather to shrink, crack and warp. If your jacket is dirty or dull, these quick and easy methods can help you clean and treat it so that it can last for a while.

To step

Method 1 of 3: Use soap and water

  1. Prepare a mild soap solution. Place about 100 ml of warm water in a large open container. Add two teaspoons of liquid dish detergent and stir the water until the detergent is completely dissolved in it. The goal is to make a very mild solution that you can use to take off your jacket without damaging it.
    • If you use too much detergent, the quality of the leather can deteriorate and the dyes can be affected, causing the leather to look blotchy and discolored.
  2. Wet a soft towel or sponge. Immerse the towel or sponge in the soap mixture. Wring out the excess liquid. The towel or sponge should not be soaking wet, just damp. If the towel or sponge is too wet, the water can seep into the leather and soak it, possibly causing damage.
    • Use a soft cloth. Rough fabrics can scratch soft leather if you don't handle it carefully.
  3. Wipe the outside of the jacket. Run the damp towel or sponge over the leather in long, smooth strokes instead of scrubbing vigorously. Focus especially on water stains, discolored areas and areas where dirt or oil has accumulated on the leather. Clean the entire jacket and re-wet the towel if necessary.
  4. Remove the soap residue and pat the jacket dry. Take the jacket off again, this time using clean water to remove any soap residue. Make sure that no puddles of water are left on the leather. Pat the leather dry with a dry towel until the jacket is completely dry. Hang the jacket in a cupboard and let it dry further.
    • Direct heat sources can be very bad for leather, especially if you have just wet the leather. Do not dry the jacket in the dryer and do not use a hair dryer to dry the leather.

Method 2 of 3: Using a leather cleaner

  1. Buy a special leather cleaner. Such an agent contains ingredients that scrub away dirt and stains, as well as oils that help soften the leather and keep it looking good. Leather cleaners are usually available at grocery stores and household supplies stores, as well as stores that sell leather clothing.
    • A bottle of leather cleaner costs only a few euros and will probably last several years.
  2. Apply the leather cleaner to the jacket. Squeeze a dollop of leather cleaner the size of a two cent coin onto the dirty part of the jacket. The leather cleaner can be a gel, but also a spray or a marker. Always start with as little leather cleaner as possible and apply more of it to the leather if necessary.
  3. Rub the leather cleaner into the leather. Grab a soft, clean towel and massage the leather cleaner into the surface of the jacket. Make slow, circular movements, working outwards in a spiral shape. When you rub the cleaner into the leather, it will absorb dirt and remove water stains that have entered the leather.
    • Rub until the cleaner is completely absorbed by the leather.
  4. Wipe off the excess leather cleaner. Use another towel to remove the leather cleaner residue left on the jacket. When you are done, the jacket should be clean and shiny. Afterwards, your jacket will look like new and the leather will be hydrated and protected, so it will remain in good condition for months to come.
    • Because leather cleaner is intended to be absorbed into the leather, it is not necessary to rinse it away after you have applied it.
    • Leather cleaners are made to get the job done with minimal effort, but you may have to apply multiple times if the jacket is very dirty.

Method 3 of 3: Take care of your leather jacket

  1. Read the washing instructions on the jacket. Read the label inside the jacket. The manufacturer will have printed washing instructions on it that take into account the type of leather and the grain of the leather, as well as warnings. In most cases you can read there how to best clean the jacket. It's a good idea to stick to this to avoid ruining your jacket.
  2. Make your jacket waterproof to prevent damage. Whatever leather your jacket is made of, it is important to spray the leather from time to time with a waterproofing agent. This closes the pores in the leather. Water droplets will simply stay on the leather and slide off, and the jacket will not wear out or be damaged.
    • Ideally, make the jacket waterproof immediately after you buy it.
    • Wear a different jacket if rain is expected. Too much moisture can shorten the life of your leather jacket.
  3. Treat your jacket with leather care products. Apply a leather care product to the entire outside of the jacket about once a year. By taking care of your jacket in this way you protect the leather against moisture, make the leather soft and flexible and prevent the leather from tearing and cracking.
    • You can also rub your jacket well with a piece of saddle soap. This may be too aggressive for soft or thin leather, but it works very well with jackets made of sturdy, robust leather.
  4. Have soft leathers cleaned by a professional. To avoid damaging the leather, do not clean jackets made of soft or rough leather, such as suede or sheep leather, yourself. A learning expert has the knowledge and the necessary tools to remove even the most stubborn stains from your jacket, and you don't have to worry about tearing or shrinking the leather.
    • It is not cheap to have leather dry cleaned, but in most cases you will also need to have it done more than once a year.
    • You can keep suede jackets clean by brushing them regularly with a hand brush.
  5. Store your jacket properly. Put down your jacket or hang your jacket on a clothes hanger when you are not wearing it. Store it in a cool, dry place. Clean the jacket once a year and treat it with a care product. If you take good care of your jacket, it will remain in top condition for years and can even outlast you.
    • Put your leather jacket in a garment bag if you don't wear it very often.
    • If your jacket has wrinkled from storage, cover it with a towel and iron with an iron set on a medium setting. You can also hang the jacket in the bathroom when taking a hot shower. Due to the heat and moisture, the wrinkles will disappear naturally.


  • If you spill on your jacket, it is best to remove the stains immediately if possible, especially if it is a liquid like red wine or coffee that can cause permanent stains in the leather.
  • To test whether you can safely remove a dirty spot in a particular leather with water, find an inconspicuous spot on the jacket and rub a few drops of water into the leather. If the drops remain on the leather, the leather should be able to take it if you wipe it with a wet towel. If the water soaks into the leather, have the jacket dry cleaned to be sure.
  • Make sure to clean and treat your jacket at least once a year with a leather care product.


  • Do not use natural oils such as olive or coconut oil to clean a leather jacket. These oils can give your jacket a deceptive shine, when in reality they over-moisturize the leather, making it feel greasy and causing it to crack.
  • Some leather cleaners and leather care products contain highly flammable oils and can give off fumes that are harmful to inhale.
  • Always wipe the leather gently. Scrubbing and sanding can wear down the outer layer of the leather and cause the color to fade.
  • Never put a leather jacket in the washing machine or dryer. As a result, the leather will almost always crack, shrink and dry out. Due to the heat, the jacket can even shrink a full size.


  • Leather cleaner and a leather care product
  • Mild liquid dish soap
  • Warm water
  • Soft, clean, dry towels
  • Means for waterproofing the leather (optional)
  • Clothes hangers and cupboard space